I'm sure they had all kinds of ideas the "progressives" are just itching to implement, nyet, tovarisch? [More]
You know, in the spirit of glasnost?
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Thursday, October 31, 2013
He Who Has No Sword
Some Kenyan pastors are fed up with mandated defenselessness. [More]
Especially when the results of those evil edicts are clear for all to see.
Especially when the results of those evil edicts are clear for all to see.
Nice Trick, If They Can Get Away with It
Oh no! If you fight back, Long Beach Press telegram hive insects will call you a racist! [More]
Like I've said, Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists...
I trust nobody who matters is afraid of these subversives punks?
Because they're about as formidable as Bridon's dad.
Like I've said, Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists...
I trust nobody who matters is afraid of these subversives punks?
Because they're about as formidable as Bridon's dad.
‘Few answers’ conclusion on massacres presupposes right questions being asked
The answers to all of these killings aren’t as difficult to decipher as Pearce’s headline would have readers believe. Unfortunately, they don’t fit the “legitimate” news media’s “blame guns” narrative. Nor do they advance the political establishment’s agenda to exploit situations government policies enable in order to make gun ownership more difficult for people who aren’t criminals and crazies. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the wrong questions are being asked for a reason.
Where There's a Will
Officers believe he's been building them since he was 7... [More]Imagine what others could do if the circumstances were desperate enough.
[Via Neil W]
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Clerk’s fiery murder highlights importance of armed self-defense
Left unanswered is the question “What if what they want is your life?” After all, that’s what’s being threatened in every single robbery, regardless of how much is in the register. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes giving predators what they want can be a lot more dangerous than giving them what they deserve.
Where They Stand
FFL Guard raises important points about defining roles, responsibilities and expectations. [More]
This is important in any organization, but especially in those that are heavily regulated.
If you don't have jobs and processes defined, how can there be any standards and accountability?
Compliance is no great trick. All it requires is organized and standardized discipline and control.
This isn't just opinion. I did this for decades in my sordid past for industries as diverse and regulated as medical devices, pharmaceuticals, defense electronics and medical practice management, and some of them were pretty big ventures.
The ones that let me do my job had no problem passing audits with flying colors.
This is important in any organization, but especially in those that are heavily regulated.
If you don't have jobs and processes defined, how can there be any standards and accountability?
Compliance is no great trick. All it requires is organized and standardized discipline and control.
This isn't just opinion. I did this for decades in my sordid past for industries as diverse and regulated as medical devices, pharmaceuticals, defense electronics and medical practice management, and some of them were pretty big ventures.
The ones that let me do my job had no problem passing audits with flying colors.
"This AK-47"?
"Authorized Journalists" and "Only Ones": Is it any wonder we love them so? [More]
"Weapons of choice," eh? I've been wondering what those were.
Police are at a disadvantage, you see, being outgunned and all, and they only have one way to protect themselves: Kill you if you're armed. And just like with "gun buybacks": No questions asked.
"You only gotta get hit by one round for it do do extreme damage to the human body."
Gee, chief, can I be smart like you some day?
And here's a news flash: Rifle bullets penetrate ballistic vests designed against handgun rounds!
You hear that, Fudds?
"Very scary."
Be honest now, CBS 12: That's the whole point of this report, isn't it?
[Via Florida Guy]
"Weapons of choice," eh? I've been wondering what those were.
Police are at a disadvantage, you see, being outgunned and all, and they only have one way to protect themselves: Kill you if you're armed. And just like with "gun buybacks": No questions asked.
"You only gotta get hit by one round for it do do extreme damage to the human body."
Gee, chief, can I be smart like you some day?
And here's a news flash: Rifle bullets penetrate ballistic vests designed against handgun rounds!
You hear that, Fudds?
"Very scary."
Be honest now, CBS 12: That's the whole point of this report, isn't it?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Heckled Enough
“The conduct of disruptive members of the audience is indefensible and an affront both to civil democratic society and to the university’s core values of dialogue and the free exchange of views,” Paxson’s statement read. [More]Free exchange? Really?
Furthermore, we deplore efforts by University administrators to prevent the BDH from publishing complete and accurate reports on University disciplinary proceedings, malfeasance within the University administration, and other issues that concern the Brown community.Oh, I get it: Free exchange of their ideas.
Rude Awakening
In this week's crime re-enactment, a home security alarm awakes the homeowner's daughter from a sleep. Still groggy, she reaches for her gun and prepares to defend herself.American Trigger Sports Network presents "Stop the Threat."
