Friday, July 30, 2021

It's Snot for Me to Say

What a way to end the week. [Watch]

We'll know it's true if Snopes doesn't come out with an "unproven" pronouncement.


FredLewers said...

Just tried to watch it and YouTube glitched out...

David Codrea said...

It just worked for me but if you still can't access it, try one of these.

Anonymous said...

Whenever some talking head is on the TV with a horrid outfit or bad hairstyle my wife will turn to me and ask "Doesn't he/she have any friends?"

Why wasn't Dr Jill there to wipe his chin before he went on camera? Years from now, after we've forgotten 90% of the Biden Harris Administration, people will still be watching that clip of Biden wiping something off of his chin and eating it.