Nope, sorry, that's not what they want to talk about. [Read]
[Via Ron W]
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Hollywood continues to exemplify hypocrisy on guns
Right. Only a nutty conservative website would find the whole concept of laughing at shooting sprees disturbing and more than a bit hypocritical when you consider who finds such efforts worthy of critical acclaim. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner review gives two thumbs down to the elites cashing in on fantasy "gun violence" while undermining our right to protect ourselves in the real world.
Bringing Scissors to a Gunfight
It's not only the dumbest thing I'll watch today, it's also the most arrogant, presumptuous and offensive. [More]
Naturally the anti-gun fanatics at the New York Post consider this "helpful advice."
[Via Michael G]
Naturally the anti-gun fanatics at the New York Post consider this "helpful advice."
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Porcine Enough
Ali Haleem, 45, is the 11th officer charged in a continuing federal investigation of Chicago police, called Operation Tow Scam... He became a snitch for the feds after they confronted him with his attempted extortion...[More]Forget it Jake.
And yeah, Durbin, you überschwein, sneer in ridicule all you want at the concept of armed citizens resisting thug-enforced tyranny. We have our guns and we're going to keep them. Your move.
[Via Carl S]
Help Wanted
That's funny--I don't see any mention of "gunwalking" or "stonewalling" in the qualifications. [Read]
And if you score an interview, just be careful -- I understand they've had some problems at the hotel they put hopeful prospects up at.
And if you score an interview, just be careful -- I understand they've had some problems at the hotel they put hopeful prospects up at.
Nobody Wants to Take Away Your Guns
Can you imagine going through life being "sporks"? The self-loathing and futile attempts to compensate through hatred of his betters must be agonizing, especially because he knows we're laughing at him. [Read]
[Via Ed D]
[Via Ed D]
Well That's the First Bad Assumption Right There
Adults Favor Gun Control in Post-Newtown Era [More]No, because that's a childish position adopted by those who have not undergone the rigors of grown-ups to secure their liberty by being informed. Forming opinions vital to that liberty based on media pablum is hardly the act of a mature mind.
This Time It's Personal
Editorial: Gun-control debate is personal for Chicagoans [More]You don't think it's personal for the Reese family?
You don't think it's personal for the Shipleys?
You don't think it's personal for David Olofson?
How about Brian Aitken or Keith Pantaleon or Nathan Haddad?
Do you think it might just be personal for Wayne Fincher?
It's even personal for me, you contemptible Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist, you sanctimonious, blood-dancing sob sister stool sample hiding behind editorial anonymity.
Keep trying to impose your corrupt Chi-Town machine thuggery on men who would be free, and some day it might just get personal for you.
Good Questions
You're facing the rest of your life in a cage with animals for the "crime" of displeasing Master's latest edict. One of his overseers is about to place you in shackles and will kill you if you resist. What do you do? What do you have to lose? [Read]
A New Meme
Obama skeet shooting... [More]
Be funny to see this spread on the internet, get a bunch of people coming up with pictures of their own. Call it...I don't know..."Skeet Surfin'...
There's already theme music for it.
Be funny to see this spread on the internet, get a bunch of people coming up with pictures of their own. Call it...I don't know..."Skeet Surfin'...
There's already theme music for it.
BREAKING NEWS: Remaining jailed New Mexico gun dealer family members granted bond
An appeal is being made to supporters of the family because “they will not be able to be released unless they can raise the cash bond amounts.” Attorneys “who have been working tirelessly” need to be paid as well, the appeal continues, as “there have been a lot of expenses involved in the case since the end of the trial. [More]This evening's late night breaking Gun Rights Examiner story brings happy news--but only if those who agree that a grave injustice has been done are willing to help. Please contribute, it doesn't matter how little, to help get Rick and Ryin out before the weekend, and please, if ever a story needed to be spread in a short amount of time, share this link with everyone you think will agree.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Cause and Effect
Ah, so there is a correlation between outdoor rape and Ben and Jerry's ice cream sales! [Read]
Christie Hefner. Making it on her own since...uh...well, at least her husband...oh, wait...
Christie Hefner. Making it on her own since...uh...well, at least her husband...oh, wait...
No Argument
Ban those guns. Neuter them. I'm fine with it. I can hunt with my shotguns and my deer gun (although I've grown tired of hunting), and I can protect myself from miscreants with my trusty .38.
To some in the gun-owning fraternity, this view makes me a traitor. [More]Ah, finally, a point we can agree on!
[Via Luke O]
"Illegal" Guns
Jersey City police say man had illegal rifle, handguns, prohibited bullets in home [More]It's not like he committed a real crime or anything.
Endorsed by those who say "enforce existing gun laws."
Stop the Threat All New Episode: Shotgun Robber
From American Trigger Sports Network:
This week's crime scene: Leaving a pharmacy after dark, a customer is ambushed by a shotgun wielding robber, but this criminal didn't know that his would-be victim had a legal permit to carry a concealed weapon...justice is dealt out in the parking lot.