Hosted by James B. Towle with Special Guests: Wes Dos, Kathy Jackson and Rob Pincus.
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel: DirecTV 604/DISH Network 393.
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST
Fridays 1:00am EST
You can also catch past "Stop the Threat" episodes and other programs on ATSNtv's You Tube channel.
What Works in Chicago
Hey wait just a dang a minute -- didn't Obama go on record saying ""I know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne"??? Aside from wondering just what the hell works in Chicago, what gives here? [More]
Aside from "progressive" hypocrisy?
Aside from "progressive" hypocrisy?
Dog Day Afternoon
Of course, the "progressives" would rather she were ripped to pieces than armed. [More]
Note how government has once again proven absolutely useless at doing what it was "hired" to do.
Note how government has once again proven absolutely useless at doing what it was "hired" to do.
Unwarranted Assumptions
“Mr. President, I understand it is absolutely unacceptable that an agency under me was sending guns to Mexican drug cartels, including one used to kill an American border patrol agent. My resignation letter is on your desk.”
“I’m sorry I have to accept this, Eric.” [More]Sorry, but I'm not buying into the premise here. Next thing you'll be telling us is it was a "botched sting."
[Via Michael G]
The War on Gubs
The incident itself was actually reported a month ago. Turns out the "suspect" was a plainclothes state marshal (which again raises a question that collectivist meathead "Shoot First Garry" has never answered).Anyway, I'm thinking of sending that hoplophobic Gursky weenie a postcard with just the word "Gub" on it.
DQ: Something Different
Before the robber could grab any cash, police say the owner of the Dairy Queen took out a gun and opened fire. [More]That is something different: Don't give them what they want, give them what they deserve.
After all, they've already demonstrated what they want is your life if you don't obey them, and maybe even if you do, and what more "cherished asset' do you have than that?
Ain't that right, Tony?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Attention Tony El-Nemr and Nouria Energy!
When the clerk couldn't open the safe, the robber ordered a second clerk to try. He was also unsuccessful. The suspect fired a round at one of the clerks and fled. [More]Have I got some "most cherished assets" for you!
[Via Florida Guy]
Ask the Experts
Trayvon Martin's mother told a panel of senators Tuesday that state stand your ground self-defense laws do not work and must be amended, reviving the politically charged gun control issue a year ahead of the 2014 midterm elections. [More]As long as they're asking her questions about things she is absolutely unqualified to answer, I'd be interested to hear her take on standard and abridged Molodensky coordinate transformation formulae...
We're the Only Ones Instructive Enough
He is also a field training officer and firearms instructor in policy and procedure, safety and the use of force... [More]Huh. I wonder where he got his training from...
[Via Dave Licht]
We're the Only Ones Tempting Enough
Dissenting, Judge Noonan wrote that the majority gives approval to the government tempting persons in the population at large currently engaged in innocent activity and leading them into the commission of a serious crime, which the government will then prosecute. [More]That's Phase Two.
[Via Geordan]
Opposite Day in Sandy Hook
Gungrabbers: Don't exploit the Sandy Hook anniversary.
Freedom Activists: OK.
Gungrabbers: Everybody on our side exploit the hell out of Sandy Hook on Dec. 14!
Everybody see how that works? [More]
Freedom Activists: OK.
Gungrabbers: Everybody on our side exploit the hell out of Sandy Hook on Dec. 14!
Everybody see how that works? [More]
Attack of the Norquislings
Ryan Ellis, the tax policy director for Norquist’s downtown Washington, D.C., organization ... also called Tea Partiers “freaking retarded.” [More]What do you expect from a guy working for an NRA director who endorses gungrabbers?
Advancing AK series gun case derailed by defendant’s sex offense conviction
That his becoming a prohibited person did not factor into Zondorak’s gun conviction was a matter of timing. What is clear is that such a case would be difficult enough to advance were the central figure a demonstrable law-abiding model of virtue. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a case that had potential to work in our favor has ended up becoming a near-insurmountable obstacle.
This Day in History: October 29
I have the Pleasure to inform You, That American Government is now again settled in Georgia, that the Enemy are confined to Charlestown in S. Carolina... [More]
Monday, October 28, 2013
Group seeks end to gun ban in Connecticut parks and forests
While it’s not part of the recommended letter, it wouldn’t hurt -- just to help work up the motivation to send one -- to understand that Gov. Malloy and his family have no need to hike through state forests unprotected, not with “a security detail made up more than 12 State Troopers” that racked up $1.1 million in taxpayer-funded overtime. [More]This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes how typical it is of “progressives” to pretend the laws of nature and the relationships between predator and prey are suspended in forests, of all places.
