Thursday, December 16, 2010

We're the Only Ones Unidentified Enough

We talked about this the other day.

Now we find the cops never even ID'd themselves before opening fire and hosing the poor guy.

I used to live in Long Beach--I owned my first property there, and did not walk the streets unarmed, which would have made me a "gun criminal" who some would say "makes us all look bad" if caught by the same "Only Ones" who murder citizens.

I have some good stories about the place I won't relate here, that more than justify my decision in my mind.  If you ever find yourself across a campfire from me, and the cigars are burning smoothly and we just poured in another two fingers over the ice, ask.


Defender said...

"It’s unclear whether he knew the officer was there" when he pointed the hose nozzle here and there.

Mr. Van Horn from the "You're Welcome" story would say he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His own porch.

Nothing short of murder. Termination with extreme cowardice.

Bill said...

David, I am shocked! You are advocating single malt scotch over ICE?! Blasphemy!

David Codrea said...

Actually, what I had I mind when I typed that was something I discovered when I did the ATSN shoot in KY...

Bill said...

Oh, OK, then. I drink Maker's on the rocks too as I do most sour mash. You had me worried for a moment there. . .