Monday, January 31, 2022

The Gaslighting Swindle Continues

 Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday pushed the federal government to give New York at least $1.5 billion to help get illegal guns off the streets. [More]

How much to take violent criminals off the street, or is that too politically toxic to discuss?

Schumer is such a repulsive fraud. Can you imagine being stupid enough to vote for him?

[Via Jess]


Henry said...

"Can you imagine being stupid enough to vote for him?"
No, because it's a self-defeating exercise. Like building a day-sensing nightlight and then discovering it shuts itself off every time its own light comes on.

Ken Windeler said...

Apparently, people are that stupid.
I don't care for AOC, but it would be hilarious if she primaried Chuckie and won.