What’s unclear at this point, particularly if JP Morgan Chase really did disassociate itself from sex industry performers over concerns of what they do, is if the bank will also now shut off the card for ATF Houston Director of Industry Operations Russell Vanderwerf, arrested in a Metairie hotel after deputies discovered “The door had ... a circular hole padded with duct tape. [More]This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes if JP Morgan is really concerned with nasty actors doing filthy things, there’s a group they’re having relations with that refuses to CleanUp.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Bank stiffing porn stars more than happy to service ATF
Government supremacist uses hate term to push citizen disarmament
That fits right in with using the term "gun supremacists" in his latest attack on Georgia's peaceable gun owners, and it's no coincidence this professional wordsmith selected a word broadly associated with racism. The antis have been trying to peg gun owners as haters because it's to their advantage to convince a critical mass of the public to view us as evil. [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes a familiar tactic of the antis: Lie and smear.
We're the Only Ones SWATting Enough
I just sent this link in response to an email requesting such info and thought I'd share it here. [More]
Every one of these standing army enforcers wants to go home at the end of his shift. And works in a command structure that will not hesitate to use "established protocol" as justification if you do not...
Every one of these standing army enforcers wants to go home at the end of his shift. And works in a command structure that will not hesitate to use "established protocol" as justification if you do not...
We're the Only Ones "Let the Punishment Fit the Crime" Enough
Does it? [More]
Be nice, considering multiple "real reporter" news outlets have been covering this story, if someone would care enough to stop just rewording statements and press releases and tell us what the hell the "parts" were.
For instance, any ATF-designated "firearms" in the loot...?
[Via Florida Guy]
Be nice, considering multiple "real reporter" news outlets have been covering this story, if someone would care enough to stop just rewording statements and press releases and tell us what the hell the "parts" were.
For instance, any ATF-designated "firearms" in the loot...?
[Via Florida Guy]
Bundy Ranch Advisory...
...from Oath Keepers. [More]
Yes, I'm aware of the controversy. I'd like to know a lot more about the people making charges.
I'm awaiting a post from Vanderboegh, and will link to that when it's up.
What I will not tolerate here are anonymous attacks. And I'm the sole arbiter. Don't like it, create your own forum.
Yes, I'm aware of the controversy. I'd like to know a lot more about the people making charges.
I'm awaiting a post from Vanderboegh, and will link to that when it's up.
What I will not tolerate here are anonymous attacks. And I'm the sole arbiter. Don't like it, create your own forum.
Well, If They're Qualified to Give Gun Advice...
...why the hell not? [More]
Here's Benjamin being counseled by his primary care physician. I can't help but wonder if his proctologist would agree, and if he needs a referral.
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
Here's Benjamin being counseled by his primary care physician. I can't help but wonder if his proctologist would agree, and if he needs a referral.
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
Talky, Talky, No Go No Place
Yeah, it's all about "cultural anxieties... clothed in a populist message of empowerment." [More]
You keep believing that. Along with your idiot redefinition of the word "uncontroversial."
Elitist "Republicans"-- like Democrats, only oilier. Because he basically said the same thing Ana Marie did, right down to implications of racism, only he wasn't quite so overt about it.
You keep believing that. Along with your idiot redefinition of the word "uncontroversial."
Elitist "Republicans"-- like Democrats, only oilier. Because he basically said the same thing Ana Marie did, right down to implications of racism, only he wasn't quite so overt about it.
Peer Recognition
SAF awarded by open government group for Seattle gun buyback probe [More]Accepting the award on behalf of the group...:-)
We're the Only Ones Arming Enough
Channel 2 Action News has learned more than two dozen weapons, including military assault rifles, have vanished from local law enforcement agencies. [More]There's gotta be some way you and I can be blamed and punished for this with a new "law."
[Via Doug Rink]
Mom Depends on Action
Of course, the Demanding Moms would rather she had been killed. [More]
I'll just bet Shannon would have been useless to save her, and her Bloomberg-funded armed bodyguards would have confined themselves to protecting their client.
I'll just bet Shannon would have been useless to save her, and her Bloomberg-funded armed bodyguards would have confined themselves to protecting their client.
Open Carry Civility
Assuming the news reports are true, there really is no excuse for taunting others. [More]
Again, qualifying things with that assumption, it makes me wonder if the guy is just a moron or an outright anti trying to sully recent gains in Georgia. I'd like to find out more about him.
If he's one of "ours," somebody who knows him ought to take him aside and either explain things or disavow him. And if he's one of "theirs," somebody ought to expose that.
Again, qualifying things with that assumption, it makes me wonder if the guy is just a moron or an outright anti trying to sully recent gains in Georgia. I'd like to find out more about him.
If he's one of "ours," somebody who knows him ought to take him aside and either explain things or disavow him. And if he's one of "theirs," somebody ought to expose that.
