Of significance was the government’s key witness, “a twice-convicted felon with a lengthy rap sheet who has earned at least $87,000 from the government over the past few years, including $7,500 for this case,” the report reveals. “Jurors weren’t told the star witness’ convictions involved murder, attempted murder and assault in aid of racketeering.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner offering notes unethical tactics against good people by federal prosecutors continue to be the norm, just like in the Reese and Shipley cases.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Naples gun acquittal shows disturbing trend in federal prosecutions
Friday, March 29, 2013
Military installations sidestep questions on brass destruction
With that as backdrop, independent reports and tips continued to be provided to this column by interested readers, including a military combat veteran relating not just the alleged destruction of ammunition but also the financial advantages he said the Oregon National Guard benefited from by deforming and selling casings as scrap, and also a report alleging similar destruction at an Army base in Wisconsin, Fort McCoy. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a whole lotta deforming going on in time of need and asks: Is it legal?
For Their Own Good
Sheriff proposes ankle monitors for some seniors [More]And if those don't work, break out the Collars of Obedience!
One hundred Quatloos on the newcomers!
[Via Jeffersonian]
And to Think that the Solution has been Right in Front of Us All this Time
Just get a vanload of people to stand in front of a "No Guns" mall and hold a vigil! [Watch]
At least they also interviewed Kevin Starrett .
At least they also interviewed Kevin Starrett .
I seem to recall blogging earlier about the Montana governor cheesing out but don't have time to look for it now. The Captain's Journal brings us more, focused on the issue of state nullification of federal gun laws. [Read]
We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough
A Waltham police officer and kiddie party entertainer busted for browsing hardcore child pornography has been ordered to live with his parents 24 hours a day and will be subject to re-arrest if he so much as sneaks a peek at the Internet. [More]Honest to God, I did not set out to make today's theme a special focus on bizarre "Only Ones" -- but good grief! You can't make stuff like this up.
Make it stop!
Thank goodness he's been on "paid administrative leave," though. Nothing but the best for our "community heroes."
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Wearing the Pants in the Family Enough
Steve Hyson, 47, pleaded guilty Wednesday in Clark County Superior Court to felony harassment-domestic violence for flinging his wife onto a bed and to fourth-degree assault for breaking his stepson's cheekbone by slamming him into a wall. [More]Hey, maybe they just wouldn't listen...besides, I already asked the most pertinent question.
Let's see...assaulted another stepson earlier, struck the little woman in '08, had another incident in '11 where they dropped the charges...
You know the guy's mistake? He kept getting caught!
I wonder how many suspects he roughed up in the course of his career--justifiably and in accordance with approved department protocols, naturally...
[Via Kevin Starrett]
Investigators found a 7-foot pole with a blade on one side and a spear on another, a metal bayonet, three samurai swords, a .323-caliber bolt-action rifle, a .22-caliber Savage Mark II rifle and a .22-caliber Volcanic starter pistol. [More]I'm just surprised they didn't need to clear a three-block area and call in the explosives demolition boys...
"Authorized Journalists." Is it any wonder we love them so?
[Via Geordan]
We're the Only Ones "This'll Hurt You a Lot More than It will Me" Enough
Yep, I can't tell you how many times I've had to leave feral sons Uday and Qusay clutching their stomachs and sobbing in pain. [Read]
Spare the club 'n all that...
Plus, what's the point of being bigger and stronger than people, not to mention having authority over them, if you can't beat 'em up when you want to?
[Via Harvey]
Spare the club 'n all that...
Plus, what's the point of being bigger and stronger than people, not to mention having authority over them, if you can't beat 'em up when you want to?
[Via Harvey]
Now THAT's a Great Line
It always tickles me when I see blog and forum comment posters make reference to the "Only Ones" or "Authorized Journalists," and seeing CBS News use "Gunwalker" made me feel like a proud parent.
Sean Sorrentino had occasion to get wider exposure for another meme, and he couldn't have picked a better place to do it.
Sean Sorrentino had occasion to get wider exposure for another meme, and he couldn't have picked a better place to do it.
At Least We Know the Day of Attack
Anti-gun Senator Floyd Prozanski has scheduled hearings for four bills designed to attack your rights and make you and your family less safe. The bills are scheduled to be heard on April 5th at 8:30 am at the Capitol. [More]You gun owners in Oregon who haven't gotten involved: Do you really expect Kevin to do it all alone? Political sympathies notwithstanding, if you benefit from the steadfast work of OFF and don't support it, how does that make you any different from, say, a welfare parasite?
