Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Running on Empty

Cities are starting to ban new gas stations [More]

That's fine, Democrats.

Make it $10/gallon with half-mile-long lines and stations running out leaving those who didn't make it out of luck. Make all those costs people never directly see get up close and personal with them.

Like all wars, the one on the Republic requires public support. Think Clausewitz:


Henry said...

I'm not so sure Clausewitz is right.
Did it take until 1969 to lose public support? No, it took until 1969 to install a Republican president. History suggests Democrats don't need actual "public support" for anything.

David Codrea said...

The operative term is "conducted successfully."

Henry said...

My point is that to you and I, success lies in winning. To the Swamp, like Big Brother, success lies in merely waging continual war.