We're the Only Ones Blood-Dancing Enough
The killing of a 14-year-old girl, allegedly by another teen in a fight over a boy, shows that Illinois needs stricter gun laws, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said Tuesday. [More]Yeah! For starters, maybe we should make it illegal to steal guns and murder people with them!
What a meathead this McCarthy goon is and always has been.
[Via Jess]
The Dangerous Ravings of a Liar
You cannot defend this as anything other than the dangerous ravings of a madman. [More]Sure I can, Ana Marie Cox.
I can also call you a demonstrable liar, beginning with your headline.
This Day in History: April 30
The acting Quarter Master with the Army is dericted to have all the Boats from Kings ferry to Wappings Creek inclusive collected immediately at the last mentioned place, except such as are so Necessary for the common purposes of the Army, that the duty cannot be done without them... [More]
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Beating the Drum
That's not a quote from anyone but you, and you know it. [More]
I suppose telling your readers about making it mandatory rather than a free market choice would spoil the narrative. Like you've been a longtime champion of free markets.
And I'm still working on evidence related to the curious timing in California. This ain't over by a long shot.
NSSF has learned today that the U.S. State Department has made a “policy decision” to limit the export of 30 round and higher capacity magazines solely to government, law enforcement and military end users. The policy is expected to be posted to the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) website this week. NSSF will provide updates on this policy development as more information becomes available. [More]The mask is off.
Cox Wants Him Fired
See, if that happens, and he's out of the way, there will be no incentive for Republicans to go after him, not that they've demonstrated the guts to go all out anyway... [More]
Me, I want him tried.
Me, I want him tried.
Five Minute Activism: Florida
If you're from there, and/or know someone who is, do and/or share. [More]
We're the Only Ones On Time Enough
And why wouldn't he be, with an $8,000 watch? [More]
And no, of course I can't resist:
[Via Florida Guy]
And no, of course I can't resist:
He went to Jared.At least now we can see how their "Only Ones" policy is working out for them...
[Via Florida Guy]
Juan for the Road
During an April 28 interview on The Lars Larson show, Fox News' Juan Williams told a story about his wife's car being stolen and her saying, "I wish I had a gun." [More]Sorry, sweetie. Your husband would rather you and every other American be killed.
One That Needs Verifying
The tides may be turning within the National Rifle Association: according to a new report, America’s largest gun-lobbying group has helped advance three bills recently that limit firearm ownership, and more could soon be added to that list. [More]So "Stand and Fight" is just a fundraising slogan?
We've seen the dangers and abuses of Lautenberg, and the dangers and abuses of mere accusations in lieu of being adjudicated guilty.
I'm not automatically trusting either RT of HuffPo. What I am suggesting is finding out exactly what this is about, and making sure no deals are being cut behind closed doors.
Brady Campaign-endorsed Illinois politician facing child pornography charges
The irony is compounded because the very concept of gun control centers on a belief that ordinary people cannot be trusted to control themselves. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner notes when some gun-grabbers talk about “For the children” and then cite numbers like “6, 7, 8,” they’re not necessarily talking about magazine limits – unless they’re referencing a different kind of magazine...
A "Non Racist" Solution
Race-based segregation? Really? [More]
And there will be no demands to sever ties with this guy?
Good thing I don't give a damn about "spectator sports."
And there will be no demands to sever ties with this guy?
Good thing I don't give a damn about "spectator sports."
Stormy Weather
In Bunkerville and in Pinson... [More]
Boy, Mike ain't kiddin' about the latter. We'll need to wait to see what we can learn about the former.
I just tried calling him and no answer. If I hear anything, and if he has anything he needs me to pass on, I will.
In the mean time, I suppose a prayer from those so inclined to offer one couldn't hurt...
Boy, Mike ain't kiddin' about the latter. We'll need to wait to see what we can learn about the former.
I just tried calling him and no answer. If I hear anything, and if he has anything he needs me to pass on, I will.
In the mean time, I suppose a prayer from those so inclined to offer one couldn't hurt...
So Much for "Repeal Existing Gun Laws"
“We strongly support Project Exile which we implemented in Richmond, Virginia. We were pushing and still are pushing for the federal government to do that all across the country.” [More]Why?
Besides, it was never all you've cracked it up to be.
And Richmond still only rates 7 out of 100.
So I repeat, "Why?"
And what other existing gun laws should be enforced?
For instance, what should be done with these guys?
And where does federal authority over any of this even come from? Section, please?
Armed American Radio Redux
Sunday's program, following our return from the NRA Convention. I joined in during Hour 3.
"Congress Shall Make No Law..."
[I]t is critical to ensure the Internet, television and radio are not encouraging hate crimes or hate speech that is not outside the protection of the First Amendment ... [More]What, are we gonna have virtual approved, monitored and controlled "speech" zones now, like BLM recently tried?
And let me guess--this will be subjectively and selectively enforced, right?
How very "progressive."
My suspicion is this will never make it out of committee -- once I get a bill number and see this posted on THOMAS and GovTrack, we'll get a feel for the odds.
