Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bullying incident shows pervasive school bias against self-defense

Which may explain why, by the time they grow into college-age young adults, not only are students mandated to be helpless against berserkers, many of them are overtly hostile to the suggestion that they should fight back like free men and women in the prime of their lives, and instead insist the safest course is for those lives to be forfeit. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the biggest bullies in schools are the ones running them.


tjbbpgobIII said...

If you remember your sports teams and the rules the referees live by, it is not the first man who is penalized, rather the man who tries to defend himself, defend his honor as I like to say.

Anonymous said...

Well ya got to start'em early, how else will they obediently line up on the side of the trench and wait quietly for their shot to the base of their skull?

this nation is so totally lost!