The Captain's Spate*
There needs to be an apostrophe before the "s" [More]:
- Guns and Obamacare
- The Stark Divide
- Notes
Last book in ‘Enemies’ trilogy now offered for free download
The third book in author Matthew Bracken’s “Enemies Foreign and Domestic Trilogy” became available for free downloading this morning on Amazon.com. The Kindle version of “Foreign Enemies and Traitors” will be offered at no charge through October 31. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes an offer you shouldn’t want to refuse. Fans and friends of Matt Bracken, please share the link far and wide.
We're the Only Ones Certified Enough
Tell me this doesn't give new meaning to the term "Officer Friendly"... [More]
And still the nagging question of protocol remains...
[Via Florida Guy]
And still the nagging question of protocol remains...
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Deputizing Enough
I thought this guy was supposed to be a big favorite among the Tea Party types as some kind of liberty champion... [More]
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...
Whew. Thank goodness no one was a "victim of gun violence"! [More]
I'm thinking that ought to have a "TM" after it or something...
[Via William T]
I'm thinking that ought to have a "TM" after it or something...
[Via William T]
Discovery Jumps on the Propaganda Junk Science Bandwagon
Madenci said he didn’t have enough data to determine whether guns in specific homes were responsible for these deaths or injuries... [More]Gee, and which households might those be?
Perhaps the ones where"gun possession" might be a more honest description than "gun ownership"...?
Yeah, right, lump yours and mine in with crack houses and gangbanger cribs and then judge us all as one big homogeneous demographic.
The establishment popular "science" community is just another part of the propaganda machine.
Anybody think Eric Niiler is "reporting" from a position of ignorance?
The Wrong People Are Being Caged
The threat has become so ominous the local school district has decided to place wolf shelters (kid cages) at school bus stops to protect school children from wolves while they wait for the bus or parents. [More]Hey, what ever happened to "home rule" and wouldn't it be grand entertainment to drop urban environmentalcase fanatics insisting on this destructive foolishness off in the midst of the pack so they could show us how to truly become one with nature?
This is the "progressive" solution? Cage humans?
[Via Michael G]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Kurt notes Brit authorities doing an Emily Litella impersonation. [More]
Duct Tape for Raleigh
![]() |
Mayor McFarlane in a sticky situation |
Grudgingly removing only some of Raleigh's illegal signs prohibiting lawful concealed carry is akin to citizens agreeing to obey Raleigh's noise ordinance only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. What part of the word 'illegal' does Raleigh not understand? [More]
More proof that if it can't be fixed with duct tape, it can't be fixed.
GRNC shares their latest creative response to official resistance to obeying the law.
What I don't get is "dual citizenship"--who do they owe primary loyalty to? [More]
No one puts a gun to the head of people who want to be Americans to make them take this oath:
Ain't that right, Arnhole?
No one puts a gun to the head of people who want to be Americans to make them take this oath:
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.I don't get why it is in our interest to allow that to be a nod and a wink, and then formally recognize we don't really mean it
Ain't that right, Arnhole?
We're the Only Ones Unjustified Enough
Adam Collins, a spokesman for the Police Department, says it would be out of the question to resell the guns. "Any small financial gain would not justify being part of putting more firearms out on the streets," he told me. [More]Can you imagine being Adam Collins? Because I can't. It's like an alien way of thinking I'm not hard-wired to be able to grok.
"Conservative Leaders"
Well, that's what Bloomberg wants us to think. [More]
Oh, and Mario will now settle for the same incremental bite-sized chunks strategy the antis use on guns when they can't get everything swallowed at once, so he must be our pal now, too.
Gosh, how historic!
So everybody --except for a few obstructionist wacko birds-- is in agreement. What do you think is going on here, Professor Q?
Oh, and Mario will now settle for the same incremental bite-sized chunks strategy the antis use on guns when they can't get everything swallowed at once, so he must be our pal now, too.
Gosh, how historic!
So everybody --except for a few obstructionist wacko birds-- is in agreement. What do you think is going on here, Professor Q?