Hosted by James B. Towle with Special Guests: Michael Carrizales, Wes Doss, Rob Pincus
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
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Towle also hosts the popular “ATSN TV” series on the PURSUIT Channel, bringing you trigger sporting competition coverage from across the country. Episodes also available at This Week on Trigger Sports LIVE beginning 1/30/13 Briley West Coast Steel Championship with Molly Smith
They Done Him Wrong
Officials with the Luna County Sheriff's Office say one of their own was thrown under the bus during the Monday proceeding in which attorneys for the Reese family argued for a new trial. [More]I'm a victim of coicumstance!
We're the Only Ones Protective Enough
Yeah, let the predator she's trying to get protection from into the same room as her, with no deputies present. Good grief. [More]
[Via several of you]
[Via several of you]
Senate 'gun violence' committee set to commence on C-SPAN
Gun rights activists will be watching intently for how LaPierre reacts to questioning, as well as how citizen disarmament advocates pressure him. [More]This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report links you to the C-SPAN hearings, just now getting under way.
Across the Universe
Fine, good and proper. [Read]
Let's just make sure "universal"qualifier isn't used as a way to cave on private sellers at gun shows and maintain plausible deniability -- if other private sellers are left alone -- for now -- someone skilled at weaselwording can use that to claim they opposed UNIVERSAL registration enabling by limiting it to specific areas.
Let's just make sure "universal"qualifier isn't used as a way to cave on private sellers at gun shows and maintain plausible deniability -- if other private sellers are left alone -- for now -- someone skilled at weaselwording can use that to claim they opposed UNIVERSAL registration enabling by limiting it to specific areas.
A Good First Step
The sheriffs will aggressively oppose federal or state legislation which infringes upon law abiding citizens’ right to bear arms. [More]I wonder if SPLC is going to classify them as a hate group now...
A "Very Reasonable" Sell-Out
Actually, the very reasonable thing to do would be for GOA and NRA immediately and publicly downgrade this turncoat, and pledge more of the same. [Read]
Mistakes and Failures
What a nice way of framing a corrupt and sustained clusterf*ck. [Read]
Yeah, I know, if only they had a permanent director...
Yeah, I know, if only they had a permanent director...
The We Intend to Do Everything in Our Power to Prevent You from Being Able to Protect Yourself Act of 2013
S. 147: A bill to establish minimum standards for States that allow the carrying of concealed firearms. Introduced: Jan 24, 2013 (113th Congress, 2013–2015) Sponsor: Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-CA] Status: Referred to Committee [More]Hey, what could be more progressive and egalitarian than the rich, powerful and connected bossing the masses around?
This Day in History: January 30
On this day in 1781, Maryland becomes the 13th and final state to ratify the Articles of Confederation, almost three years after the official deadline given by Congress of March 10, 1778. [More]
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
I wonder who history will judge more harshly -- the perps, or those who let them get away with it... [Read]
Speaking for All?
Black Women's Agenda Announces Initiative Supporting Gun Control Legislation [More]I wonder what Grandma would say about that...
Some Things to Ponder
Like how many of us are out there, and just what are we prepared to do? [Read]
Do you think we'd even need, say, three percent of gun owners...?
Do you think we'd even need, say, three percent of gun owners...?
Survey SAYS...
Of course, what it doesn't say is what the respondents actually know about "gun laws." [Read]
Young intern Seth here, without even addressing that, and just contenting himself to parrot talking points without acknowledging there might be other considerations an informed readership would need to know about, has one heck of a future as an "Authorized Journalist," wouldn't you say?
Young intern Seth here, without even addressing that, and just contenting himself to parrot talking points without acknowledging there might be other considerations an informed readership would need to know about, has one heck of a future as an "Authorized Journalist," wouldn't you say?
Hearing yields explosive testimony about law enforcement corruption in gun case
The ordeal of the Reese family continues as a growing sense emerges among those watching the convolutions and misrepresentations and evidence of corruption at all levels -- a suspicion among some and a certainty among others -- that the wrong people have been put on trial, and that their scapegoating is being continued lest the entire official web of deceit unravels. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report brings the latest installment in an ongoing persecution that's looking more and more like official criminals are willing to put scapegoats through hell if it means avoiding accountability. The outstanding reporting on this by Tea Party Patriots of Luna County is something you won't get in the mainstream media, and this story is one of outrageous injustice that ought to be of interest and concern to all civil rights advocates. But it won't get out unless you help, something the family is counting on us to do.
Will you take a moment to share the link and help raise and spread awareness, so that hopefully, we can get these people freed to start rebuilding their lives? In a rational world, I wouldn't need to ask, but in a rational world, this type of corruption and deliberate indifference on the part of the mass media wouldn't be an issue.
Thing 2
I confess that I have a very personal bias against guns. In August of 1941, SS men rounded up the Jewish leaders and intellectuals of the Belarus town of Ivye and machine gunned them to death before burying them anonymously in a mass grave. Among them was my wife Jeanie's grandfather. The following month, on September 29-30, 1941, more than 30,000 Jews were similarly murdered in a ravine called Babi Yar in the Ukrainian city of Kiev. Machine guns preceded Zyklon B gas as the Germans' preferred means of committing mass genocide. [More]Yeah, damn guns in private hands!
