Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Damned American Gun Shows!

UC Davis report finds gun shows as leading source of guns used in crimes...

This unique report includes hundreds of hidden-camera photographs and video taken from 78 gun shows in 19 states, detailing how American gun shows have become leading sources of crime guns for Northern California, the United States, Mexico and Canada. Also emphasized is the link between gun shows and extreme right-wing political activities and specific action recommendations.
Starring Wal...uh...Garen Wintemute!

I tried warning people to be on the lookout.

Can you imagine the howls of outrage--hell, the lawsuits-- had Mary McFate sneaked cameras into Ceasefire PA meetings? And speaking of which, anybody ever figure out what happened to Alex...?

It'll be interesting to see the report itself. I'm sure it will be chock-full of Witemutean colon clenching...

It will also be interesting to see if any of the gun shows or individuals have recourse based on what and who he secretly recorded.

[Via JPR9]


Anonymous said...

I am not a lawyer, but he can video pretty much anywhere that is public property. So it will depend on how they class the fairgrounds and civic centers. Voice recording would depend on state law and if the conversation had an expectation of privacy. So standing in the corner speaking in hushed tones might be protected, where hawking products behind a sales table might not be.

Ned said...

I've reported people taking photos at gun shows in Phoenix in the past, and we pointed out the offenders to the security guards. The idiot "security guards" did nothing.

If gun show promoters want to keep hoplophobes from taking photographs and attaching them to reports alleging that this "evidence" means what these anti-rights people claim, maybe they should actually do something.

As everyone knows every phone is no capable of taking pictures and most are capable of video. Gun show promoters should remove anyone taking pictures, and should take reports of these violations seriously.

If they can't find "security guards" capable of pouring piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel they should hire another firm.

Otherwise they will just have to accept that they will be shut down in the future and lose their livelihood.

Ned said...

BTW - every gun who I've ever attended forbade taking pictures. It was posted as a condition for entering the event.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Precisely what is the big deal about photos and videos at gun shows?

So some buttclown Michael Moore wannabe has the opportunity to do a 60 Minutes hack job on the object of his deepest irrational fear? Anyone can do that on any subject to make it look bad. So what?

What goes on at every gun show I've been to is a legal, healthy and vibrant expression of the unique American free market in legal goods and ideas.

Again, I don't quite understand the reluctance to keep pictures from being taken.

AJ Kurpjuweit

straightarrow said...

I stopped once at a Saturday swap and trade show in Jewett, Tx. There was a man there selling cap and ball revolvers and some more modern firearms from his private collection. As near as I could tell he was breaking no laws at all. It was a helluva nice meet. There was something there for everybody.

At the time I was driving a commercial vehicle and could not legally take possession of anything firearm related on the truck. However, I sure as Hell wanted to do so. While I was admiring his wares two pussies from California each bought a firearm from this man.

No laws were violated, but these two pricks immediately upon making their purchases started talking about calling the local sheriff and reporting the seller. I asked them " If you thought it was against the law, why did you participate?"

They said they didn't know if it was against the law, but thought it must be, because they had never heard of anyone being able to buy a gun without permission.

This is the mindset we are fighting. Pussies without the guts to be free,and without the guts to live as men without permission from their self-appointed betters.

Needless to say, they were not happy with my assessment of their characters or manhood. They were damned unhappy with my offer to whip their asses both at the same time. My wife was with me on this particular trip and they were sure unhappy with her assessment of their manhood.

I hate to call them pussies because it casts aspersions on the female of the species if one does not realize that there is something especially damning about pussies who don't even have one.

I am through being polite. When my wife is more principled, more courageous, more liberty oriented, more patriotic than males who fear not to ask permission to live as free humans, then these false pussies have earned all the disgust I have for them.

More importantly, they have earned the disgust of women who also call them "pussies".

Anonymous said...

straitarrow: BRAVO. I was thinking this just the other day. Especially in regard to the extremist leftists in our midst who are openly embracing the destruction of our freedoms and this country. I too am becoming fed up with politeness and the word "pussy" has also come to mind more and more as something to be proclaimed to their faces rather than keeping it inside. Hell pussy is pretty damn mild in regard to the assholes who are running amok and ready/willing to do their part to "change" the country. Fuck'em!