This Day in History: October 28
Do acknowledge myself a Prisoner of War to the [United] States of America, & having permission from His [Excellenc]y General Washington agreeable to Capitulation to proceed to New York & Charlestown, or either, & to Europe [More]
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Burlington Councilor reveals goal is to end preemption in Vermont
“The opposition, the fear, the threat is that if this passes in Burlington, God forbid other Vermont towns might follow suit,” Blais declared. “And that is not a fear, from my perspective that is a hope.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the true goal of "progressives" is to control everything everywhere. Seems there's a word for that...
Friday, October 25, 2013
California court ruling undermines victory declaration on ‘assault weapons’ veto
While Gov. Brown may very well have been swayed by tens of thousands of letters (although he handily beat anti-gun Republican Meg Whitman in the 2010 election with over a million votes), and while his explanation that “I don't believe that this bill's blanket ban on semi-automatic rifles would reduce criminal activity or enhance public safety enough to warrant this infringement on gun owners' rights” may be sincere, that doesn’t mean he won’t be receptive to future, less ambitious erosion. And there’s another significant factor that we addressed at the start of this report, one that may have had a significant impact of its own: The Zondorak case. [More]
This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes that reports of our victory have been greatly exaggerated, and that those who would “make progress” with citizen disarmament are smart and patient enough to do so one step at a time.
October 25 a shameful day in Revolutionary history
It's one thing to intellectualize that the system of liberty-based government created by the victors made the continuation of the age-old obscenity of human bondage untenable and doomed to being eradicated in under a century, and another to note that would have been small comfort to the man, woman or child brutally treated as chattel. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes an old evil
we did not commit but are nonetheless all still paying for.
A Test Run
Terry McAuliffe intends to use Virginia as a platform to show the rest of blue America how he can use Washington-style politics to radically change Virginia’s laws and traditions. [More]Or Virginia gun owners can make sure they are personally involved to make sure that doesn't happen, and that Bloomberg & Co. have been foiled again...
[Via Andrea Shea King]
A Higher Toll
Shouldn't the question be who is exacting it? [More]
I mean, if one is interested in actually making things better...?
I mean, if one is interested in actually making things better...?
Francis Wilkinson, Gun Safety Expert
Oh, he's not? [More]
You mean he doesn't even know what the hell he's talking about?
Well why is a major newspaper giving him so much space then?
Well, at least he's an expert in race relations...
Say...what's goin' on here, anyway?
You mean he doesn't even know what the hell he's talking about?
Well why is a major newspaper giving him so much space then?
Well, at least he's an expert in race relations...
Say...what's goin' on here, anyway?
10 Seconds to Die
Bear counts them down. [More]
Anybody try that experiment yet?
One-thousand-one, one-thousand-two...
Anybody try that experiment yet?
One-thousand-one, one-thousand-two...
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
We don't trust you to own a piece of plastic. [More]
Pip-pip, jolly good, wot?
Pip-pip, jolly good, wot?
Bear said...
Whoops. They have a little problem.
Seems the parts weren't gun parts. They're printer parts. And the "suspected gang member" is a modeller who prints cake decorations.
This Day in History: October 25
It having been represented that many Negroes and Mulattoes the property of Citizens of these States have concealed themselves on board the Ships in the harbor; that some still continue to attach themselves to British Officers and that others have attempted to impose themselves upon the officers of the French and American Armies as Freemen and to make their escapes in that manner, In order to prevent their succeeding in such practices All Officers of the Allied Army and other persons of every denomination concerned are directed not to suffer any such negroes or mulattoes to be retained in their Service but on the contrary to cause them to be delivered to the Guards which will be establish'd for their reception at one of the Redoubts in York and another in Gloucester. Mr. David Ross will have the superintendency and will give passes to enable them to return to their Masters or where that is not practicable will have directions to make other provision for them. Any Negroes or mulattoes who are free upon proving the same will be left to their own disposal. [More]I'm making this the subject of today's Gun Rights Examiner column, forthcoming.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
We're the Only Ones Seasoned Enough
Oh, the humanity! I must file for worker's comp! [More]
Say, since he's this riddled with depression and anxiety, any chance we could get him disqualified from having a gun?
Say, since he's this riddled with depression and anxiety, any chance we could get him disqualified from having a gun?
Guided by the North Star
Check out comprehensive event details on their Facebook page. [More]
If you're from around Elk River, spread the word.
Hosted at a Harley dealership: How cool is that?
View, share and download the event poster here.
If you're from around Elk River, spread the word.
Hosted at a Harley dealership: How cool is that?
View, share and download the event poster here.