Where do these bagel brains come from?
Thing 1
Sure, I had frightened away an intruder, defended my castle. But I could have just as easily been killed by him or accidentally shot myself or my partner. Hundreds of hours of range time didn’t mean anything in the confusion of the moment. [More]Everybody in comments is saying they don't believe him.
I do.
But what his being a panic-stricken, vomiting incompetent has to do with anyone's choices but his is beyond me.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Back with a Bang
From Andrea Shea King:
The Government is preparing for war with the people.
Obama's Soviet Style Plan to Destroy America.
China transferring debt into US property assets
I'm back with a BANG!
Tonight at 9p ET on The ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW
Crazy, Man!
Why blanket mental health dragnets are not the answer... [Read]
That's why we can't let the preemptive surrender monkeys offer this up as a sop to keep something else from happening.
That's why we can't let the preemptive surrender monkeys offer this up as a sop to keep something else from happening.
More on that Litmus Test
Fascinating interview. [Watch]
I just spent the past 10 minutes (without any luck) seeing if I could find a top military guy who was on the board of Crisis Magazine to see if I could maybe figure out who Garrow's source is...
[Via Andrea Shea King]
I just spent the past 10 minutes (without any luck) seeing if I could find a top military guy who was on the board of Crisis Magazine to see if I could maybe figure out who Garrow's source is...
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Feinstein has assurance assault weapon ban will get a vote [More]Wait a minute--I thought that's why we were told Harry Reid was such a key player--to keep stuff like this off the floor... And she even thinks it's going to pass the Senate.
Note the "concession"?
Feinstein told CBS’ “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer that she had made a concession by not requiring that current owners of military-style weapons register their firearms. “I would like to see them all registered, but it’s not in our bill,” she said.So no NFRTR/$200 transfer tax--this time.
It's still not up on THOMAS. Looks like the draft I got is close, if not identical to what will be posted, because it doesn't have the registration requirement, either.
We're the Only Ones Planning for Posterity Enough
San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation [More]Hey, nobody wants to take your guns, paranoids.
You Went Full Brock.
In anti-gun DC, Media Matters for America gave bodyguard illegal weapons to guard founder David Brock [More]
Never go full Brock.
[Via Dave Licht]
For Sporting Purposes Only
I bet these would sell at gun shows as a novelty item. [View]
Either that or you could print and glue on your own.
Either that or you could print and glue on your own.
If Only We Disarmed...
...the police, this wouldn't have happened. [Read]
Hey, if it saves one life...
[Via Kevin Starrett]
Hey, if it saves one life...
[Via Kevin Starrett]
Pop Quiz
Close your books and begin. [More]
I wonder how most who have an "opinion" on "gun control" would do...
Not really.
[Via Mama Liberty]
I wonder how most who have an "opinion" on "gun control" would do...
Not really.
[Via Mama Liberty]
The Paper Chase
That's all these bureaucratic cowards are good for -- picking on little girls. [Watch]
I note at @ 1:18 into the video, the reporter passes a sign announcing "100% Identity Check."
I certainly hope in addition to being violators of their own bullying policy, they're not also disenfranchising minorities.
Just look at what they consider to be their "mission":
Human beings aren't meant to be psychologically abused like this, particularly in their formative years. Is it any wonder that some diseased minds that have been deformed by years of this unnatural manipulation snap? It's almost like an abused circus animal turning on its trainer.
I note at @ 1:18 into the video, the reporter passes a sign announcing "100% Identity Check."
I certainly hope in addition to being violators of their own bullying policy, they're not also disenfranchising minorities.
Just look at what they consider to be their "mission":
Our mission at D.N. Fell Schools is to prepare students to be successful learners and responsible citizens who can contribute in a positive manner to a global society.
Human beings aren't meant to be psychologically abused like this, particularly in their formative years. Is it any wonder that some diseased minds that have been deformed by years of this unnatural manipulation snap? It's almost like an abused circus animal turning on its trainer.
Cast of Thousands?
I dunno. [Read]
The pictures from their Facebook page (with under 6,000 "Likes") looks more like "hundreds," max.
The pictures from their Facebook page (with under 6,000 "Likes") looks more like "hundreds," max.
Simple, Except for the Complications
I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution. [More]Can we see what you intend to replace it with, first?
This Day in History: January 28
I am Trying to Collect the Militia, to Make {a Stand at this place. Genl [William L.] Davidson} with {five hundred} Militia two hundred and fifty of which are without flints, I have ordered to Beaties ford. We are filling all the Private fords so as to Make them impasseable.[1] The one that I Lie at I intend to Leave Open. On Lord Cornwallis' approach I thought it advisable to Order all the Prisoners and Stores from Salisbury towards the Moravian Town. I am told they {are gone under a} Weak guard. I wish some of them dont get away. [More]
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Road to Damascus
As a journalist, I lived on the anti-gun side of the national divide for most of my life without questioning. Finally, in editing a daily Opinion page, I saw all the pro- and anti- arguments and statistics. Eventually, the truth became crystal clear: the pro-gun side was right by weight of fact and reason over the anti’s torrent of emotion and feelings. [More]It can be done. All you need is a person of intelligence and integrity.
