Wednesday, March 30, 2022

An Administration of Sadists

 “I know that the government believes that the January 6th cases are sui generis [one of a kind] and therefore can’t be compared to other cases. But I don’t agree,” said U.S. District Judge Trevor N. McFadden. “It does feel like the government has had two standards here, and I can’t abide by that,” he added, noting that before January 6, he couldn’t remember an instance where  a nonviolent, first-time offender was “sentenced to serious jail time … regardless of their race, gender or political affiliation.” [More]

In other words, the evil, vicious bastards think their power is to force their will on citizens and get revenge on anyone who resists. Combine that with the observable fact that they lie to us about everything and I'm wondering what it's going to look like when normal people start to snap.

[Via Michael G]

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