One of the Most Ignorant Things I've Ever Read
The only solution to tragedies such as these is to require "smart gun" technology so that it is not possible for an adolescent, child, or toddler to have unauthorized access to a loaded firearm — that is, anyone but the properly licensed and sufficiently trained gun owner. [More]Oh, shut up, you idiot. You don't know what you're talking about. Seriously, you're a moron.
No wonder the academic and media establishments pass you off as an expert.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough
I love it! It's a shame --and telling-- that popular sympathies don't also extend to human victims, but this has the potential to draw a lot more who have been previously disengaged into the anti-police state camp.Help make it happen.
War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery, and Defending Liberty is Arrogance
If leadership toward these goals does not come from Washington, only the most arrogant American could think it would never come from somewhere else. [More]So where would it come from, Óscar? Flesh that out for us, won't you, including your vision for enforcement?
A Nobel Peace Prize winner, eh? With "progressives," every day is Opposite Day!
The Fashion Police
Wear some of these designs in hive insect territory where even shell casings are "illegal" and expect to literally meet them... [More]
Dispatches from the Other America
"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." [More]
They're not even trying to mask their Orwellian ambitions any more.
"A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy" is now a bacterium. [More]
There are a lot of things they're no longer trying to mask.
[Via Michael G]
They're not even trying to mask their Orwellian ambitions any more.
"A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy" is now a bacterium. [More]
There are a lot of things they're no longer trying to mask.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones "For the Children" Enough
"The subject turned toward the deputies, and as he was doing that the barrel of the weapon was rising toward the deputies," Henry said. The deputy then fired rounds, killing the boy. [More]Here's an experiment you can try yourself. Go out in public and yell at some random person from behind to drop what they're carrying.
See if their first reaction is to turn and see if you're talking to them or if they just immediately comply.
My, how times have changed.
And the heirs of Liberty have not only allowed it to be done to them, but in most cases demanded it. Just look at some of the comments under the linked article.
And this is one of the best arguments I can think of for why open carry needs to be normalized instead of feared, condemned and prohibited.
[Via several of you]
This Day in History: October 24
I would be lacking in recognition if I did not have the pleasure of indicating to you all the recognition I feel for the services I have received from the Spanish in this undertaking. Monsieur the Governor of Santo Domingo had the honesty to lend me, until the end of this month, the troops of M. de St.Simon who were under his orders, M. de Solano and the residents of Havana remitted in 24 hours to M. de Grasse 1,200,000 [livres] that were of the greatest necessity to me, my [treasure] having arrived in Boston, whence overland transport has not yet enabled it to join me. [More]
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Guns not only things ‘progressives’ trying to regulate out of existence
In short, it's about the pursuit of happiness, supposedly an unalienable right. And true to form, the collectivist blue-noses can't leave anything alone, especially if it looks like someone may be enjoying himself without their permission, rules and oversight. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes where there’s smoke, chances are some fascist hive insects are setting fire to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
We're the Only Ones "For the Children" Enough
3 students hurt when cop's gun discharges at school safety demo [More]Say, that's quite some safety presentation. And naturally, it was the gun that discharged.
Hey what's this guy's name? He just surpassed Lee Paige, and must be honored.
Gaming the UK Crime Rate
The results are in from a special investigation by Paul Gallant, Alan J. Chwick, Sherry Gallant, and Joanne D. Eisen. [More]
We're the Only Ones Harassing Enough
I don't suppose it ever occurs to most truffle-rooters that someday their abusive treatment of others might catch up with them? [More]
I wonder if it's because they're not that bright or because they just feel untouchable, although the latter is symptomatic of the former...
[Via Florida Guy]
I wonder if it's because they're not that bright or because they just feel untouchable, although the latter is symptomatic of the former...
[Via Florida Guy]
On the Run
American Trigger Sports Network presents "Stop the Threat":
In this week's crime reenactment: An evening is interrupted by a television news report with breaking news that a man has evaded the law and is on the run in the local area. Three citizens go hunting for the threat.You can also catch past "Stop the Threat" episodes and other programs on ATSNtv's You Tube channel.
Hosted by James B. Towle with all Law Enforcement Special Guests: Wes Doss, William Duggan, Chris Wolf
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
DISH Network: Channel 393 HUNT
DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST
Fridays 1:00am EST
Friendly Persuasion
The Town of Farragut has been considering an ordinance to rescind their ban on permit holders carrying a handgun in Farragut parks. They will vote on the ordinance this Thursday, October 24. [More]Liston Matthews would like to see a strong attendance, and is asking us to spread the word to Tennesseans who live in the area...