And what does that tell you about the Piers Morgans of the world?
Government procurement reveals hypocrisy on ‘assault weapon’ terminology
No less an authority than our own federal government, under Janet Napolitano and Barack Obama, officially designates these “personal defense weapons.” Why would you want to ban those?Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary recommends adopting the government's terminology. And throwing it back in their damn faces every chance we get.
You’re not against personal defense, are you? [More]
The Voice of Reason
It not only makes him sound so understanding, tolerant and high road-traveling, but it also accomplishes "divide and conquer" by convincing the Fudds to stay out of the fight. [Read]
What he doesn't say is while he's out there skeet shooting at Camp David, assuming he actually has, he's surrounded by men armed with the finest Personal Defense Weapons money can buy.
You don't think he really reveres traditional "sportsmen," do you, or the thought of 10-year-old boys out for a walk in the woods with Dad and the new bolt-action .22 Marlin?
What he's also not saying is today's "traditional" rifles will be tomorrow's targeted sniper weapons of death, and that, unlike Polyphemus, he won't be honest enough to reveal he'll eat them last.
What he doesn't say is while he's out there skeet shooting at Camp David, assuming he actually has, he's surrounded by men armed with the finest Personal Defense Weapons money can buy.
You don't think he really reveres traditional "sportsmen," do you, or the thought of 10-year-old boys out for a walk in the woods with Dad and the new bolt-action .22 Marlin?
What he's also not saying is today's "traditional" rifles will be tomorrow's targeted sniper weapons of death, and that, unlike Polyphemus, he won't be honest enough to reveal he'll eat them last.
We're the Only Ones Too Smart Enough
The ad has generated sharp criticism from other area officials and anti-violence advocates. The president of the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Roy Felber, said it sounds like a call to vigilantism.Actually, dumb @$$, you're the one who doesn't sound too smart.
"That doesn't sound too smart," Felber said. "People have the right to defend themselves, but they don't have the right to take the law into their own hands." [More]
WarOnGuns has located exclusive video of Felber demonstrating his legendary intelligence.
[Via Doug Rink]
Not Content to Go After the Second Amendment...
What? You didn't think the First was safe did you, no matter how much the Regressives pretend that's the one they care about? [Read]
Or the Fourth or the Fifth or the Eighth...?
Or the Fourth or the Fifth or the Eighth...?
Key word "inert." But the impression has been made.
I wonder if they borrowed it from Charlie Beck? He won't need his until the next photo op...
I wonder if they borrowed it from Charlie Beck? He won't need his until the next photo op...
Mmm...Mmm Good!
No, it has nothing to do with the Million Mom March, although I may reserve this title for future use.
Went to Kid Sister's house for dinner last night, and one of the menu items was this:
Good stuff.
Afterward, I retired with Bro-in-Law to the garage where we had two propane space heaters cranked up to enjoy some good maduros and a bit of this stuff (the 2011 release). Wow. A little goes a long way.
Went to Kid Sister's house for dinner last night, and one of the menu items was this:
Good stuff.
Afterward, I retired with Bro-in-Law to the garage where we had two propane space heaters cranked up to enjoy some good maduros and a bit of this stuff (the 2011 release). Wow. A little goes a long way.
Our Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
"The last thing I want to do is for a guy to go to his car and come back shooting," said Levine... [More]Well, doesn't that just tell you what "Outdoor Sports Group" thinks of gun owners? You can tell Mr. Levine what you think of the way he portrays his customers to the media:
UPDATE: The allegation that the reporter made this quote up is being tracked down.
Armed American Radio Tonight
The program is broadcast from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Host Mark Walters wants to reserve the first hour for "a frank discussion with listeners," and will be joined in the second hour by Stephanie Samford of NRA. I'll be joining in for the third hour 10 p.m. "Roundtable" along with George "Mad Ogre" Hill and Sean "Seanto" Young.
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
Help the Obama Administration Stop the Flow of Guns to Mexico
Lax controls allow the easy flow of guns across the border and undermine U.S. efforts to combat drug trafficking and transnational gangs. [More]No, of course it's not a call to come clean on Fast and Furious, which isn't even mentioned.
This is the LA Times, after all --another "Authorized Journalist" venture Mike and I tried to deal with early on that insisted we give up our sources and they'd have "professionals" look into things and take it from there. This time, the crippling blow to the crime lords will take an even more circumventious route than through the cave of the Underpants Gnomes:
Yeah, disarm you and me. That'll show 'em!
This Day in History: January 27
I am of opinion that it will promote the service to form our troops into two brigades, as well for the facility of manoeuvering as for magnifying our force with the enemy, the Maryland troops to form one and Virginia troops the other. [More]
Saturday, January 26, 2013
More Circumstantial Corroboration on Military Brass
I asked how widespread the destruction is. And who is ordering it.
