Tuesday, August 31, 2021

I, 'Gun Criminal'

 If you get caught with arms, even JPFO will support prosecutions, because everyone knows the Second Amendment stops short of legally arming criminals. [More]

I freely confess to having been a "gun criminal" for years in California. I just never got caught for that and for carrying "illegally" for over 20 years.

Where the Second Amendment stops short is giving approval to infringements.

I'm delighted to see JPFO be one of the first national groups to understand the threat the current "immigration/invasion" plot poses. I caution them to think through how they make their case.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Funny how even the well-educated fail to distinguish between criminal and ex-criminal.

Here JPFO, consider this: any person with the Franchise also has the right to arms.

Any questions?