Friday, October 31, 2008

We're the Only Ones Particularly Satisfied Enough

It's a form of recycling that many local law enforcement agencies find particularly satisfying, because it ensures that those guns will never resurface in a criminal case.
I notice the Camden County "Only Ones" haven't offered their guns up for manhole covers...I guess because cops are so much smarter and better than the rest of us, it's no problem with their guns being "on the street," right?

And speaking of melting steel, "Authorized Journalist" Allison certainly deserves to hear from anyone sick and damn tired of anti-gun propaganda masquerading as news.

[Via Joe G]


Kent McManigal said...

Maybe it's time to start a man-hole cover "take back" and turn that steel into some nice guns.

Anonymous said...

Water pipe, bullcrap, current systems primarily use plastic pipe...hmm, no authorized journalist actually saw the melt-down, just askin'...