According to this post, admittedly uncorroborated, but certainly something that could be looked into and verified, it's also happening at Camp LeJeune.
Can you regulars with military ties do some asking around about this with your contacts? It would be very helpful if we could get documents, memos, reports, whatever, to prove it.
UPDATE: I just found this solid waste management plan from LeJeune, albeit it's from 2008, before this story broke out and Baucus and Tester became involved. From page 5-13:
According to this post, admittedly uncorroborated, but certainly something that could be looked into and verified, it's also happening at Camp LeJeune.
Can you regulars with military ties do some asking around about this with your contacts? It would be very helpful if we could get documents, memos, reports, whatever, to prove it.
UPDATE: I just found this solid waste management plan from LeJeune, albeit it's from 2008, before this story broke out and Baucus and Tester became involved. From page 5-13:
Brass from spent ammunition cartridges must be sorted from unfired ammunition at the point of generation. All ammunition items must be inspected by the generating unit and when they are turned in to the satellite sites at the Rifle Range and School of Infantry, the MRF, or DRMO-Lejeune, shall be accompanied by a signed, typed statement to read, "This material has been inspected by (signing individual) and it contains no live rounds/live blanks, unfired primers, hazardous waste, hazardous materials, or other dangerous materials." Spent brass shells are collected, mutilated, and stored until they are sold and removed by a contractor.
Judge rejects prosecution motion to bar public from Reese hearing
With evidence of improprieties mounting, the government’s attempt to keep the public from witnessing further proceedings, in violation of the Justice Department’s own policy, becomes understandable... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report unseals the latest evidence of official abuse in an ongoing persecution -- ask yourself what possible motive a compromised prosecution could have for not wanting the public to see how it's conducted itself.
If you haven't been closely following this case, today's a good day to follow some of the back story links to learn more. It's important because any of us -- and our families -- could be put through an extended and devastating ordeal against an implacable and merciless tormenter with unlimited resources.
It's important that the still-unfolding story of the Reese family be shared. Please help do that.
More Blood on the NRA's Hands
And again, no description of the perps, who are still out there. You'd think that would be important public safety information an honest paper would want to put out there. [Read]
If only they would disarm you and me...
If only they would disarm you and me...
An Informal Posting
Writer David Codrea said he obtained a copy of the proposal before it was formally posted on the Library of Congress THOMAS database. [More]Yes I said that.
I must admit I'm a bit confused. With all the news coverage and interest over this, and with the fact that it's still not posted on THOMAS, I'd have thought it would have received a lot more than 9,000 reads so far.
Why Do You Need an Assault Weapon?
Nothing was taken and no shots were fired. [More]
Idiots. Don't they know these battlefield weapons of war are only meant for killing and killing and killing when they're not compensating for small penises?
And what does it tell you to realize Andrew Cuomo, who is protected 'round the clock by an armed detail, would rather the roommates had been killed than armed with an AR-15?
And for next time, guys, load the thing.
[Via Tom D]
"No One Wants to Take Away Your Guns"
Threats of imprisoning gun owners for up to a year and confiscating their weapons are already being issued by governor’s office... [More]
I wonder if someone is going to figure out waiting for them to show up on your doorstep is not the most tactically-sound plan...
Another Bloodthirsty Gun Owner
“I pointed the gun at him and told him he better get the hell out, and he flew out like a bat,” Sikes said. “He’s lucky I didn’t kill him.” [More]
Jeez pal, why didn't you just give him what he wanted? Or conversely, to satisfy the other hive insect meme, why didn't you blow him away to compensate for your small penis?
And why is there no "duty to retreat"?
What missed opportunities: If the intruder had shot him, the antis could trumpet another gun death AND the uselessness of DGUs. And again, conversely, if the homeowner had done the killing, they could not only bemoan another child gun death, but Jesse and Al could gin up outrage and the Panthers could offer another reward.
And why is it, with a demonstrably dangerous sociopath on the loose, did I need to go searching through multiple media accounts until I finally found a description? This reverse media racism where facts are withheld due to motives of political correctness does no one any good.
Likewise, I've never believed the names of predatory juvenile offenders should be withheld, either. If some little reptile two blocks down is setting fires, skinning kittens or diddling kiddies, neighbors ought to know about it.
Hotels Reeling
So? Which one of them have been publicly supportive of the right to keep and bear arms, and why should we give a damn about the fortunes of any that have not? [Read]
On First Reading
It's about as bad as sensible, mentally competent people expected, but still with some potential nuclear landmines. [Read]
Carl Bussjaeger has written a summary of the new Feinstein bill I think is perceptive, brilliant and funny, at least until you realize we're even talking about this.
I know a lot of people are crowing about how it's DOA and won't even get out of the Senate. I'm glad so many among us are able to predict the future with such certainty, particularly about what the political climate will be like when there's another convenient blood dance opportunity. And another one.