Hey, it was either that or the St. Crispin's Day speech.
Check THIS Out
If you think that checking someone’s criminal record before he can check out a gun show is common sense, you've got to make yourself heard. [More]A condition of entry? Really? That's what they mean by "common sense"?
But suggest someone prove he's eligible to vote before he can turn in a ballot and you're a RACIST!
Biden's "Legitimate Media"
Seems they can't be bothered with the facts.
From Connecticut Carry, via email:
From Connecticut Carry, via email:
Connecticut Post,
I am very disappointed that a member of your staff made the decision to 'opt out' of our press releases.
I suppose it is easier to ignore the civil rights groups in Connecticut that are actually distributing factual information than it is to recognize that biased reporting, fear mongering and anti-rights witchhunts are immoral and wrong.
When your headlines include things about 'secret arsenals' when that is not backed by any kind of fact, we are dealing with a problem in journalism. Our press release actually counted the ammunition and gave an actual analysis of the ammunition on hand. Something your article fails to do.
Please be aware that we will be posting this flagrant boycott of the truth to our members and to the public so that they may make up their minds about you for themselves. Gun owners have no more reason to read your publications if you are unable to listen to both sides of the debate.
For your information, this is the release that your 'newsroom' unsubscribed from after receiving: http://ctcarry.com/News/Release/a8b16a13-48a8-44d2-b607-8a7a85818d2f
All of our news releases are available here: http://ctcarry.com/News/
If you would like to discuss something offensive or factually incorrect, we would be happy to do so. Otherwise, this is a sad way to deal with issues in this state on your part.
Rich Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc
Taking the Cake
That is one hell of a cake. How cool. I think I'd almost be inclined to try to preserve it instead of eating it, it is such a work of art. [Read]
If I'm ever in the vicinity of Middlebury, Connecticut, I'll make a special point of giving my business to Jenny-Lu's, even though my waistline hardly needs it...
What I'd like to know is, which are the bakeries that refused the order...?
If I'm ever in the vicinity of Middlebury, Connecticut, I'll make a special point of giving my business to Jenny-Lu's, even though my waistline hardly needs it...
What I'd like to know is, which are the bakeries that refused the order...?
An Explosive Situation
Although no arrests were made, Coes said that the warrant is usually the beginning of an investigation. [More]Over Tannerite. Imagine that.
[Via several of you]
Exactly Why? Now Tell Everybody Exactly How
This is exactly why we need to ban high capacity magazines and why we need to tighten our assault weapons ban. [More]Really?
How many people are you willing to destroy to make that happen, Governor?
And what are we supposed to do, just stand around and let it happen?
Armed Citizens
I'm on NRA's mailing lists, and they send me their regular "Armed Citizen" email. The one for April is out, and here are the stories they included:
- Marine with concealed carry permit stops man from beating woman
- Retired North Carolina woman holds man said to have robbed her home at gunpoint until law enforcement arrives
- Police say man used toy gun to try to rob bank in Trimble, Mo.
- Family fights back when 3 gunmen storm their home; one intruder shot
- Convenience Store Employee Shoots Robbery Suspect
- Albertville Police Identify Man Shot By Homeowner
Opposite Day
A recurring theme here is how those who call themselves "progressives" are exactly the opposite, and what they advocate produces diametrically opposed results.
How unsurprising that, under this great column by Rand Paul, the one comment that sticks out as imbecilic comes from some idiot who has chosen the handle "Thinking Guy."
How unsurprising that, under this great column by Rand Paul, the one comment that sticks out as imbecilic comes from some idiot who has chosen the handle "Thinking Guy."
A Glaring Double Standard
...real Americans who stood for their beliefs, thinking they were patriots and defending their country's ideals against their government. [More]But only for commies.
If you believe in founding principles, you're an anti-government extremist and racist.
And people who take you down will be heroes.
Truth in Advertising
It's time for a concerted effort to make Mike Bloomberg and his so-called Mayors Against Illegal Guns disclose who their self-proclaimed TV ad gun owner is. [More]I couldn't agree more.
Sometimes, un Hombre's Gotta Do...
...what un hombre's gotta do... [Read]
Sometimes, enough is enough.
I hope everybody is paying attention to what could be done if things get desperate enough, collectivist wusses who publicly ridicule the idea as fantasy notwithstanding.
Sometimes, enough is enough.
I hope everybody is paying attention to what could be done if things get desperate enough, collectivist wusses who publicly ridicule the idea as fantasy notwithstanding.
