Friday, December 03, 2010

We're the Only Ones Standardized Enough

“As law enforcement officers, we are held to a higher standard..." [More]
Yo, Chief Lopez: Is that like a standard talking point of yours or what?

That was kind of weird--it's almost like WRAL has a standard template where they can just plug in the new information...

[Via Cocked and Loaded]


Defender said...

The January 29th article said "high" standard. Yesterday's said "higher" standard.
High means high. HighER can mean just higher than LOW, or a leeeetle higher than no standard at all.
Maybe LOWpez is taking a course in semantics?

W W Woodward said...

Makes one wonder about the department's hiring standards.

On another subject. - Because they were wearing badges and uniforms; both these guys were entrusted with firearms. What do you want to bet, the Brady bunch and other citizen disarmament groups won't want to discuss that little item of information?


Mack said...

That was weird -- the photos almost look identical.

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

If they're held to a higher standard, then how come they aren't disciplined for killing the wrong person at a rate five times higher than your average citizen? Never mind all the laws they break, or make up, as they exert their "authoritah".