Friday, December 03, 2010

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions...

Which Americans don’t want liberty, or support tyranny?[More]

[Via Ed M]


Defender said...

We have the chance to finally get it right. The Founders' vision, but with the baggage of the previous centuries jettisoned. Slavery gone. Women able to vote and hold office. Racial and other minorities able to participate on an equal footing in the entrepreneurial and politicial processes.
The Constitution was meant to be a chain on the beast the Founders knew government -- any government -- eventually becomes.
The New York Times may be a megaphone for the forces of the left now, but what if the left wins the endgame? A free press then becomes so inconvenient.

fidelity said...

Defender, it's not a "left" and "right" issue when it comes to the totalitarian regimes we all fear. It's the people on the top who create despotism. It seems frankly obvious that the "left" and "right" are indefinable parodies of a political party. D's and R's exist solely to obfuscate real issues into irreconciable bundled packages that are delivered through a "left" and "right" megaphone (vis-à-vis, Fox News, CNN). The "left" and "rigth" have no definable idelogy, example: while one is in power abusing the constitution the other side decries the fowls, then the parties switch positions 180 degrees. Both use the same talking points, it just depends on who is in power.

Go down to your college and teach a liberal how to shoot a gun. "Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them. And it requires no high degree of education to convince them of this. They are the only sure reliance on the preservation of our liberty."

W W Woodward said...

So, The leadership of the Republican party along with a NYT's op-ed piece written in December of 2010 finally recognizes and acknowledges a message that Dr. Ron Paul has been preaching to deaf ears for how many decades?

I seriously doubt that the NYT will ever open its collective eyes but maybe, just maybe, the Republicrats in congress are beginning to see a glimmer of light.