This Day in History: March 29
The count had not been unmindful of his instructions to attempt some enterprise for the relief of the American colonies; even before he reached the West Indies he wrote Rochambeau, saying that by the end of June he wished to be fully informed as to the strength and position of the English armies in North America, as a guide for his future action. Not before the middle of July could he leave the West Indies, and as the time for his stay on the American coast must be short, it was important for him to have full information at the earliest possible moment (De Grasse to Rochambeau, March 29, 1781 ; Doniol, v, 488.) [More]
Thursday, March 28, 2013
We're the Only Ones Going Out with a Bang Enough
So, how's that "plead[ing] with 911 officers to send help fast" working out? [Read]
At least that "temporary restraining order" worked as promised -- temporarily.
[Via bondmen]
At least that "temporary restraining order" worked as promised -- temporarily.
[Via bondmen]
McKinley offers true hope and change from Chicago machine politics
“Let me be clear; I will fight to protect every aspect of the Second Amendment and to support my Illinois colleagues' efforts to bring Concealed Carry to our great state,” he pledged. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary is urging everyone to pick up this wrench and throw it in The Machine.
Fudd's Little Acres
I've so far resisted writing about that downward-spiraling, self-imploding manic-depressive headcase Jim Carrey, as why he doesn't trust himself, and through projection, all others with guns (except for his bodyguard) is pretty clear.
But here's someone you probably haven't heard of, who has volunteered himself for gun owner scrutiny:
And here's the website from the resort his Twitter profile says he manages, which "welcome[s] fishermen and hunters alike."
Sorry, guy. I'd hardly feel welcome. And there are plenty of other places where I would.
But here's someone you probably haven't heard of, who has volunteered himself for gun owner scrutiny:
And here's the website from the resort his Twitter profile says he manages, which "welcome[s] fishermen and hunters alike."
Sorry, guy. I'd hardly feel welcome. And there are plenty of other places where I would.
Now That's What I'm Talkin' About
I've been urging activists to do this for a while now, occasionally bringing up reminders and going so far as to offer incentives.
It's nice to see some do. here are two successful efforts Russell Greenidge sent me that show us how it's done:
If the author's name sounds familiar, you've got a good memory.
I actually got my start doing RKBA-based letters to the editor before going on to newsletters, blogging and then articles. My very first letter was published in The Los Angeles Times and my very second appeared in the Daily Breeze -- on the same day. That encouraged me to try some more, and I ended up with a nice portfolio of published letters before I gave that up to focus on publishing my own content.
It's nice to see some do. here are two successful efforts Russell Greenidge sent me that show us how it's done:
If the author's name sounds familiar, you've got a good memory.
I actually got my start doing RKBA-based letters to the editor before going on to newsletters, blogging and then articles. My very first letter was published in The Los Angeles Times and my very second appeared in the Daily Breeze -- on the same day. That encouraged me to try some more, and I ended up with a nice portfolio of published letters before I gave that up to focus on publishing my own content.
Why Don't They Like Me?
I gave them what they wanted... [Read]
Hey, if they respected whores, they wouldn't use them in the first place.
Get this, gunquislings contemplating appeasement: compromise will not buy you anything.
It will give the enemy a beachhead from which to plan and launch their next assault. What do they have to do, spell it out for you?
When surrounded by circling jackals, there are few dumber ideas than tossing them a scrap of flesh in the hopes that it will satisfy them and induce them to go away and leave you alone.
Hey, if they respected whores, they wouldn't use them in the first place.
Get this, gunquislings contemplating appeasement: compromise will not buy you anything.
It will give the enemy a beachhead from which to plan and launch their next assault. What do they have to do, spell it out for you?
When surrounded by circling jackals, there are few dumber ideas than tossing them a scrap of flesh in the hopes that it will satisfy them and induce them to go away and leave you alone.
Can Rand Paul Bring Libertarians Into the GOP?
What, you mean "wacko birds"? [Read]
I suppose they could let some of "those people" caddy for them, but they're sure as hell not going to invite them to play...
I suppose they could let some of "those people" caddy for them, but they're sure as hell not going to invite them to play...
We're the Only Ones Unserved Enough
Police Officers Refused Service at Buffalo Wild Wings Because of Guns [More]Who do these guys think they are, Denny's?
Ordinarily, this wouldn't qualify as an "Only Ones" post, because Buffalo Wild Wings treated them with the same predator-enabling contempt it shows for its "regular" customers.
But the jackboot-licking-good manager wouldn't have issued an apology to you or me, would he?
