Friday, January 28, 2011


Go for it. [Read]

It looks like comment posters are handing these fools their hind quarters.


Defender said...

100% pro-freedom so far.

The prospect of a resurrected semi-auto ban -- especially when one realizes they regret having a grandfather clause in the first one -- like the prospect of hanging, greatly concentrates the mind.
I never knew Dr. Samuel Johnson's quote was from his essay in defense of a man soon to be EXECUTED for A LOAN SCAM.
I wonder what he'd think of TARP fraud and bailouts for millionaire bankers. Probably "Sorry, my good man, but you're on your own."

Pat H. said...

I hope more people go to the WaPo and lay it out that we're done backing up with regard to our rights.

I did.

Defender said...

The Post says the inconceivable federal deficit is because tax revenue is too low, not that government spending is too high.

W W Woodward said...

The standard answer for all the progressives is, "It's ________ 's fault." Usually; George Bush, Guns, low taxes. Never a progressive, never Obama or members of his administration, never the "poor unbalanced" person who actually pulled the trigger, swung the bat, or used the knife.

Like my daddy said, "Never argue with a man who already has his mind made up. You'll only succeed in wasting your time and irritating him."

The progressive idiots in this word refuse to consider any opinion other than their own and are concerned with only human rights that serve to advance their agenda, or at the least don't represent an obstruction to said agenda.

The people to whom we need to concentrate our educational efforts are those who have really never considered gun ownership and those who are already gun owners who haven't yet become aware that the wordtwisting gun haters want them disarmed.