Never put all your eggs in one basket. A corollary to that might be never trust your freedom solely to principled politicians. You know, all the ones out there right now championing an end to "gun free zones."That said, don't let all the misdirection/sleight of mind keep attention and focus away from more likely preemptive surrenders if no further massacres are immediately forthcoming.
Just So You Know Where You Stand
This defines that "monopoly of violence" the gun-grabbers intend to establish over our smoking bodies if we refuse to bend to their will. Mueller reveals everything we need to know about his character, Holder's character, and Obama's character. They are monsters. No wonder they crave our guns.
Thing is, this was recorded in March 2012. I'd ask why it wasn't played over and over again before the election, but then we'd get into a whole 'nother debate over the Stupid Party vs. the Quigley factor.
And would Shep Smith argue so passionately about due process rights over, say someone caught up in that mental health blanket dragnet and standing to lose their guns for life that some on "our side" are floating preemptive surrender trial balloons over?
[Via Jess]
This Day in History: January 26
Daniel Morgan wrote to William Snickers on January 26, 1781: “I was desirous to have a stroke at Tarleton … & I have Given a devil of a whiping [sic].”27 Morgan knew that Tarleton would come fast, determined to finish off the Americans before they could escape and devised a battle plan that would make use of his capabilities while exploiting Tarleton’s zeal for a quick and decisive victory.28 This plan, ingenious in nature and original in thought, was well executed by the men under his command and directly contributed to thwarting the British strategy in the Carolinas. [More]
Friday, January 25, 2013
Feinstein gun ban bill draft now online
A draft of the much-anticipated "assault weapon" ban bill authored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein was posted online this afternoon in advance of it's posting on the Library of Congress THOMAS legislative database site. Gun Rights Examiner has received a copy and posted it on the SCRIBD document archive site. [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report brings you the text of the bill before it's been posted on the Library of Congress website.
Cash Emergency
The Second Amendment Foundation has sent out an emergency fundraising appeal. We all know what they do and here's the bottom line:
Click here to help with their appeal. And tell a friend.
SAF is facing severe financial cash shortage and will not be able to continue to respond to anti-gunners without your immediate help.Our side doesn't have billionaires and foundations. We rely on individuals. I know times are tough for everybody, and we need to pick and choose where we can make best use of limited resources, but if you can see your way clear to helping, it's needed now. What's also needed is to help spread the word. As an aside, I've seen reports about all kinds of gun owners rushing to join NRA. I won't dissuade anyone from that, but man, can you imagine how the political landscape would be changed if we saw a similar move toward groups like SAF?
Click here to help with their appeal. And tell a friend.
About That Man-Chin
And here I thought he was a Ballchinian from "Men in Black". I should have known that's exactly what he's not. [NSFW]
That's disturbing. I'm going to go burn my eyes out now.
That's disturbing. I'm going to go burn my eyes out now.
Upsetting Rick
Councilman Rick Almberg was so upset that Yonkman was armed that he first proposed a measure to ban firearms from council meetings. When that failed, he left the meeting. [More]Man, if that's all you need to do to keep such morons out of government...
Make sure you watch the embedded video. The mayor seems like a good guy.
Rick? Not so much. His favorite book promotes the meme that Western Civilization is just a fluke and we all lucked out, instead of maybe the first people to apply the scientific method on any kind of consistent and large scale reached the path to advancement first...his second most favorite book basically postulates that the Mayan culture died because they didn't sign the Kyoto protocol and the Arms Trade Treaty or some such foolishness.
Hey, I think I just found his third favorite book...
Update: But the mayor may end up being a defendant in an SAF lawsuit over the council not honoring preemption.
Across the Universe
The Captain's Journal posts "Universal Background Check And National Gun Registry." [Read]
The machinations remind me of "some lyrics":
Jai Guru Deva, m**********rs.
Glory to the Shining Remover of darkness.
The machinations remind me of "some lyrics":
They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe......and more importantly:
Nothing's gonna change my worldAt least not without one hell of a resistance.
Jai Guru Deva, m**********rs.
Glory to the Shining Remover of darkness.
Let Us Prey
The Cliffs of Insanity is dispensing the sacraments. [Read]
And in case you missed my take on this...
And in case you missed my take on this...
Cutting Off the Supply
If they can't "legally" freeze assets, they'll do it by other means. [Read]
The cold civil war certainly is heating up.
They're going to push, and push and push...
[Via Joseph R]
The cold civil war certainly is heating up.
They're going to push, and push and push...
[Via Joseph R]
Some of us have been warning that the media circus over high profile stuff is just that, and to watch out for preemptive surrenders by the "We have to give them something" crowd.
Chris Knox gives us some important considerations.
[Via Brian M]
Chris Knox gives us some important considerations.
[Via Brian M]
The Second Amendment is Dead, Long Live the Right to Bear Arms
Those who think another case in front of the Supremes will seal the deal and sanctify their individual rights to bear arms are in for a rude surprise. [More]Which I trust doesn't really surprise anyone?
[Via Pat H]
We're the Only Ones "But For" Enough
Rudd said he employed the protocols of the National Association of Medical Examiners and used what he called the “but for” principle, saying Hanna probably wouldn’t have died but for the actions of police. [More]Yeah, we will beat your butt for the hell of it!
