Friday, February 25, 2022

Stay of Execution

 On Tuesday, Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21), alongside more than twenty colleagues, introduced the No Backdoor Gun Control Act. This legislation would remove “Any Other Weapon” (AOW) from the definition of a firearm under the National Firearms Act (NFA), ensuring that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) could not use the AOW section to violate Americans' Second Amendment rights. This is especially important should legislation that removes short-barreled rifles and short-barreled shotguns (SBRs, SBSs) from the NFA be enacted. Closing this loophole is an important step forward in reining in the ATF. [More]

This is it -- there's not a lot on it yet, like the text and the prognosis for passing (which I bet will be @ 3% before the midterms), so bookmark it to check later.

UPDATE: Yeah, it's less than 1%.

[Via Jess]

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