Thursday, March 13, 2008

Take the Jack LeMoult Challenge

After my father died, friends advised my seventy-year-old mother to get a gun for protection. My brothers and I insisted that she not do so. I told her that if she got a gun, the only thing she would accomplish would be to enable an intruder to take the gun away from her and shoot her with it. I am sure that this would apply to millions of Americans who think that having a gun would provide them with some kind of security. It would do no such thing.

Tell you what, Jack--if you like, I will get a trained and responsible 70-year-old female gun owner, an audience and some cameras, and you can come and show everyone how you can disarm her and use her gun against her.

Don't worry, for the purposes of this demonstration, where you simulate being that home intruder you wrote about, we'll only use Airsoft guns and give you goggles. Because if we were using a real gun, we'd have to get you one of these.

What say we make it interesting: Say, $10,000 if you can do what you say, or you pay me if you can't?

Come on, Jack--I'll put my money where my mouth is. Will you?


Anonymous said...

That editorial is pure drivel.
More paranoid gum flapping over a bunch of highly unlikely scenarios.

I find it hard to care when someone such as that has an opinion of any sort.The kind of person who would leave their own mother defenseless because he himself is an invalid does not deserve our time.

Anonymous said...

Out of who's sphincter did he pull his "surveys" and alleged statistics?

Talk about trimming the numbers to fit his preconceptions. Did this guy ever work for J.D. Power & Associates?

Anonymous said...

If there's any justice in this world, the mother should amend her will to have all her property sold and/or destroyed rather than give so much as a toothpick to these ingrates.

I don't recall seeing an offer to have her move in with any of the sons, or at least to have her move nearby, just stay where you are, Mom, and no guns either.

Ingrate B@stards....

Anonymous said...

Well - my Mom's just a few years shy of 70 - and she'd probably take some small pleasure going up against some whippersnapper who thought she was too feeble and inept to handle a firearm!

InFerroVeritas said...

Why is it that these idiots never point out that if is so easy to take a gun away from someone why didn't some take Cho's gun, but always opine the good guys will practically hand over their gun for the baddies to shoot them?

Kent McManigal said...

They are just projecting their own shortcomings on everyone else.

Anonymous said...

"Because if we were using a real gun, we'd have to get you one of these."

And here I was thinking he would need one of these.