Les Miserables
The "selective enforcement" persecution under color of authority continues. [More]
How does that song go?
[Via Michael G]
How does that song go?
Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose...In the mean time, squeeze...
[Via Michael G]
Where Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists Go for the Approved Narrative
Hey, we have to make sure the talking points advance the goals. [More]
And guess where those talking points originate.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
And guess where those talking points originate.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Better Tracking
Of violence-prone haters? [More]
How much better tracking do you need than to have the fricking guy working for you?
What a suck-up tool this Comey character is.
[Via bondmen]
How much better tracking do you need than to have the fricking guy working for you?
What a suck-up tool this Comey character is.
[Via bondmen]
We're ze Only Ones Penetrating Enough
Two elite French police officers were charged Sunday with raping a Canadian tourist in their Paris headquarters in a case that has sent shock waves across France. [More]Ah...my great bundle of sweetness...mmm..mmm...mmm...
The True Domestic Terrorists Don't Want You Reading This
I had a difficult time selecting a good representative teaser quote. Just go read it all. [More]
A Long Way to the Point
You have to slog through a lot of bleating and mooing, but the last sentence says it all--although not in a way I think was intended, because the reflection should be entirely on the rabid prohibitionists. [More]
This Day in History: April 29
The intelligence which he gives corresponds with that given by major Maxwell—and the boats collecting at Cuyler’s-hook seem to indicate an intention of their designs on both sides of our advanced parties. I have written to captain Pray to move all his spare boats up to King’s ferry—indeed to make that his principal rendezvous, keeping only his manned boats down the river. [More]
Monday, April 28, 2014
Owning or carrying firearms does not make celebrities ‘pro-gun’
The fact is, the celebrities in the slideshow exemplify “I’ve got mine” while their conduct undermines the rights of everyone else. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes if we don’t insist on “pro-gun” also meaning “pro-rights,” we’ll be surrendering yet another term to the “progressives.”
We're the Only Ones Checkered Enough
Gualtieri said he was concerned about Langlais' history at first but was "willing to give people second chances." [More]And evidently third and fourth and fifth and...
[Via Florida Guy]
Good Thing There's Plenty of Ammo
Otherwise, this could have an impact! [More]
Funny. The government keeps collecting more and more data and can't even manage the basics.
[Via Jess]
Funny. The government keeps collecting more and more data and can't even manage the basics.
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Dignifying Enough
Colorado's governor, Denver's mayor and other dignitaries receive a more robust Denver police response than the public under new rules recently adopted by the city's 911 system. [More]Well, yeah, because it only makes sense the commissars' lives are more important than yours and your family's...
[Via cydl]
We're the Only Ones Beating the Sh** Out of You Enough
Hey, we want to make it home safely at the end of our shift, and you never can tell about these five-foot-tall Downs Syndrome kids. Besides, what do we look like, doctors...? [More]
Funny...anybody catch Officer Safety He-Man's name...?
The site this is posted on has a current date, but I see from checking around this took place in 2011. A quick search doesn't tell me what ever happened with this -- any bets "nothing"...?
Funny...anybody catch Officer Safety He-Man's name...?
The site this is posted on has a current date, but I see from checking around this took place in 2011. A quick search doesn't tell me what ever happened with this -- any bets "nothing"...?
A Word About Comments
Anonymous poster: Yes, thanks, I know about Stevens and his book, and even wrote an article about his flawed contentions and how the media is exploiting them months ago before the recent resurrected interest. But I haven't moderated your comments through because, per my sidebar "Comment House Rules," I keep them on topic to the subject I'm posting on.
We're the Only Ones Tainted Enough
No charges? [More]
And " they will soon be placed back on the street and even awarded lost overtime pay"...?
Not that Chief Ramsey is a stickler for the rules, at least applying to him and his...
[Via Florida Guy]
And " they will soon be placed back on the street and even awarded lost overtime pay"...?
Not that Chief Ramsey is a stickler for the rules, at least applying to him and his...
[Via Florida Guy]
Forget It Jake, It's Chi-Town
5 Killed, More Than 40 Wounded in Violent Chicago Weekend
Woman killed while heading home from an anti-violence event among the victims [More]
If only they would disarm you and me...
Hey, What Happened to All the Dangers?
But...but...but... I thought a gun was 257,000 times more likely to kill your entire family, induce you to go on a shooting spree and commit suicide than to ever be used in a defensive situation, plus everybody who owns one has a tiny weenie...
Y'know, if I had a credible death threat made against me, assuming it was not immediate, I'd report it, if for no other reason than to create a record for my legal defense if I had to act later in my physical defense. Curious how, in spite of all the challenges to prove multiple allegations, she's not producing even one police report.
Here's one other statement she repeats ad nauseam:
Does that mean the Bloombergians are dropping all their other demands? Once I prove myself to Erika, can I practice Constitutional carry anywhere? Will she and they embrace "shall not be infringed"? Will they join in condemning bans on semi-autos and magazines, and advocate a repeal of the ban on private ownership of post-'86 autos? Will they demand an end to "gun free zones"?