We're the Only Ones Like Mike Enough
Fort Worth police officer accused of stealing Air Jordan shoes during police raid [More]So now his career is up in the air? If police witnesses saw him carrying them away and they found the shoes at his home, it would seem this case is a slam dunk.
[Via HPS]
We're the Only Ones Putting the Heat on Enough
Nice to see gun criminal Charles Ramsey is among the "law enforcement" luminaries seeking to disarm you and me... [More]
The Sheer Precipice at the Bottom of That Slippery Slope That Doesn't Exist
"In short, because laws banning dangerous guns and ammunition seek to protect the public rather than to confiscate private property for public use, they are perfectly consistent with the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment." [More]But...but...but... I thought the "progressives" promised nobody wanted to take our guns...
Is There's an App for That?
I bet there'd be a ...uh... target market for one... [View]
You know, so that photos could be framed... and to show what might have been...
I wonder how far up the food chain First Amendment protections would be recognized?
I guess that depends on who is being targeted...
You know, so that photos could be framed... and to show what might have been...
I wonder how far up the food chain First Amendment protections would be recognized?
I guess that depends on who is being targeted...
An Illinois Republican
The measure would require a 3-year prison sentence for illegally packing a loaded gun. [More]Because "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" obviously means prior restraints and licenses are the order of the day.
Any gun owner who voted for Mark Kirk out of fear of Democrats is as culpable for this as the most ardent anti-gunner.
Burlington Updates
I keep running onto that "there's only one of me" limitation, and have received several updates on the situation in Burlington that I have not had -- and probably won't get -- time to write up in a column.
Here are some updates:
Video of citizens addressing council
Here's a picture of that. Orange = pro-gun/Green = useful idiots.
I'm told:
There are some communications back and forth between the city and VFSC in re their FOIA request. The best I can suggest is those interested --and all who don't want to see city's override state preemption ought to be, if for no other reason than to see a real world example unfolding on how to fight that-- is to bookmark the VFSC website and blog and monitor them for updates.
I'm sure I'll be doing future detail reports on this situation as developments occur, but for now, as I said, there's only one of me and there are plenty of other balls in the air that need to be juggled.
UPDATE: The Council is spoiling for trouble regardless. Hey, it's not their personal money that will be involved in the legal proceedings...
Here are some updates:
Video of citizens addressing council
Here's a picture of that. Orange = pro-gun/Green = useful idiots.
I'm told:
Evan Hughes of Vermont Federation of Sportmen's Clubs was on NRA News/Cam & Company the other day--I don't see the video posted yet, but if it is, it will be available on their website.The photo shows a fraction of the pro-gun folks present. After there were so many pro-gunfolks in attendance, the city council had to open the second story balcony.
There are some communications back and forth between the city and VFSC in re their FOIA request. The best I can suggest is those interested --and all who don't want to see city's override state preemption ought to be, if for no other reason than to see a real world example unfolding on how to fight that-- is to bookmark the VFSC website and blog and monitor them for updates.
I'm sure I'll be doing future detail reports on this situation as developments occur, but for now, as I said, there's only one of me and there are plenty of other balls in the air that need to be juggled.
UPDATE: The Council is spoiling for trouble regardless. Hey, it's not their personal money that will be involved in the legal proceedings...
San Antonio Recap Report
Mike reflects on his many adventures, including a confrontation with Alex Jones. [More]
We're the Only Ones Squirrely Enough
Maybe these people are special. I'd have never thought of that solution. [More]
"Legitimate Oversight"
If the administration can identify "legitimate media," why not also acknowledge they are the final arbiters of what constitutes "legitimate oversight"? [More]
I'd love to see Peabody's Boy Sherman here explaining that assumption of powers to the Terry family, face-to-face.
I'd love to see Peabody's Boy Sherman here explaining that assumption of powers to the Terry family, face-to-face.
"Two People with Megaphones"
They've made themselves public figures. Identify them. [More]
Let them reap the rewards of personal fame.
Let them reap the rewards of personal fame.
This Day in History:October 23
Sir: I must beg you to remind Congress, that when they did me the honor of electing me President, and before I assumed the Chair, I informed them, that as Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, I should be under the necessity of attending the Supreme Court of that State, the latter end of September, or at farthest in October. That court will be held to-day; I must therefore request, that they will be pleased to proceed to the choice of another President. [More]
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
‘Two countries’ Alamo speech validated by ‘progressive’ rhetoric (Video)
“This is not sedition,” he explained. “It is not insurrection. It is a philosophy that the Founders embodied and would endorse today. The men who died at the point of Mexican bayonets behind those walls would endorse it as well." [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner commentary advises “Remember the Alamo!” and notes this time, we’re not the ones who are outnumbered and surrounded.