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough
A Detroit police officer who runs a program for troubled teens has been arrested on felony criminal sexual conduct charges involving a victim age 13 to 15. [More]And yet once again with the Eternal Question...
[Via Ed D]
The Eye of Sauron
Just when you thought it was safe behind the wheel of your large automobile, government attorneys are trying again to monitor your movements...My car insurance agent sent me a monitoring device with the offer of a discount if I used it.
...A veritable flood of data about drivers -- every turn of the wheel, every application of the brakes -- is about to be unleashed into the open market. [More]
I find it amazing that enough people take them up on it to make mass producing the damn things feasible. And, of course, I'm just waiting for it to become a requirement.
Think It Can't Happen Here?
Think this is just something that happens in Cyprus?
I've heard people look at the U.S. government debt situation and claim it's not their debt because they didn't agree to it.
How absolutely true.
And how absolutely irrelevant under the current rules.
I've heard people look at the U.S. government debt situation and claim it's not their debt because they didn't agree to it.
How absolutely true.
And how absolutely irrelevant under the current rules.
Training Biden's "Legitimate Media"
Once you accept that government has the power to "Authorize Journalists," stuff like this becomes inevitable. [Read]
If the University of Maryland School of Journalism was doing its job, they'd have taught young Mr. Barr early on to hold his ground and refuse to comply.
But what do I know?
If the University of Maryland School of Journalism was doing its job, they'd have taught young Mr. Barr early on to hold his ground and refuse to comply.
But what do I know?
Cause of Death
What's killing Canadians? [More]It's certainly not the peaceable armed members of Canada's National Firearms Association.
A Public Health Menace
Maybe we ought to start treating sex like a disease... [Read]
Anybody care to do a correlation on who's getting the clap and who's popping a cap?
Anybody care to do a correlation on who's getting the clap and who's popping a cap?
Shortening the Fuse
Legislation proposed by Dallas Democratic Rep. Yvonne Davis would remove any sheriff or law enforcement officer who refuses to enforce state or federal laws. [More]This could get interesting if the bill passes and Oath Keepers refuse to acknowledge it.
It's like all these safety measures have been set up to keep the powder keg from exploding, and imbeciles like this are bound and determined to override every one of them.
From the Jaws of Victory
It’s pretty hard to stop the trafficking of guns to people who might use them for malign purposes when 33 states require no background checks at all. [More]Yeah, we ought to be more like Mexico. Oh, wait...
Time to see what our "pro-gun Democrats" are made of.
Ditto "pro-gun Republicans."
These hive insects actually think if the NRA "loses," they'll be able to negotiate terms of surrender on our behalf?
I've been saying since December that there are those ostensibly on "our side" who believe we have to give up something, and they have no shortage of "pragmatic" supporters who will make excuses for them, who in turn have no shortage of followers who will accept it.
This Day in History: March 28
At the same time, however, Brig. Gen. Marion attacked and badly cut up his rear guard as it forded the Sampit River, since the bridge had already been partially destroyed by the partisans to impede the British as they retired. His own horse shot out from under him, Lt. Col. Watson then opened up his cannon on Brig. Gen. Marion's men and drove them back. [More]
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Two Types
The guy who says he's against you.
And the guy who says he's with you...but.
All the other side has is hollow men.
And the guy who says he's with you...but.
All the other side has is hollow men.
Cable franchise agreements may hold key to challenging Comcast gun censorship
That’s because “the aforesaid rights-of-way used … are public properties held in trust on behalf of the citizens by the City and the right to use said rights-of-way is a valuable property right [and] the City … has determined that the public interest would be served by renewing Comcast’s franchise.” [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report advises to think globally, act locally.
A Hazard for Whom?
Guns in homes: A health hazard [More]By Art "Yeah" Kellermann!
“If you’ve got to resist, you’re chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” (Health Magazine, March/April 1994)
A Grave Defect
Owners of modern firearms suffer from a grave defect that makes them potential time bombs — they are human beings. [More]Marty Solomon, the only grave defect I detect in your column is you.
How you must loathe yourself.
What monster lurks behind those eyes from your reflection in the mirror?
Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/03/27/2575705/nra-pimps-for-gun-makers-by-obscuring.html#storylink=cpy
Gun Control Proposals in the 113th Congress: Universal Background Checks, Gun Trafficking, and Military Style Firearms
The Federation of American Scientists has obtained and posted another of the reports we pay through the nose for and that Congress won't share with us.
This one was sent to them at the beginning of the month.
Click here to read it.
This one was sent to them at the beginning of the month.
Click here to read it.
