Friday, June 25, 2021

Despised by the Despicable

Bedford County church's QAnon event and upcoming militia 'muster' stoke questions [More]

Meaning it's time to do a hit piece and kick the Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule into high gear. It's actually an impotent weapon if you look at the motivations and character of the ones pointing and laughing, and with Dan Casey, it never ends.

Just because a government bent on a violence monopoly deliberately ignores its duty doesn't mean free citizens abdicate their rights to freely associate, peaceably assemble, to keep and bear arms, and to engage in teaching/learning activities.

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

Mack said...


Everything you said is exactly right.

Now - if only our side who lobby for the Second Amendment would support the "Core Purpose' - that would be welcome.