Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quigley Down Under

And he's bound and determined to keep his head firmly planted there. [Read]

1 comment:

Robert Fowler said...

Another liberal rant. I want to know where he got the figure of 69% of NRA members are for background checks. There are a few things I will not tell a stranger on the phone. One is whether or not I own guns, and whether or not I'm a member of any gun rights group.

Maybe the problem is that some of these alleged "parents" to responsibility and control of their children there wouldn't be as much of this crap going on. When I was growing up, if you malfunctioned, there was usually a ass woopin waiting for you. My last ass woopin was when I was 12. After that, I didn't do the kind of things that I used to do. Dad had a way of adjusting attitudes and that last one was plenty. Of course now, "parents" are supposed to be friends with their progeny instead of a guiding force. And heaven help a parent that uses a belt or switch to make a point on their little miscreant.

I keep hearing how "well, the 60's was a simpler time". Yeah it was, but how many school shootings were there in the 60's? Sure we got into some meanness, usually solved after school with a short fight that didn't kill anyone. Because our parents did instill a sense of right and wrong, and shooting someone because they called you a name was wrong. I wasn't immune, I had a fight or two in school. The worst damage was a bloody nose. After the liberals infested our schools and government in the mid 70's all of that changed. Not for the better either.