We're the Only Ones Seasoned Enough
A bumbling TSA agent “playing around” with a pepper-spray container at Kennedy Airport fired the caustic liquid at five fellow screeners yesterday, sending all six to the hospital, a source told The Post. [More]Everybody knows you never go full screentard.
You went full screentard, man.
Never go full screentard.
[Via Florida Guy]
Indiscriminately Sharing Her Favors
She wouldn't be if the dumb-@$$ Establishment Republicans hadn't offered up somebody with an even bigger "but". [More]
Extreme Makeover
ATF.gov is Getting a New Look! [More]That goes hand-in-hand with a tip I'm trying to verify that they're also getting new uniforms in this time of sequestering. So far, I haven't seen a procurement.
There's one other comment I feel I should be making but just can't formulate it ... something about "lipstick"...
Key question overlooked in debate over Bloomberg 'Average Joe gun owner' ad
Yet doing a similar search for MAIG's new country star yields pretty much nothing at this writing to help us learn more about him, and in a celebrity-obsessed culture (just look at some of the features being spotlighted around the column on this page), that's, to put it mildly, curious. The most detail I could find simply refers to him as "the actor playing the role of the Average Joe." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks "Who is this guy?" and also introduces yet another criminal mayor.
This Day in History: March 27
The qualifications requisite for an officer of artillery being matterially different from those for an officer of Infantry, great care ought to be taken none we appointed last June has posses a proper proportion of the knowledge of [inserted: the] Mathematics and other a necessary abilities for the nature of the Service. It is from the talents of the officers of artillery improv’d by experience, that America may expect to desine an essential part of the Military character [More]
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Armed American Radio Encore

Trent Cooper of Crossbreed Holsters debuts a new product, Rob Pincus gives his input as a helper in the design process, Charles Heller, head of the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership talks straight, the Roundtable with David Codrea and George Hill as well as Seanto. Enjoy!
NRA commentators pose dilemma for racist and sexist anti-gunners
Understand this makes him a threat, and that others who left the “plantation” have been mercilessly attacked for the grave offense of adopting an ideology of liberty instead of establishment-approved group think, as the experiences of other black leaders like Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and others have shown. Go ahead and Google some of those names along with the phrase “Uncle Tom” and see for yourself how vicious the "tolerant progressives” can get, particularly the indignant white ones. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notices three fingers pointing back at the guy pointing and screaming "Racist!"
We're the Only Ones Hand to Mouth Enough
"Shake my hand. I'll cut your ... hands off and I'll eat them. I'll cut your hands off," David told a Democratic campaign worker whom the sheriff believed had spoken ill about him behind his back, according to the grand jury. [More]I love it when the political left eats their own.
[Via Harvey]
Gone in 60 Seconds
SAF needs our help to produce a radio ad. [More]
Unlike the antis, we don't have a Mike Bloomberg with $12 million lying around...
Unlike the antis, we don't have a Mike Bloomberg with $12 million lying around...
What's "White" Got to Do with It?
Politico uses it against Wayne LaPierre, Michael Moore uses it against gun owners, and CSGV uses it against me.
Gee, it's almost like there's some kind of talking point with an agenda going on here to portray those of us who believe all peaceable humans have a right to keep and bear arms, regardless of melanin levels, as the racists.
The "Ignorance is Strength" collectivists can't help themselves. For them every day is "Opposite Day."
For them, it's all about furthering the Big Lie and destroying anything that stands in their way.
Gee, it's almost like there's some kind of talking point with an agenda going on here to portray those of us who believe all peaceable humans have a right to keep and bear arms, regardless of melanin levels, as the racists.
The "Ignorance is Strength" collectivists can't help themselves. For them every day is "Opposite Day."
For them, it's all about furthering the Big Lie and destroying anything that stands in their way.
Cold, Dead Hearts
There's really only one response to this, it's two words, and the first one starts with an "f." [Read]
You know who else had cold, dead hearts?
You know who else had cold, dead hearts?
But there is No Joy in Mudville
Mighty Casey has struck out. [Watch]
Look at how he had to present himself to get elected.
Are you people in his district going to stand for this?
[Via Jess]
Look at how he had to present himself to get elected.
Are you people in his district going to stand for this?
[Via Jess]
No Sale
MacKinlay said he sent a full refund to Kelly and nixed the transaction because Kelly made statements in the media that the rifle purchase was "for reasons other then (sic) for his personal use." [More]Well then that means he lied on the 4473 and needs to be prosecuted. Why no "authorities" have followed up on his claim that he was going to take the gun across state lines to sell it merely adds further corroboration for how corrupt and agenda-driven the selective enforcers are.