Not that what she's demanding doesn't have more holes in it than Albert Hall, but putting its total unacceptability aside for a moment, just what does she mean by "all good"?
And for whom?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Lighting Up Your Life Enough
A Los Angeles Police Department captain in charge of citywide surveillance says the proliferation of technology for keeping tabs on ordinary citizens is no more worrying than the implementation of street lights in early America. [More]And if they work so well outside the home, think of how much "domestic violence" and "drug crimes" we could curb if you took Capt. Romero's rationale to the next "logical" step.
And hey, don't worry about your license plate being used to try to incriminate you, either.
Funny, how when their own light gets reflected back, these guys circle the wagons... I guess they prefer working in the shadows.
But you? Say "Chee-eese!"
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Choking You Up Enough
Guy looks like he'd feel right at home in an XXXL brownshirt. [More]
Funny, how neither of the other two "community heroes" tried to stop him.
[Via William T]
Funny, how neither of the other two "community heroes" tried to stop him.
[Via William T]
One Question about 'Good Guys with Guns in Schools'
What's to debate? [More]
My beef with Wayne is that he limited it to "Only Ones."
Something he's been doing for years.
And crushing dissent when it's within his control.
We, the millions who pay your substantial salary and perks, are also "good guys with guns," Mr. Executive Vice President.
My beef with Wayne is that he limited it to "Only Ones."
Something he's been doing for years.
And crushing dissent when it's within his control.
We, the millions who pay your substantial salary and perks, are also "good guys with guns," Mr. Executive Vice President.
Notes from a One-Armed Paperhanger
A series of circumstances, including doctor visits, two JPFO alerts due on Tuesday and Thursday, one new article due for a client tomorrow, my magazine article due Tuesday and the regular work on Examiner will no doubt impact the number of posts on WarOnGuns. Add to that two new stories I believe will be major, that is, things to be ignored by the "Authorize Journalists," and I'm stretched pretty thin this week. I'll continue to provide daily content for this blog, but those of you who go to the trouble of sending me tips, please understand if I just can't get to them, including all those links I got over the weekend when I was in Indianapolis at the NRA Annual Meeting.
This Day in History: April 28
I think it necessary, therefore, as I am not well informed of the full ex tent of the discontent, to call our force together from all parts, as well to awe the malcontents, if any there be, as to prevent the enemy from attempting anything in consequence thereof. [More]
Friday, April 25, 2014
FBI search for domestic menace fails to account for own threat
It really seems a case of "Who will guard the guards?" along with "The inmates are running the asylum." Functionaries who are themselves under official suspicion are officially suspicious of everyone else. And a government that is out of control is fixated on controlling everyone and everything, right down to the most ridiculous level of details. [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes perhaps the threat they're looking for lurks in the mirror...and yeah, that giant inflatable pink pig is one of the things government looks for to decide who to suspect--really. Read on.
Up from 57
Larry "owns" MSNBC. [Watch]
If this frustrated Rosenthal bore is the best the antis have, I love it. What a dull broken record. And what does "white" have to do with anything? Does he get his talking points from the same place as the racist misogynists at CSGV?
In re the technology canard, these people are simply ignorant. It must be a Prozi media thing.
And the sputtering by the host, who suddenly realizes he stepped in it on a First Amendment analogy, is pretty funny. I think saying "Platt" instead of "Pratt" shows he got shook up.
[Via Train of Abuses]
If this frustrated Rosenthal bore is the best the antis have, I love it. What a dull broken record. And what does "white" have to do with anything? Does he get his talking points from the same place as the racist misogynists at CSGV?
In re the technology canard, these people are simply ignorant. It must be a Prozi media thing.
And the sputtering by the host, who suddenly realizes he stepped in it on a First Amendment analogy, is pretty funny. I think saying "Platt" instead of "Pratt" shows he got shook up.
[Via Train of Abuses]
We're the Only Ones Backward Enough
... he claimed the dog was about to bite him and shot the dog to defend himself ... the necropsy report by a veterinarian proves that Candy was shot in the back of the head. [More]No wonder they had to get rid of him for HIS safety...
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the...
I MEAN IT! [More]
I don't want
any more
of these!
I'm not even looking for them. The last two just kind of jumped out at me when I was looking at something else.
I don't want
any more
of these!
I'm not even looking for them. The last two just kind of jumped out at me when I was looking at something else.
We're the Only Ones 'til Death Do Us Part Enough
The Indianapolis police officer killed last week by her ex-husband, a fellow officer, was "extremely afraid" for her, according to a petition for a personal protection order she filed last month. [More]I thought I just blogged this the other day, but that was about another couple of "Only Ones."
Can you imagine what we'd be hearing if I'd been able to produce links to two comparable stories about NRA members?
I wonder if Renfield would be interested...?
[Via Mike H]
Amanda's Priorities
The proposed ban on converted semi-automatics without the safety feature is a priority for the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence, said the group's legislative expert, Amanda Wilcox. [More]Why, Amanda?
