Monday, November 15, 2021

Baked into the Cake

 “They sprayed mace or some type of gas at an inmate and kept missing so it went into an intake that fed into other cells and the lady with the key left because she didn't like the gas, so the inmates in the cells who were being fed the gas from that intake were locked in for like 15 minutes while it was going into their rooms and they couldn't see/breathe.” [More]

Pal Ramsey A. Bear responds via email:

The political trials and prisoner abuse bullshit is going to garner unintended consequences

Between the Department of Just-Us being weaponized and Jan. 6th political prisoner treatment, there can be no doubts as to the direction this is all going.

Why would anybody go with the goons from Just-Us going forward?  I mean why would you cooperate with Just-Us in any way knowing you will be tortured and abused?

Read the above and ask yourself what if the US army did that to prisoners of war in Iraq or Afghanistan?  What would happen to the guards?  The Prison commander? 

If you are really brave go look into whom the DC prison has hired for guards??? 

Baked into the cake at this point.  The current government has shown they will take you, they will torture you, and withhold medical treatment. 

Soon it will be commonplace to resist and fight instead of trusting the system of "Just-Us".   It appears to be the goal of Just-Us.  To goad the those who will not yield into violent resistance.  These dumb bastards think they can control what happens next and they thirst for it.  They have convinced themselves they can get away with it.

“The American Left has kicked open a door. The law of karma is simple: when you do that, you have to accept whatever comes through. That door is still swinging wide, and mammoth footfalls can be heard approaching.” – J.R. Dunn

You can't stop what's coming and neither can I...Come it will nonetheless. 

Karma as Mr. Dunn points out is very simple.  It does not give a shit about politics, yours, mine, or theirs...

Everybody's read this by now, right?

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