Multiple People Stabbed At East Liberty Target
Handful of idiots in "comments" use this as opportunity to decry guns. [Read]
This Day in History: March 26
It is perhaps, the greatest of the great evils attending this contest, that States as well as individuals, had rather wish well, than act well; had rather see a thing done, than do it; or contribute their just proportion to the doing it. [More]You have no idea how much I needed to read that this particular morning, and why.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Where We're Not Welcome
As such, if this unconstitutional ban passes as written, we will comply with your wishes and move our companies out of Maryland along with as many employees and their families that wish to go. [More]Good for them. We would do well to patronize companies that stake a stand and avoid those that refuse to.
[Via Steven M]
Press rushes to ‘exonerate’ DHS as OIG report raises more questions than answers
And we’re supposed to not only accept without question that scenario, but conclude that Napolitano, with an obvious and important vital interest in a high-stakes game reaching to the White House, and an intelligence-gathering apparatus that makes Orwell’s Big Brother appear like inept neighborhood snoop Gladys Kravitz on “Bewitched” by comparison, was flat-out uninformed and waiting for The Washington Post to notice? Based on what the auditors admit they did not find evidence on, as opposed to finding evidence to corroborate such claims ... ? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes it must be nice to have unquestioning media support for whatever you want them to make people believe.
Objectively Worse
"Objectively, it might have made things worse" if the Jews who fought the Nazis in the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising in Poland had more and better guns, said historian Steve Paulsson, an expert on the period whose Jewish family survived the city's destruction. [More]Steve is only alive because American men with guns liberated his mother from Auschwitz. I have no words of contempt strong enough for Steve or his co-genocide enablers at the ADL.
They're objectively worse than Holocaust deniers.
[Via Dave Licht]
We're the Only Ones Insensitive Enough
Police Chief Steven Krokoff says his department was "insensitive" when it conducted a training exercise that involved police firing blank ammunition and using flash grenades near occupied apartments... [More]So everybody doesn't love a surprise...? I wonder what would have happened had someone suffered a heart attack, or had tear gas fumes wafted over to someone with breathing issues?
[Via Florida Guy]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Triangle-shaped flapjacks have been banned from an Essex school on safety grounds. [More]When triangle-shaped flapjacks are outlawed...
For some reason I feel compelled to add this link...
[Via Steve T]
Calling All Wacko Birds
McCain Key Player in Background Check Expansion [More]Hey, he's just showing leadership to help celebrate American values...
We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough
Omaha police displayed an unbridled street gang brazenness when they chased a man who was video recording them abusing his brother into a private home, confiscating his phone and arresting him to ensure their actions would never see the light of day. [More]
What a massive overreaction from these few bad apples. Knowing that can be counted on, what tactical blunders do you see in this deployment?
[Via Carl S]
We're the Only Ones Back at Work Enough
The North Carolina deputy who was forced to resign this week after committing an act of road rage that was caught on video was rehired a few days later, proving that the Onslow County Sheriff’s Office was merely trying to appease the media after drafting a lengthy press release. [More]SUCKERRRS!!!
[Via Carl S]
The Worldly Among Us
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced an amendment that would prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty in order to uphold the Second Amendment. His amendment passed on a 53-46 vote. These are your United States Senators who voted to sign away your Second Amendment Rights via the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty gun grab... [More]I see "pro-gun Democrat" Max Baucus on the list -- I wonder if this will affect his NRA rating...
[Via SamAdams1776]
Universal Background Check Video
Sean C. Young ("Seanto" from Armed American Radio) has assembled a compilation of "gun control'-related videos that progress through all the various post-Newtown measures being demanded and lead to what is likely to stand the best chance of passage. [Watch]
Some of us have been warning about this from early on, including opposing moves from self-styled strategists ostensibly on "our side" to offer up something to appease the mob.
Some of us have been warning about this from early on, including opposing moves from self-styled strategists ostensibly on "our side" to offer up something to appease the mob.
An Indefinite Suspension
That's too bad. [Read]
I was waiting 'til April 15 to call the snitch line and tip 'em off to some non-compliant "Only Ones."
I was waiting 'til April 15 to call the snitch line and tip 'em off to some non-compliant "Only Ones."
Speaking of Myths
Among the 62 mass shootings over the past 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. [More]Yeah. It's not like Eric Harris wrote a paper titled "Guns in Schools" or anything...
Plus there's no evidence any of the killers noticed entrance signs or anything.