And what are your qualifications in re firearms design and actual gun safety?
Universal Permitting
If we're going to be consistent, shouldn't we extend permission to the other articulated rights? [More]
We're the Only Ones SWI* Enough
Just imagine how much worse it would have been had he not been a highly trained professional. [More]
Another fine example, #myNYPD!
Although how he managed that with a12-Lb. pull is a bit of a mystery.
Actually, this whole story raises more questions than it answers.
[Via Florida Guy]
* Figure it out.
Another fine example, #myNYPD!
Although how he managed that with a12-Lb. pull is a bit of a mystery.
Actually, this whole story raises more questions than it answers.
[Via Florida Guy]
* Figure it out.
Her Biggest Regret...
...is that she's taking heat for it, the administration, the Democrats and their media damage control/spin/deflect team efforts notwithstanding. [More]
That and their plans fell through to blame it all on a YouTube video nobody'd ever heard of until they pointed it out.
Otherwise, what difference does it make?
[Via Robert F]
That and their plans fell through to blame it all on a YouTube video nobody'd ever heard of until they pointed it out.
Otherwise, what difference does it make?
[Via Robert F]
We're the Only Ones Apart from All Others Enough
Seven police employees, including four sworn officers, have been disciplined for keeping parts of confiscated firearms that had been ordered destroyed... [More]I just sent an email to the "real reporter" who filed a story just begging for more details a watchdog press would figure the public deserved to know about, simply as a matter of course.
![]() |
[Click to enlarge] |
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2014/04/25/3810662/seven-durham-police-employees.html#storylink=cpy...
[Via Sean Sorrentino]
Total Recall
Herschel shares some thoughts on the Remington and Ruger rifle recalls. [More]
In re David Petzal, well, if you'll recall...
In re David Petzal, well, if you'll recall...
Tightening the Screws
Kurt notes Obama BATFU functionaries ratcheting things down in his latest JPFO Alert. [More]
I hope you're sharing these.
I hope you're sharing these.
"Crazy Carry"
Oh, look: Francis Wilkinson is pleasing Master again. [More]
I wonder if he'd be interested in taking my "Only Ones" vs. "Concealed Carry Killers" challenge, and comparing both numbers and rates...
Speaking of crazy, why do all these Bloomberg lickspittle "journalists" remind me of Dwight Fry's Renfield?
I wonder if he'd be interested in taking my "Only Ones" vs. "Concealed Carry Killers" challenge, and comparing both numbers and rates...
Speaking of crazy, why do all these Bloomberg lickspittle "journalists" remind me of Dwight Fry's Renfield?
There Oughtta Be a Law!
I guess it doesn't strike anyone that telling someone with a rifle to
"Back away" a few feet wouldn't really make anyone any safer? I'm sure once they pass this, predators will fall all over each other rushing to comply. [More]
In fairness, I once told an unsavory-looking character -- and admittedly, that was my subjective judgement -- to "Back off!" and even held out my hand with a stiff arm and used the command tone to discourage him from getting within striking range. And I was already running through my next potential moves if that didn't work. So I think any of us have the right to warn against intrusion into immediate personal space and to react if that's ignored.
But barring a clear boundary violation, it's tough to see how prior restraints like what are being discussed here aren't overkill. It sounds like when the woman said to keep away, they did. It's the ones who don't that should concern us, and passing silly rules won't stop them.
In fairness, I once told an unsavory-looking character -- and admittedly, that was my subjective judgement -- to "Back off!" and even held out my hand with a stiff arm and used the command tone to discourage him from getting within striking range. And I was already running through my next potential moves if that didn't work. So I think any of us have the right to warn against intrusion into immediate personal space and to react if that's ignored.
But barring a clear boundary violation, it's tough to see how prior restraints like what are being discussed here aren't overkill. It sounds like when the woman said to keep away, they did. It's the ones who don't that should concern us, and passing silly rules won't stop them.
Who Will Watch the Watchdogs?
If we can't trust Inspector Generals, who can we trust? [More]
Who would ever think they were influenced by personal and professional incentives?
Who would ever think they were influenced by personal and professional incentives?
Great Quote
From Benjamin Franklin, and found in today's "History" link, below:
If such a Fellow is not damn'd it is not worth while to keep a Devil.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Good for Thee but Not for Me
This prompted a strong reaction on the part of the 40 sheriffs in attendance. Not only did they refuse to disarm but they walked out of the meeting en mass... [More]Yeah? So any action on HB2672 yet? Or is this still the sole and exclusive province of the "Only Ones"?
What would their reaction had been if you or I were armed?
Who thinks they'd walk out with us in solidarity?
Anyone...? Bueller...?
Higbie offers clear political alternative for Connecticut gun owners
Activist Connecticut gun owners who have expressed a desire to “throw the bums out” owe it to themselves to give the Higbie campaign a close look, and if they like what they see, do more than just post comments on the internet. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the type of candidate gun owners say they want. Now we’ll find out if they mean it enough to work for it.
