Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Worth 10,000 Words

What have we said about billboards?*

These beauties are courtesy of a founding officer and former president of that "new pro-gun group" democrat Fudd writers have been shilling for--albeit he did have to "resign" when the hypocrisy became too blatant for even these sleight-of-mind artists to mask.

* Regulars will remember these.


Anonymous said...

Maybe, if one of these toolbag liberals would go to a real gun show, they'd see nothing more then real Americans engaging in Liberty.

Yes, there are some unsavory types (mostly ATF undercover scumbags) looking to set up people for imaginary "busts" to pad their numbers.

Anonymous said...

If criminals can get guns and *I* can get guns, all is as it should be. No background check, no questions asked, no this, no that... that's the very marrow of the meaning of "shall not be infringed."
Criminals don't and won't care. The anti-gunners aren't concerned with them or their innocent victims, but the possibility -- however remote they claim it is -- that we the people will, when things get desperate and the light of liberty is about to be put out, really rise up in Resistance.

Kent McManigal said...

Yeah, I'd go to that gun store. Terrorists and other criminals already get any guns they want. Usually from the department arsenal or their brother officers.

Anonymous said...

I love the one that says, "We have your president and congress... NRA"

Sure wish someone would take them all off our hands, and KEEP them locked up... at their own expense, of course.

But then, I'm getting cynical in my old age.

Anonymous said...

Anon, they know they are lying. We are not dealing with ignorance or honesty here.

They don't need educating. They know the truth. They just don't like it that we do. Hence, their efforts to mislead the majority.

The policy is to sow ignorance and fear, then capitalize on it. These vermin truly believe they will be in charge if and when they are successful in disarming America. They do not realize the fate that awaits all traitors. The powers they are shilling for already knows they can't be trusted, and they won't trust them any more than we can. They will eradicate them, which in itself will educate them, just as soon as they achieve the goal.

This is not a disagreement between honest people. This is a cold war between sons of liberty and would be oppressors.

Anonymous said...

This is not a disagreement between honest people. This is a cold war between sons of liberty and would be oppressors.


Anonymous said...


SA Said:"This is not a disagreement between honest people. This is a cold war between sons of liberty and would be oppressors."

Well said Sir!