This Day in History: March 25
After leaving Ramsey's Mill in a hurry, Lt. Gen. Charles Cornwallis again marched his army towards Wilmington. He stopped and camped near Cross Creek and sent out foraging parties under heavy guard. On March 25th, Capt. John Taylor and his company of dragoons encountered eight British dragoons near Stewart's Creek. He killed one and captured three. [More]
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Tonight on Armed American Radio
Mark Walters special guests will be Charles Heller of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and Trent Cooper of Crossbreed Holsters, who will be announcing a new holster.
The program starts at 8 p.m. Eastern. I'll be joining in for the 10 p.m. Roundtable along with George "Mad Ogre" Hill.
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
The program starts at 8 p.m. Eastern. I'll be joining in for the 10 p.m. Roundtable along with George "Mad Ogre" Hill.
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
Friday, March 22, 2013
DHS Fast and Furious OIG report fed to Los Angeles Times, not to public
There is nothing about this report on the DHS “Press releases” page; nor on the DHS blog; nor does anything appear in the DHS/OIG press release page; there is nothing about it on their Border Security page; and importantly, it is not yet linked to on the OIG Reports: Fiscal Year 2013 page. Of equal concern is the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform “Releases” page, which shows no awareness of the DHS OIG report, let alone any responsive activity scheduled to question it. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes we're evidently just supposed to take The Times' word for it that Nappy knew nothing.
Feet of Clay
Crash and burn, you dolt. [Read]
I hadn't seen this story from a few weeks back, but had seen plenty of posts touting this guy as the new champion of the right.
Let's be careful who we accept as "conservative heroes."
In the first place, I don't need one. I'll settle for the same thing Diogenes was looking for.
[Via Luke O]
I hadn't seen this story from a few weeks back, but had seen plenty of posts touting this guy as the new champion of the right.
Let's be careful who we accept as "conservative heroes."
In the first place, I don't need one. I'll settle for the same thing Diogenes was looking for.
[Via Luke O]
The Key Word Here is "Anything."
“I think it looks awesome,” Lyn Anderson said while grocery shopping across the street from the BearCat garage in Farmington. “It seems like criminals are getting stronger and stronger. Anything they can do to keep our communities safe is good.” [More]Thanks Lyn. You make it so easy for us!
[Via Florida Guy]
In other words, establishment Republiquislings cheesed out on this. [Read]
So you didn't want to "complicate relationships between Idaho law enforcement and federal agencies," McKenzie? At least we know who you consider your most important constituents to be.
I'm told:
So you didn't want to "complicate relationships between Idaho law enforcement and federal agencies," McKenzie? At least we know who you consider your most important constituents to be.
I'm told:
It was stopped by Hill the pro tem, Davis the majority leader and Patty Ann Lodge, whose husband is a federal judge. They were the 3 republicans that refused to give it the hearing.[Via JB]
Exercising Options
Veilleux, who wrote an op-ed that appeared in The Hartford Courant this week in which he raised the prospect of leaving the state, said the company doesn’t have any such “definite plans.” But if Malloy follows through on his promise to ban the purchase and sale of AR-15 rifles, the centerpiece of the company’s business, he said leaving could become an option. [More]And not leaving could not be an option.
A Cavalcade of Links
The Captain's Journal has aggregated a few he thinks merit special attention. [Read]
Since one of them is mine, I tend to agree.
Since one of them is mine, I tend to agree.
Enforce Existing Gun Laws
The State Legislature’s top Republican says he is opposed to giving the movie industry a special “carve-out” from the gun-control law so that action scenes staged in New York could include actors armed with assault weapons. [More]Really. F*** 'em.
A Dangerous Standard
"I don't really think the idea that you can ban them or reduce the magazine will really pass constitutional muster," Malcolm said. "If your standard is common use, these are all in common use for lawful purposes." [More]
And if my "standard" is "shall not be infringed" and not "common use"...?
I concede nothing.
[Via DvD]
UPDATE: Kurt has more.
The Culprit List
Add me, Philly.com editor. [Read]
I've been considering a new title for my business card. "Culprit" might do very nicely.
Sure beats the "Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist" that belongs on yours.
I've been considering a new title for my business card. "Culprit" might do very nicely.
Sure beats the "Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist" that belongs on yours.
Do I Want to Help?
Want to Help Secure Colorado’s Gun Rights? Donate to Our Legal Effort! [Read]
They certainly have the right lawyer "spearheading" this.
Candidly, I have mixed feelings.
I suppose I'll, at minimum, help spread the word.