We're the Only Ones Binding Enough
Hey, what would YOU do if YOU confronted a 75-year-old woman in her own home? [More]
So what if they had the wrong address? Don't you want them to make it home at the end of their shift?
[Via William T]
So what if they had the wrong address? Don't you want them to make it home at the end of their shift?
[Via William T]
Inartfully Stated
...but point about slavery and "modern" assaults on human freedom and dignity understood. [More]
And while the Prozi sharks are all doing a Quint reminiscence "black eyes roll over white" feeding frenzy to establish this as proof of the racism of anyone who dares question BLM overkill, you'll note they're pretty silent on accusing these folks of bigotry motivations.
Not that they'll ever stop bellowing long enough to examine any core truths...
Hey, "progressives" and "Opposite Day," remember?
Speaking of inartful statements... but their side gets a pass, don'tcha know...
[Via Florida Guy and JM]
And while the Prozi sharks are all doing a Quint reminiscence "black eyes roll over white" feeding frenzy to establish this as proof of the racism of anyone who dares question BLM overkill, you'll note they're pretty silent on accusing these folks of bigotry motivations.
Not that they'll ever stop bellowing long enough to examine any core truths...
Hey, "progressives" and "Opposite Day," remember?
Speaking of inartful statements... but their side gets a pass, don'tcha know...
[Via Florida Guy and JM]
We're the Only Ones Planting Enough
Two former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies have been charged with conspiracy, perjury and altering evidence in connection with planting guns inside a medical marijuana dispensary to justify two arrests in 2011, prosecutors said. [More]Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind...
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones with Complete Power and Authority Over You Enough
So, sheriff, if you catch me exercising my right to keep and bear arms as if "shall not be infringed" means what it says, can I count on that "Pro-100% Our America’s Constitution" pledge to give me a pass, or will my best option be to pray? [More]
Oh, wait, I think you answered my question:
Evidently anything he feels like.
Gee, no wonder "All People Can Trust" him.
[Via Harvey]
Oh, wait, I think you answered my question:
Those in the Law Enforcement Profession have complete Power and Authority over You, Your Life, Your Family, Your Loved Ones, Your Rights, Your Freedom,Your future,and Everything Precious to LifeWhat can Brown do to you?
Evidently anything he feels like.
Gee, no wonder "All People Can Trust" him.
[Via Harvey]
Be Careful What You Wish For?
My bet is, "legitimate news media" will give coverage to the MILMs totally disproportionately to the numbers... [More]
Harassed and Under Threat
I received an email from a longtime trusted friend asking that I share this letter in order to help shine a light and create pressure for action. Because it was too long to repro here in its entirety, I posted it to my Scribd account. [Read]
In the interests of full disclosure, I have not done any independent investigation.
In the interests of minimizing my overburdened workload and helping me help you, people wishing me to help spread information would do well to note these considerations.
In the interests of full disclosure, I have not done any independent investigation.
In the interests of minimizing my overburdened workload and helping me help you, people wishing me to help spread information would do well to note these considerations.
All Clear
No Fly Zone Over Bundy Ranch Cancelled Same Day After BLM Left Bunkerville [More]No word on if they've also canceled front group helicopters with fake numbers providing air support to ground-based provocateurs...
[Via bondmen]
And the Silence is Deafening
Muslim drivers at Cleveland airport refuse to drive cabs with Gay Games advertising [More]Where the hell are the ""progressives"?
Where the hell are the LGBT radicals? Where the hell is Dan Savage?
Where the hell are the Christian bashers?
Where the hell is the Justice Department?
Where the hell is the airport authority, and for that matter, the City of Cleveland?
Where the hell are those who would sue a Christian photographer for refusing to cover a "gay marriage," or a Christian baker who refuses to make a "gay wedding cake"?
Where the hell is "legitimate news media," which for the most part ignored this story and hasn't advanced it for going on a week now?
Why is there not a lawsuit and the force of the state coming down on these "homophobic bigots," including the companies that enabled their discrimination by "reassigning" them?
Why no statement from CAIR, which doesn't hesitate to weigh in when they feel Muslim cabbies are being discriminated against?
And gee, if the cabbies were forced, what do you think the more action-inclined promoters of the "religion of peace" would do about it?
Jason Carter's Final Solution
And those communities will get to decide for themselves. [More]You know, tyranny of the local majority-mandated Bill of Rights-free Zones!
So this came with complications?
So naturally:
Carter, whose family has South Georgia roots, brushed off questions about the bill by saying he’s an “NRA Democrat.”And we've seen how reliable they are.
For the Children
House Bill 1189, sponsored by state Representative Barbara Norton (D-Shreveport), would make it a crime to intentionally, or with criminal negligence, expose children, age ten and under, to firearms that are not locked in a container or equipped with a locking device. If passed and enacted into law, HB 1189 would require all Louisianans with children in this age group to render firearms inoperable, thereby hindering their immediate use for protection and failing to take into account each family’s own self-defense needs. [More]Oh, look: It's Ahdar Ru'afo from "Star Trek: Insurrection"! I knew some evil alien presence had to be behind this.
