Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The hoax of the arrest of Perazzi: a fake scoop created by the gun lobby?

This is the Google Translate version of what appears to be a New York-based Italian news site. [Read]

No one is more committed to finding the truth of this matter than I am. That's why I spent hours last night posting and publicizing updates, communicating with the principal sources, and reaching out to Perazzi, Fox News 31 Denver and the Denver PD.  That's why I'm getting ready to spend another long day digging out and sharing whatever I can.

I invite the reporter making this public speculation about motives to contact me (dcodreaAThotmailDOTcom).

UPDATE: I posted a comment on their site linking to this piece that is presently awaiting moderation, and also just sent them this:


bondmen said...

One must consider the possibility this apparent "planted story" could have been funded with the Bloomberg not-so-funny anti-gun money he's been throwing around of late. Of course POTUS could, by a flick of the wrist, ban importation of any foreign product his (shall I say evil?) heart desires. Why would he or his soul mate Soros be so willing to show US their sword of Damocles? Their empires would crumble should non-fascists ever come to power!

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

It would be a pretty foolish hoax on the part of "the gun lobby." It's not as if either you or Fox News (guess you and Fox are "the gun lobby" now) would have had any expectation that the hoax would not be soon discovered.