Monday, June 28, 2021

Nothing a Little Bok Choy Won't Fix

 As he talks, he describes the need he has seen in St. Louis, his hometown, the neighborhoods where many children don’t have enough healthy food to eat, and where the nearest fresh vegetable can be miles away. [More]

Yep, and we all remember what Obama said about guns and vegetables.

Funny, how no one wants to talk about life choices.

 [Via bondmen]


Anonymous said...

We're often told stories about urban "food deserts." here's a little story about how one of them came to be.

In the days of my youth, Earl's Supermarket sat on one corner of the intersection of 22nd Avenue and 79th street in Miami, FL. During one of the string of riots that had become common in the mid 20th century, somebody decided it was a good idea to burn the market to the ground.

Within days the surrounding community was complaining that they had to catch a bus to the next nearest market in order to get food to eat.

I'm waiting for someone to start grousing about the impact of many drug stores on one CA city having to close due to shoplifting.

None of this stuff occurs in a vacuum, Folks!

Henry said...

If these guys want to farm, more power to them. But to think fresh veggies will do squat to solve the violent crime problem is nothing than more tired old Midnight Basketball fantasies.