Sunday, June 15, 2008

Be it Resolved

THAT the State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States.

THAT this serve as Notice and Demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers.
Oklahoma legislators make an interesting resolution--it's a great start. Time will tell if it is symbolic or binding. That depends, fittingly, on resolve.

If I were an Okie, I'd want to be seeing what I could do about the naysayers. What's up with that?

[Via Zachary G from Gold is Money]


Anonymous said...

Look for more of this sort of thing as the federal government drags this country down the crapper.
One hugh thing that the states could demand that would really help would be to remove the 17th Amendment. Which would stop the wholesale of selling votes by stealing other people's money and running the printing presses 24/7 destroying the value of the dollar.
If its not too late. My hunch is this fall is going to bring some rude changes.

BourneShooter said...

Deffinetly in agreement with avgjoe on this one. Beware what falls in the fall...

Sean said...

Beware the Ides of March,2009.

Anonymous said...

A law to remind the federal government to obey THE law, the Constitution. Sad that this is necessary, but that's the nature of centralized government power.
First, banish all BATFU agents outside Oklahoma state lines. We know they have them, because they were the only ones 100% not in the office when the Murrah Federal Building in OKC was blown up.
What a cut! The federals are empowered to coin money, provide a national defense and assure fairness -- not CONTROL -- interstate commerce, and not much else.
My state, being adjacent to, and infiltrated by, the feds, won't have the "testicular fortitude" to put them in their place. When you sit at Uncle Sham's table, under his roof, you can't criticize much.
But that's just the POLITICIANS. The rest of us say plenty. Setting limits proves you care.

Anonymous said...

Having grown up in Oklahoma, I can assure they do not have the resolve to make it stick. One of the reasons I don't still live there. I never felt inferior to every swinging dick who could get two people to vote for him.

To my knowledge, I was the only one in Oklahoma who felt that way. I am sure there must be some more, but too few for me to have ever met any of them.

This is a petition to pay-off, nothing else.