We're the Only Ones A-Listed Enough
State corrections officers, prosecuting attorneys and certain federal law enforcement officers could be added to the list of people who are allowed to carry concealed guns in the state’s weapons-free zones. [More]Thanks, Rep. Joel Johnson, R-Clare! And sorry, but I don't want to click on your "Johnson Photos" link.
Say, Mr. Mason would like to have a word with you:
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials."[Via Jeffersonian]
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!
Oh, good grief! AAUGH! [More]
Wish I had time to do one of my cheesy fauxtoshops on this, but I'm in a hurry to get things wrapped up this morning.
[Via Michael W. Dean]
Wish I had time to do one of my cheesy fauxtoshops on this, but I'm in a hurry to get things wrapped up this morning.
[Via Michael W. Dean]
We're the Only Ones Pondering Enough
Yeah, well, while you and your "Only One" buddies are pondering there, people are being killed. [More]
"How do you protect soft targets?"
And they say there are no stupid questions.
[Via Florida Guy]
"How do you protect soft targets?"
And they say there are no stupid questions.
[Via Florida Guy]
The Cross and the Gun
The Captain's Journal dissects the "Think Progress" (and recalling that with their Orwellian contradictions, they'd be more appropriately called "Swallow Retrogression") "Who Would Jesus Shoot?" bit of blasphemy. [More]
They are being subversive on several counts. First you need to realize that they hate Jesus and Christians, and will do everything they can to turn Him and them into Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule targets, while, of course, screaming "Racist!" and "Xenophobe!" at any who point to Western Muhammadization as a concern. Recall it was the Ultimate Progressive who tried to tempt Christ, who rejected that because He was sent here with a higher purpose to be fulfilled.
That cup was His, not ours.
They are being subversive on several counts. First you need to realize that they hate Jesus and Christians, and will do everything they can to turn Him and them into Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule targets, while, of course, screaming "Racist!" and "Xenophobe!" at any who point to Western Muhammadization as a concern. Recall it was the Ultimate Progressive who tried to tempt Christ, who rejected that because He was sent here with a higher purpose to be fulfilled.
That cup was His, not ours.
Spurring on Tyranny
So "gun safety advocates" in New York think making a gun harder to handle and less accurate makes it safer? [Watch]
The Friend of My Enemy
Why doesn't it surprise me that the Indian government chooses to side with pirates? [More]
Armed American Radio Redux
Alan Gottlieb discusses his recent Piers Morgan interview, Guns Save Lives Day controversy, and the Gun Rights Policy Conference. Mike Vanderboegh discusses his speech to the armed marchers at the Alamo and David Codrea and George Hill talk current events and fun gun stuff.
This Day in History: October 22
People who are so stupidly regardless of their own interests are undeserving of compassion, but one cannot help lamenting that the fate of so many worthy persons should be connected with the failure or success of the British army. [More]
Monday, October 21, 2013
Holder: Mass Shootings on the Rise
Like there is a statistically valid correlations from such a small sampling to draw such conclusions. [More]
I note this article does not define "mass shootings" nor differentiate between some nut job exploiting a "gun free zone" and Chi-Town Democrats enjoying a typical weekend. But the impression has been made, courtesy of selective "real reportering" from our good pals at the Associated Press.
Also unmentioned: Shootings with walked guns that took place before Holder's tenure and after, and of course, shootings by local, state and federal "Only Ones"...
[Via Geordan]
I note this article does not define "mass shootings" nor differentiate between some nut job exploiting a "gun free zone" and Chi-Town Democrats enjoying a typical weekend. But the impression has been made, courtesy of selective "real reportering" from our good pals at the Associated Press.
Also unmentioned: Shootings with walked guns that took place before Holder's tenure and after, and of course, shootings by local, state and federal "Only Ones"...
[Via Geordan]
Free downloads for second book in ‘Enemies’ trilogy start today
As such, it’s not an easy book to face up to, and is, in this era of suppressing and attacking anyone who dares challenge “progressive” correctness, a brave one. The author was fully aware of the charged criticism some would level on him for reacting to existing movements and extrapolating existing trends into a potential near-future scenario. [More]
This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes an offer you shouldn't want to refuse.
