Saturday, June 21, 2008

GOP Women Show Cracks's not my title, honest.

But it is illustrative of the Big Tent Bolsheviks who have replaced Constitutionalists in the center ring, and relegated advocacy of principles to the midway barkers and sideshow freaks.

Jillian Manus-Salzman, Susan Eisenhower, Harriet Stinson...perhaps one of you could show us where "funding birth control and support of sex education" are within the purview of the executive...?

And this is enough to get you rich and privileged old Establishment broads to jump ship for The Lightworker?

But it's all rigged anyway. Now that he's no longer needed to clear the field, "Maverick" John McCain, the darling of the media, will henceforth be portrayed as the "evil conservative" they'd like us to believe he is.

And it's working.

1 comment:

Nicki said...

David, you just made me snarf my salsa through my nose with that title! I'm not kidding!!!