This Day in History: April 24
That Humanity which has hitherto deterr’d us from retaliating upon our Enemies their own barbarous treatment of Prisoners, and which is the only ground of argument that can be urg’d against my proposal, has already cost us the lives of too many valuable Citizens; that Line of Conduct which sacrifices a Countryman rather than to inflict pain on an Enemy, does not indeed merit the name of humane or generous; the first political as well as moral Duty is self preservation. [More]
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Whatever Supreme Court decides in gun carry case, infringements will continue
While different legal minds and "informed" court-watchers are nattering on about judicial review, and whether intermediate or strict scrutiny should apply (and perhaps even contesting how many angels can dance on the head of a pin), what the High Court will not address, should they elect to hear the case, are the clear words those of us, without robes and law degrees and political connections with attendant obligations, understand instinctively:My latest JPFO Alert notes an admittedly important decision may be forthcoming, but even if it is, and even if it's in our favor, the core principle at the heart of the right to keep and bear arms will still have not been touched.
"... shall not be infringed." [More]
Establishment Republicans for Freedom!
Part of an email I received:
Well hell, if Rinsed Prepuce is for it...
I wonder if I could get any with this logo?
Well hell, if Rinsed Prepuce is for it...
I wonder if I could get any with this logo?
A Representative of the People
Just don't expect her to answer any questions she doesn't like. [Watch]
We're the Only Ones Dogged Enough
A California deputy accidentally shot himself while trying to kill a dog that he said was threatening his life on Wednesday, but video captured by a local television station later showed the animal much smaller than reported and peacefully playing with children. [More]As honest as he is brave, I see...maybe that's why they didn't release his name.
How'd you like to be that spokesflack making excuses for him?
[Via Florida Guy]
Jan Brewer Has a Big "But"
"I am a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, and I have signed into law numerous pieces of legislation to advance and protect gun rights. However... [More]
Stop right there, liar.
Expanded Carry in GA
In "Everytown" in Georgia, much to the spittle-flecked indignation of the antis... [More]
All Kinds of Opportunities for the Next Snowden
ATF plans new case management system [More]Can it trace walked guns to the heads of cartels? And will they also be able to access all those gun shop record scans I keep hearing about?
I don't suppose they have any plans to input and index that Indiana Jones warehouse full of obscure and often contradictory letter rulings people never seem to find out about until they're facing financial and legal ruin...?
Hey, maybe it will let them book hotels...
[Via Tom Skoch]
We're the Only Ones Scoping Things Out Enough
According to the sources, the official allegedly spread the word that whomever took the scope could place it in his unlocked car with no questions asked. The sources claim a top official in the department then walked in with the scope a half hour later. [More]So much for "core values."
[Via Florida Guy]
Something Will Happen
"We are a nation of laws, not of men and women.” [More]Yeah. Who do these people think they are, Jeh Johnson?
The guy who said illegals have "earned the right" to vote in more "progressive" edicts?
Or Eric Holder, Mr. Selective Enforcement?
Yeah, somethings' gonna happen all right...
Inspector Javert
Unbelievably, Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge, a Democrat, has still not stopped his witch hunt, even though his waste of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money for almost 15 years has resulted in no convictions against Carter. [More]This guy.
One Man's Terrorist...
I'll be (once again) joining Joe Newby this evening at 7:30 p.m. Eastern to discuss Harry Reid's "domestic terrorism" charge, and the implications for gun owners.
The show broadcasts from 4 to 6 p.m. Pacific Time, 7 to 9 Eastern. Adjust as appropriate for your time zone and click here to listen.
The show broadcasts from 4 to 6 p.m. Pacific Time, 7 to 9 Eastern. Adjust as appropriate for your time zone and click here to listen.
I Thought We'd Just Been Through This...
Seen on CSGV's Facebook page:
Again they're wrong. I don't fear them taking our guns. I don't think they can. And if they fear us taking their children, well, paranoia is a sickness that says a lot about its sufferers.
I'm still not all that certain we should have pulled back on this. As I said to Jeff Knox in "comments":
By the way, I noted the name of the "artist" who claimed credit for this latest graphic, and found someone with the same name and same proclivities, although I can't be certain without further confirmation...
Again they're wrong. I don't fear them taking our guns. I don't think they can. And if they fear us taking their children, well, paranoia is a sickness that says a lot about its sufferers.
I'm still not all that certain we should have pulled back on this. As I said to Jeff Knox in "comments":
Jeff, I am not convinced either, but if I am going to publicly pin it on the Bloombergians, proof is needed. While I have not seen them crowing about this, which favors the suspicion that they would rather not call attention to the source for reasons of their own, the standard I am compelled to use is one of reasonable doubt. As such, the presumption is "not guilty." Perhaps your contacts and investigative skills will strike pay dirt, in which case you will have a scoop that will draw much deserved attention for TFC. I know I'm going to keep looking. As the links I provide above show, assuming guns fire rounds with casings is something we have seen in the past.The latest development there is "Everytown's" communications director has officially denied responsibility. Still...
