Monday, February 19, 2007

We're the Only Ones Going Into 17 Twice Enough

A Los Angeles police officer has been arrested by Chino police on suspicion of raping a 17-year-old girl, authorities said Sunday...

Sandwell and the teenager live in Chino, where the girl told police the attack took place, Cheatham said. "We're investigating the possibility of more than one incident involving the same girl," he said
These guys keep showing up too late for the Love Fest.

Why do I feel like breaking into a number from "The Sound of Music"...?

You are seventeen, going on eighteen
I-I'll take ca-are of you...

[Via Andre C]

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet this guy was a fan of Winger...

"She's only seventeen, daddy says she's too young, but she's old enough for me..."