Monday, December 06, 2021

That's Nice of Him

 Senate Democrat Says He'll Settle for Scaled-Back Gun Control Reform After Oxford Shooting [More]

I won't.

How about you?

[Via Jess]


Anonymous said...

Of course this turd will take what he can get and come back for more.

Anonymous said...

Yes, actually, I would. But not the kind of reform that he would agree with.

I believe a "blue ribbon committee" should be formed at an appropriate level to identify any and all infringements to that which "shall not be infringed". Subject each and every one of them to the Strict Scrutiny applied to the other Bill of Rights protected civil rights. Throw out the ones that do not pass muster. As people are fond of saying "No right is absolute." Freedom of religion does not imply freedom to commit human sacrifice. But whatever infringements to RKBA must be retained going forward MUST be narrowly tailored to impact those who exercise it in the pursuit of criminal activity. And they must be proven to be effective at achieving those narrowly tailored goals.

That would be gun reform I could agree with.