Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Today's the Day

Some students at Western Kentucky University are wearing empty holsters to class, as part of a national collegiate protest.
We talked about it here.

SayUncle says beware of tolerance and diversity arbiters.

I'll just betcha that Dr. Patricia Telles-Irvin would be one heck of a gal to have in your corner when the shooting starts. Maybe I should resurrect those opinion polls we used to do here, to see if most people think she would squeal, whimper or howl...


Anonymous said...

WBKO Video for this leaves out "there's at least that chance"

from the interview with the WKU student.

They finish with:

"something like Virginia Tech were to happen somewhere where concealed carry is allowed"

It has an appearace of an emphasis that it "happens where it is allowed".

That was my first impression after watching it.

It might resonate with the unaware antis.

Anonymous said...

I've already informed the Good Doctor of my willingness to contribute to the legal expenses of the protesters should one of the professors call the campus police because of a student walking around with an oddly shaped piece of leather or plastic attached to their belt.

Hoplophobia should be expensive in addition to being stupid.