[Via Carl S]
Gun Control Forbidden?
So, what are we going to do about it? [Read]
This link is going around in emails and on social media sites. I'd love to see a Kopel or a Hardy weigh in on it and get their read.
UPDATE: As suspected, this used a real law as a springboard to promulgate a false premise. I'd heard of the Dick Act--here's the law-- but not the interpretation going around in the emails.
UPDATE 2: My wish was granted. Mr. Hardy blogged "Dick Act mythmaking." Say that 10 times real fast.
UPDATE 3: Mr. Kopel joins in.
This link is going around in emails and on social media sites. I'd love to see a Kopel or a Hardy weigh in on it and get their read.
UPDATE: As suspected, this used a real law as a springboard to promulgate a false premise. I'd heard of the Dick Act--here's the law-- but not the interpretation going around in the emails.
UPDATE 2: My wish was granted. Mr. Hardy blogged "Dick Act mythmaking." Say that 10 times real fast.
UPDATE 3: Mr. Kopel joins in.
Of course I am talking about the population in general, not the extremists on both sides of the aisle in Congress. [More]You make three fundamental miscalculations:
- You presume that most people being polled know what they're talking about.
- You presume you know what you're talking about.
- You presume, in your ignorance to be the arbiter of what's extreme.
[Via bondmen]
Fort Drum brass destruction threatens reloading supply and more
Add to this another source of shortage: The Department of Homeland Security has bought up “more than 10 times what U.S. troops used in a full year of Iraqi combat," stoking fears that the government is preparing for some anticipated action. This is likely to provoke concerns among activist gun owners that the renewed brass destruction is intended for the purpose (articulated the last time this came up by ATK) of keeping it out of civilian hands while the government increases and hoards its stores as if its planning something big. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report calls for Congress to investigate why public law is apparently being violated (again) so that we can determine if it's an oversight or if it's purposefully directed.
This Day in History: January 25
On January 25, during the early morning hours, Lt. Col. Lee's troops slipped undetected down the river and landed on Georgetown's undefended waterfront. He divided his force into two parties: Capt. Carnes led one party to seize Lt. Col. Campbell in his headquarters near the parade ground; Capt. Rudolph led the second party into positions from which they could cut off the garrison as they moved to their defenses or to rescue Lt. Col. Campbell. [More]
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Fine words. Stirring words. Words I believe in. [Read]
What's missing is a refusal to enforce laws he says he doesn't believe in, and a pledge to interpose himself between the feds and the citizens he's being paid to protect.
That has the unfortunate effect of making me wonder if these are, after all, just words.
[Via Gerald O]
What's missing is a refusal to enforce laws he says he doesn't believe in, and a pledge to interpose himself between the feds and the citizens he's being paid to protect.
That has the unfortunate effect of making me wonder if these are, after all, just words.
[Via Gerald O]
‘Cross lobby’ shows 'progressive' hypocrisy on church-state separation
An occasional recurring theme on “The War on Guns” blog is how the regressive left, as exemplified by groups like “Americans United for the Separation of Church and State,” goes into IRS-siccing hissy fits whenever conservative religious values surface in government affairs. That generally prompts them to point loudly and insistently to the “wall of separation,” cite the First Amendment proscription that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” and generally act like they can’t wait to find a hamlet somewhere with a manger scene in a public park at Christmas so they can tear it down and make someone pay for having their atheist sensibilities offended. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary observes if you can't de-program cultists, you're just going to have to be prepared to repel them.
The Push to the Top
From Dead Patriot Films, via email:
We were hoping that some deep-pocket finance types would have shown themselves by now to help us carry this film to the finishing line, but no such luck. Therefore, the crew and I have decided to return to Kickstarter to raise the funds needed to complete the film and take it to theaters by March to be part of the “conversation” while congress debates our 2nd Amendment rights.Learn more:
Yes, theaters!
Using a similar distribution plan used by the recent film 2016, we’re going to self-promote and distribute the film in major US cities “art house” cinemas. With strong positive reviews, we will then secure traditional distribution. Once the theatrical release is completed, we will then distribute a TV edit to PBS/PTV affiliates for broadcast. Netflix and web streaming will follow by the end of spring.
What happened to the funds from the first round? In the 90 days since receiving $64,000 from Kickstarter (yes, they take a commission!), we hit the road and conducted 50+ interviews and gathered some great footage. Our travels took us up and down California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Florida and Louisiana. Expenses included t-shirts, hats, insurance, salaries, fuel, lawyers, hotels, airfare and food. We also covered the small loans that carried us from May to October when we were developing the concept for this film.
Now we will recharge the till, set the editor and his crew to work and craft the film that is needed now more than ever. We hope that each of you will consider another donation to our film to help us communicate the importance of “we the people” and the right to “keep and bear arms”.
Please donate here -
So THAT Explains It
From the Texas chapter of Students for Concealed Carry:
Authorities have identified the suspect, now in custody, as 22-year-old Carlton Berry. This is Berry's fourth arrest since his eighteenth birthday.I was wondering why he didn't obey the rules...