The Anti-Gun Ignoramus Loophole
Why does Napoleon Dynamite come to mind here? [More]
This is one of the reasons I think it inadvisable for pro-gun groups to do anything but flat-out oppose edicts being drafted. Trying to help mitigate finer points means guiding the enemy through unfamiliar territory--best to just warn against venturing there in the first place, but if they insist, let them find the crevasses on their own when they fall into them.
This is one of the reasons I think it inadvisable for pro-gun groups to do anything but flat-out oppose edicts being drafted. Trying to help mitigate finer points means guiding the enemy through unfamiliar territory--best to just warn against venturing there in the first place, but if they insist, let them find the crevasses on their own when they fall into them.
We're the Only Ones for Reasons Given Enough
Reasons was given his pistol after trial and instructed to be more careful with his firearms when out of his native state In the future. [More]And the corrupt "Only Ones" were canned?
Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
We're the Only Ones Selectively Enforcing Enough
Two sets of standards? And all of a sudden a gate appears in that "wall of separation" between church and state? [More]Here's what really needs to be determined--were frames or receivers transferred?
My favorite bit:
The dean of the Cathedral, the Rev. Gary Hall, spoke at Mrs. Feinstein’s media event. Wearing a clerical collar and standing in front of the illegal guns, he said that, “I can no longer justify a society that allows people other than military and police to own weapons like these.”Well gee, Gar, you "progressive" hipster, you, seeing as how much the "justification" of a police state fascist hiding behind a collar means to me... say, you're not going to accompany the confiscation teams, by any chance, are you?
[Via William T]
The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Afghan special forces commander defects with guns to insurgents [More]It's been done.
[Via bondmen]
Define "Large"
Possession of large amounts of weapons, ammunition, explosives, accelerants, or explosive precursor chemicals could indicate pre-operational terrorist attack planning or criminal activity. [More]Pretty much the same way possession of hands could indicate pre-operational strangling attack planning, I suppose...
[Via Florida Guy]
Safety First
...and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen... [Watch]
One benefit: When the Big Die-Off comes, having a plentiful supply of cannibal food on hand will keep the pressure off of harder targets for a while...
One benefit: When the Big Die-Off comes, having a plentiful supply of cannibal food on hand will keep the pressure off of harder targets for a while...
Second Class Senators
Make that "Class 2"... [More]
Although I do see some who are third rate going all the way down to Fifth Columnist...
Although I do see some who are third rate going all the way down to Fifth Columnist...
Illinois Roadblocks
I trust no one thought the subversives would let this thing roll through unimpeded...? [More]
Co-Starring Special Guest Fascist "Furious Mike" Bloomberg...
Co-Starring Special Guest Fascist "Furious Mike" Bloomberg...
Connecticut gun group honored as ‘Organization of the Year’
Anyone who has ever been part of an organizational effort knows there's always such a core, who bear most of the burden and who make most of the personal sacrifices, enduring no shortage of slings and arrows, and getting up to do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. And they don't do it for awards. [More]This morning’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes it’s appropriate to say “Thank you” on occasion to those who merit it. It’s even more appropriate to lend a hand and help those bearing heavy burdens on our behalf.
This Day in History October 21
We were supposed to build barracks there. But because we did not want to agree to that right away, but rather made ourselves straw huts, we were treated very severely. A sharp command from the corporal forced us to build the barracks and it was our good fortune because all our straw huts were consumed by fire on October 21, 1781. [More]
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Tonight on Armed American Radio
Host Mark Walters will welcome Alan Gottlieb, trainers Rob Pincus and Ken Murray, "Mad Ogre" George Hill and yours truly.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also watch the studio feed hosted by producer Sean "Seanto" Young at IRF News.
UPDATE: Vanderboegh will be coming on at 9 Eastern to talk about the speech he gave at the Alamo.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also watch the studio feed hosted by producer Sean "Seanto" Young at IRF News.
UPDATE: Vanderboegh will be coming on at 9 Eastern to talk about the speech he gave at the Alamo.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Bill Russell arrest shows even doctrinaire Obama supporters value guns
That Russell actively supports an administration hostile to private gun ownership may seem self-defeating, particularly since Illinois Senate candidate Barack Obama answered “Yes” on a questionnaire asking “Do you support state legislation to … ban the manufacture and possession of handguns?” [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes flagrant technical
fouls, personal fouls, penalties and no small amount of double dribbling.
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