With what's at stake, I'd expect to see the moneyed interests and the local "sportsmen" step up to the plate and bankroll this.
[Via cydl]
The Rapists vs. Therapists
Therapists usually interpret this sort of talk as part of the treatment process, experts say. But under a new law in New York, one of the strongest to be passed to date, therapists may feel compelled to report every instance of violent talk, lest they face legal consequences if something happens. And some say ordinary patients may wind up suffering the most. [More]
They won't stop until they control your mind, and even that will only be their "good first step" toward their hideous end game.
Hey, why not set up an online theological credentialing service and ordain privacy-respecting therapists as priests? That way, the sessions can also serve the dual purpose of being confessions, protected by federal precedents...
[Via Florida Guy]
This Day in Revolutionary History: March 22, 1781
On March 22, 1781, de Grasse had sailed for the Caribbean with an armada of more than twenty ships of the line, leading a convoy of a hundred and fifty French merchant vessels. [More]
Thursday, March 21, 2013
New York gun snitch line invites abuse
If I'm a drug dealer and I want to eliminate the competition, why not let New York's finest do the job for me? Chances are, my rivals will be packing, so I'll not only get them busted, but I'll collect a cool grand per head. And if I'm really lucky, maybe one or more of them will go for their waistbands and I can get the cops to take 'em out for me. Or what if I'm just mad at somebody? What if some bum has stolen my girl or I think a guy ripped me off or I'm just a creep who wants to victimize someone for the twisted hell of it? [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what could go wrong by turning Amerika into an informant society...
We're the Only Ones All Fired Up Enough
A drunken Brooklyn cop fired his gun in the air after a bar fight and then apparently involved his girlfriend — a fellow officer — in a botched attempt to hide the weapon, the Daily News has learned. [More]Furious Mike's Finest strike again!
[Via Florida Guy]
Don't Let Your Rights Go Up in Smoke
OFF takes no position on marijuana, but we are concerned about the gun rights of veterans. Persons who use medical marijuana lose their gun rights under Federal law. We think it’s important that any bill that expands marijuana use to those dealing with PTSD should clearly warn the users of the threat to their liberties. [More]But threatening liberties is what power addicts get off on...
We're the Only Ones Never Giving a Sucker an Even Brake Enough
So why wasn't badged headcase Craig Cupepper cited? People could have been killed. [Read and Watch]
[Via Tom S]
[Via Tom S]
And In THIS Corner...
NRA & NYSRPA Defending the Second Amendment Rights of Law-Abiding New Yorkers [More]
The Worldwide Liar in News
There is no hunter that needs automatic military weapons to enjoy the culture of going hunting...We're talking about millions of kids dying — being shot down by assault weapons ... [More]What a disgraceful imbecile. Not this Marxist douche--lying is what he does.
I'm talking about the CNN "reporterette" who doesn't jump right in, stop him and ensure their viewers are being told the truth.
[Via Jess]
Gun Memes
This page has been created to provide a resource of bare-knuckle graphics to fight the anti-gunners by exposing how dangerous there subversion is. The images have been sized to work with both computers and personal devices.
The object here is to bookmark and share this page and use the images whenever you find them useful.
I'm going to create a "Gun Memes" sidebar click-through so you don't have to search for this post.
The object here is to bookmark and share this page and use the images whenever you find them useful.
I'm going to create a "Gun Memes" sidebar click-through so you don't have to search for this post.
Kerry Commits U.S. To U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Gun Grab
Shoot. I used the title "Of Course" on my last post. [Read]
Of Course?
First, define "abuse."A man abuses and threatens his ex‑wife. She tells a judge that she is frightened and that he is armed. The court orders him to stay away from her. Should it also order him to give up his guns?Of course it should. If a protective order is to mean anything, the court must do all that it reasonably can do to keep a vulnerable person from becoming a homicide statistic. [More]
If she's telling the truth, arrest him, charge him with appropriate felonies, set appropriate bail to let him know this is serious and slap a monitor on him, and don't forget to make sure she knows about her options for self-defense.
Oh wait, this is New York, and these are the "feminist" supporters who tell the poor dears a gun would only be taken away from them and used against them.
And I hate to bring up this unpleasant potential, but what if she's just a lying bipolar headcase b!tch from hell who just wants to destroy the poor guy she's been serial-abusing with everything she can throw at him?
In what other area of professional life would this not be considered malpractice? [Read]
[Via Andrea Shea King]
UPDATE: The Captain's Journal has some observations.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
UPDATE: The Captain's Journal has some observations.
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