Friday, May 25, 2007

Thompson and Paul Leading GOP Straw Poll

It wasn't that way yesterday. No doubt the yellow stripers in the middle will dismiss this as "spamming," instead of showing how motivated gun owners are against the Big Tent Sale charlatans.

I'm a Paul man myself, but Thompson is looking pretty good on the gun issue. Those two as a team could reignite the fire in activist bellies that establishment darlings Romney, Giuliani and McCain are doing their best to douse.

[Via Joe McCutcheon]


Anonymous said...

I used to be a Paul man myself, but when he blames us for the 911 attacks, he lost me, no matter how good he is on guns and borders.

Anonymous said...

When Paul stated that we were attacked because of our foreign policy, he was citing the 911 report.

I'd be more likely to give someone a pass because the whole 911 "attack" - attributed to a bunch of morons - stinks to high heaven.

I won't support Thompson because he supported McCain-Feingold - the incumbent protection act.

IF anyone thinks our foreign policy for the last 30 years has created a bunch of "friends" in foreign countries, I have some ocean-front property to sell them in Arizona.


me said...

Now if you want to get technical it was our fault, we let them in and let them stay. Just like we're trying to do for the next round of attacks brought to us by illegal immigration and no border security.

The sad fact is that we're likely to end up with someone as bad as the evil H, or the big O.

I'm already planning to write Paul in on the good ol' diebold electronic voting machine, for whatever good that'll do.

Anonymous said...

Anon, interesting tidbit on Thompson. For those interested in the rest of the scorecard, go here:

...and here...

Anonymous said...

Thompson is also pro-Patriot Act.

Anonymous said...

A lot of conservatives are.

I think they need to read the current version from front to back. It's embarassing. I also think just about everyone who has a voice in the matter lacks any real information about how it has been used, and whether it improves upon the previous situation. Yet the pork has been handed out since 2001.

I have no clue on the McCain/Feingold Amendment. I hope Fred realizes it may hurt him if he decides to run.

I part ways with Paul with the use of recreational drugs (that generally render the user nearly incompetent) for recreation or other uses. I'm also confused about his stance on border security, and national defence. And for that matter, on Wahabism. Apparently Ron Paul feels that our foreign policy of the 20th Century was responsible for the Wahabist movement in the 18th? (How many U.S. troops were in Mecca and Medina from 1991 to 2001?)

That's okay. He's a good Libertarian, and for the most part, I'd rather that policy fall on the side of greater personal liberties.

Both Paul and Thompson appear solid on abortion and RKBA. That's my new test. To me, both indicate a respect for life, without which the other enumerated rights are useless. I like the direct manner in which Thompson handled himself on the Fox interview. That's very assuring. Most of the rest of the so-called Republican front-runners can't make up their minds about what they believe.

Sorry. I like libertarians, but I'm not one.

Anonymous said...

for clarity's sake, please specify Fred,not Tommy "microchip" Thompson.

Anonymous said...

Where oh where is a candidate who meets the following four, simple, sane, and Constitutional criteria?

1) Pro 2A

2) Anti-unPatriotic Act

3) Anti-RFID/ National ID

4) Hard on Illegal invasion