Friday, May 25, 2007

We're the Only Ones Hambriento Enough

A 4-year-old child found a gun while out to dinner with his family at Azteca Mexican Restaurant last Saturday night...The restaurant manager confirms a police officer called and said he had left his bag at the restaurant...
I guess there will be no charges because the "authorized journalists" whose primary function is to act as a watchdog over government don't have the resources to find out who he is.

A representative from the Tacoma Police Department says it is not a violation of policy to forget a weapon...
Not if you're an "Only One" it isn't.

[Via Paul Grant]


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

A representative from the Tacoma Police Department says it is not a violation of policy to forget a weapon . . .

What, pray tell, is a violation of department policy?

Anonymous said...

What, pray tell, is a violation of department policy?

being videotaped committing murder, trading favorable treatmenty of criminals for illicit sex, stealing drug dealers' stashes, etc.

Yuri Orlov said...

Baking pot brownies and then calling 911 because you're convinced you're dying...


Kent McManigal said...

Why can't I ever find one of these lost "Only One" guns? I could give it a much better home.