By the way, I noted the name of the "artist" who claimed credit for this latest graphic, and found someone with the same name and same proclivities, although I can't be certain without further confirmation...
How Do You Say "I Hate to Say I Told You So"...
...in Spanish? [More]
''We enjoyed two months of freedom, and the federal government came to remove it.''Sorpresa, sorpresa, sorpresa!
If It Works for You, Fine
There's no need for that belligerent "load of crap" bluster. I've never been a proponent of "one size fits all," so if racking the slide is how you choose to play, go for it. [More]
I typically have responded to this scenario under the assumption that one or more intruders are in my house. Personally, I have no intention of volunteering/transmitting intelligence on:
I typically have responded to this scenario under the assumption that one or more intruders are in my house. Personally, I have no intention of volunteering/transmitting intelligence on:
- The fact that I am even there.
- Where I am located in the battlespace.
- Estimated size of defensive forces.
- Information on preparedness and response capabilities.
I Came to Casablanca for the Waters
The EPA is asserting that all ground water, whether temporary or not and regardless of size is part of the “waters of the United States.” [More]Well, I'm on the ground in the United States, and I'm 60% (+/- a few) water. I assumed I owned it.
Perhaps I was misinformed?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Trolled Enough
“Here the #NYPD engages with its community members, changing hearts and minds one baton at a time,” a user of Occupy NYC’s twitter handle wrote under a picture of cops struggling with protesters. [More]Here's my entry:
![]() |
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abner_Louima |
[Via Bluesgal]
A Turning Tide?
NRA surprisingly credited with crafting new anti-gun laws
The tides may be turning within the National Rifle Association: according to a new report, America’s largest gun-lobbying group has helped advance three bills recently that limit firearm ownership, and more could soon be added to that list. [More]
Why the surprise?
Where you people been...?
Plenty more where that came from...
[Via bondmen]
A Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist
How Chicago Became ‘Chiraq’ [More]Well, according to "Authorized Journalist" Michale Daly, of Biden's "legitimate news media," and the Garry McCarthy quotes and observations he emphasizes, it would appear to be because of guns.
Considering who's doing the "reporting," that's hardly surprising.
We're the Only Ones Trippy Enough
Not only is George Bermudez a big strong man, he and his fellow force initiators are also the "Only Ones" presumed desirable to be armed as he goes about attacking multiple students. Something about superior trustworthiness, judgment and training, all of which we see on display.Speaking as someone who has taken an unexpected fall recently due to severe illness, and who is still recovering from the resulting broken ribs and back injury, I can tell you firsthand the force being used here could really screw somebody up, and is even potentially deadly. And for what?
Why, here's "Braveheart" now:
On "paid leave," I see. Wonder what would have happened to a student who decided to trip him, or to a father who decided to protect his son or daughter from assault by a grown man (not really)...
This Day in History: April 23
The Recruits raising in the States from whence your Army is composed, are compleating as fast as circumstances will admit, and Portion in Code will be ready to go on to you as early as the Portion in Code which at present from a variety of Circumstances, among which Portion in Code—The State of Maryland had some Time ago. Portion in Code which have been sent on from Philadelpa, a Number also Are collected in Pensylvania. Portion in Code Our Information respecting the Enemys Intentions and their future Mode of War is more clearly ascertained, as well as our knowledge of the Support and Assistance which we expect from our Ally. Portion in Code You are not insensible of the Disadvantages we have ever experienced in attempts. Portion in Code It having hitherto proved. Portion in Code. [More]
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
We're the Only Ones 'til Death Do Us Part Enough
A Cook County sheriff's office correctional officer apparently shot to death his wife, a Chicago police officer, inside their Southwest Side home Sunday morning before turning the gun on himself, authorities said. [More]Working some of that old McCarthy magic, I see.
Why, if this could happen with highly trained professionals, just imagine how murderous and suicidal you and I must be!
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
We're the Only Ones Game Enough
Badges, Guns Stolen During LAPD Football Game With San Diego Officers [More]So much for tough California laws stopping criminals from getting guns.
Hey, at least they didn't get in a fight like their East coast counterparts.
Armed American Radio Redux
Making National news at the Bundy Ranch in NV, Sheriff Richard Mack returns to AAR, the Godfather of self-defense, Massad Ayoob discusses the armed lifestyle, Rob Pincus, David Codrea, George Hill, Seanto and more!
During the segment I was on (Hour 3) I mentioned a case, but because I hadn't expected the conversation to go in that direction, I had a senior moment and got cases mixed up--I was doing Google searches for the rest of the program, but couldn't remember and find the right one--anyway, when you hear me say "Emerson," replace that with "Bean."
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