Gentle People with Flowers in Their Hair
The Left in San Fran is crazy. At the same time they are demanding that slingshots be outlawed and spitball throwing be given the death penalty as terrorists, they are buying guns to protect themselves from the criminals they want back on the streets. [More]And they're now bemoaning they can't tell how many guns registered with the state are in their city.
It's never enough for those who would control ALL.
With the goo-goo-googly eyes... [Read]
There's nothing quite like rich, hip young corporate fascists hosting a government monopoly of violence propaganda fest to make me proud to be a global citizen. Isn't that what "public/private partnerships" are all about?
Now that they've changed their image algorithm, how can we pull up pictures of what they're going to be doing to Biden? No wonder his eyes are all googly!
[Via Luke O]
I no sooner got done posting this and The White House sent me this link to watch (1:45 Eastern).
There's nothing quite like rich, hip young corporate fascists hosting a government monopoly of violence propaganda fest to make me proud to be a global citizen. Isn't that what "public/private partnerships" are all about?
Now that they've changed their image algorithm, how can we pull up pictures of what they're going to be doing to Biden? No wonder his eyes are all googly!
[Via Luke O]
I no sooner got done posting this and The White House sent me this link to watch (1:45 Eastern).
“I see no movement, no talk, no bills, no nothing” [More]John Banner did it better.
NRA had better never support this bumbling turncoat again.
[Via Jess]
Every Picture Tells a Story
And if you selectively arrange them, they can tell any story you want. [Read]
Gee, CSGV shamelessly manipulating people. Who'da thunk?
Gee, CSGV shamelessly manipulating people. Who'da thunk?
What's in a Name?
Should the park’s name be changed? [More]Why should the question of a name change even be raised? Who but someone with an agenda would even ask a question like that?
This Day in History: January 24
On January 24, shortly after midnight, the Patriots made their move. They rode into the camp, terrifying the Loyalist militia. The British Rangers did not panic. They quickly formed into a battle line, fired at the Patriots, driving them out of the camp. [More]
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Another Mealy-Mouthed RINO
...should this legislation reach the House floor, you can be assured that I will your position in mind.
No, [REDACTED], I'm not asking you to [KEEP] anything in mind, I'm DEMANDING that you show leadership on this, or by God, I will work for the damned Democrat just to get your gutlesss butt out of there. The worst one of them could do is push us closer to civil war, and if you're the best the Republicans can offer, the political process is dead anyway.
Pull this "I am a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights" horsesh!+, like people who understand it better than you are some kind of rubes born yesterday. If you're not going to champion the Bill of Rights, of what the hell use to me are you?
This is the replacement for the last worthless GOP trough-feeder, the one who voted against holding Holder in contempt. Where do they get these worm-tongued poltroons from?
"He Stripped Souls as Bare as Bodies"
I just saw a link to this May 2012 Dave Kopel article on Facebook--I don't believe we talked about it at the time. Here's the important part:
NYPD spokesman Paul J. Browne told the Times that the Bloomberg gun detectors are currently effective at a range of 3 to 5 meters, and that the department is working to extend their range to 25 meters.You don't say...
Sell-Out Point Man?
“What I hope we can do is get a bill passed out of the Judiciary,” Mr. Reid said. “It may not be everything everyone wants, but I hope it has some stuff in there that’s really important.” [More]It will have nothing that will do anything but further infringe on the law-abiding and further empower the feds. Nothing. He knows it and so do we.
What's the bill of goods some argued as an excuse not to pay Reid back for his confirmation betrayals? That we need him in that spot because he will keep bills from getting to the floor?
This is sweet. Now he can do his new master's bidding, as well as his old. Expect him to push forward preemptive surrender legislation already agreed to by self-interested deal-makers, under the excuse that it will help keep really, really BAD things from happening. And he's already greasing the skids.
If, instead, what was being pushed was the message that we will not be scapegoated, that the effort needs to be on ending gun free zones, and that any politician who betrays us will be targeted for removal, the House wouldn't dare pass firearm and magazine bans, so what happened in Reid's Senate wouldn't matter.
So why would the gun community/industry "leadership" give in on universal registration and blanket mental health dragnets? It's because the well-heeled and connected believe we need to toss the circling jackals a scrap of flesh so they can act like they've won something. The understanding also evidently precludes embarrassing the Republican establishment -- it's not like Old Yellowstain's balls are anywhere but in his hand, and it's not like his Senate counterparts aren't overcome by the vapors.
Obama's played and won at chicken with this group enough times to know their mettle. He also knows that scrap will work in politics just like it does in nature.
It's up to us to head all that off.
GRE Updates
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Found this here. I want one. |
I see Steve D. Jones is back in action, and there's a Little Rock GRE, Jennifer Cruz, who's been at it since mid-December.
Also get the latest from Kurt Hofmann, Dave Workman, and they're even including Anthony Martin in the mix, who, while not technically a GRE, does enough important work in that area to qualify as a visiting professor.
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