It's curious that for an institution that relies so heavily in guns, for their commercial value when used as entertainment props and thematic elements, to making sure their own privileged carcasses are protected, Hollywood as a whole is so overwhelmingly anti-gun... [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes some animals are more equal than others. Way more.
Friday, May 30, 2014
'Star Power' Explains Double Standard on Guns
OFA's James Taylor concert discriminates against undocumented and minorities
In other words, according to OFA, it should be way easier to vote than to attend their James Taylor Backstage Pass concert. Well, after all, what’s more important?Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes if you don’t enter, you can’t be required to produce government ID and subjected to a background check. Or something like that.
And seeing James requires essentially the same scrutiny as buying a gun? [More]
One Question
“Not one more.” [More]OK, how?
Flesh it our for us, including when you can present a consensus from your fellow gun-grabbers that"it" will be "enough."
You never do and never will. And every one of you would be utterly useless against a repeat.
That's gotta be the stupidest, most misdirecting and absolving of the real cause slogan since "Whip inflation now."
[Via Mack H]
UPDATE: There are some not safe for work comments that demonstrate what head cases "tolerant" Prozis are. Hey, every day is Opposite Day with them, remember?
UPDATE TWO: Another question -- should I hit "send"?
[Click to enlarge]
When Hammers Are Outlawed
And it was one of those assault hammers, with no legitimate boarding purposes... [More]
[Via Geordan]
[Via Geordan]
We're the Only Ones Assertive Enough
The statement from the sheriff's office corrected an earlier assertion that deputies were unaware of the videos when they checked on him on April 30. [More]You mean the Bill Brown machine lied to obscure the truth for reasons of self-interest?
Say it ain't so!
[Via Geordan]
We're the Only Ones Grilling While Armed Enough
Baby back ribs, "Only Ones" style... [More]
Just following an established department recip... uh... protocol.
[Via JM]
Just following an established department recip... uh... protocol.
[Via JM]
We're the Onlly Ones Regime-Based Enough
This article is from January 2012, but I just read it last night. It's very insightful, and I believe it should be widely read and shared. [More]
[Via cycjec]
[Via cycjec]
Why Won't They Listen to Me???
The Gun-Law Improvements That No One Is Taking Seriously [More]That's probably because they're stupid, we're not going to be scapegoated and give another inch, and no one who is rational and aware can take you seriously, Adam.
We're the Only Ones "Practice Makes Perfect" Enough
This isn't the sergeant's first OVI accusation.[More]Say, he's getting pretty good at this!
[Via Sweet Baboo]
Gloria All Red
She agreed that male chauvinism is clinically defined “mental illness,” and that those who suffer from it are themselves victims as much as are those upon whom they inflict abuse. [More]Thanks, Glo! So where do those of us knuckle-draggers who harbor the primitive self-delusion that there are differences sign up for disability payments? And what can I demand and who can I sue?
There's a syllogism in here somewhere with every day being Opposite Day for "progressives" and Gloria being a "feminist"...
We're the Only Ones Coming to Grips Enough
"We've been given a video of you apparently pleasuring yourself in your office here at the school. This is what the video shows, and I need to ask you about that." [More]
So he's an ipsemetsexual. What's wrong with that? What happened to embracing diversity? Aren't we trying to free "our children" from the hang-ups of the past, and didn't "progressive" former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders prescribe teaching just this very thing as the cure?
He oughtta sue for discrimination. Especially if it's a compulsion, making this a disability qualifying for "entitlement benefits."
Besides, it's not like starting them off at "Pre-K" isn't part of a plan that's been implemented and evolving, with an eye toward the future. At which point the Prozis will be able to throw out insults like "pediatriphobe" to shame and scorn the backward and intolerant among us.
Qué Pasa
I'm sure Alfred Flatow will be relieved to hear how improved Nazi gun laws were, dolt editor on page A-6. [More]
As much as you Prozis try to disassociate yourself from National Socialists and lie (which is what you do) to tie them in with U.S. Constitutionalists, you'll never be able to except with the profoundly ignorant and the deluded.
[Via Nelson W]
As much as you Prozis try to disassociate yourself from National Socialists and lie (which is what you do) to tie them in with U.S. Constitutionalists, you'll never be able to except with the profoundly ignorant and the deluded.
[Via Nelson W]
Web is Hell
It must be terrible to suffer from PTSD (Paltrow Theatrical Superficial Distress). [More]
No wonder she's so demanding.
No wonder she's so demanding.
We're the Only Ones Unlimited Enough
Seattle Police Sue to Stop New Limits on Force [More]But...but...but...Mayor Murray has already got everything prepared...
It's almost like the agenda Holder fronts for only uses Prozi idiots until such time as he finds it advantageous to discard them...
This Day in History: May 30
Majr James Rogers has been in here and is gone back Satisfied that Most of the leading men in Vermont will not oppose Brittish Goverment I believe he will not find it true tho, many are gone back this Town and Some ajacent Stand fast we Exspect Trouble [More]
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Anti-gun fanatics continue to confirm no amount of citizen disarmament enough
“I will be happy to come down and personally take your guns,” he promises in another. “Unarmed. With a ton of video cameras. Let's see your alpha bravery in person.” [More]This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes if you want to be taken seriously as an actor (which in itself might be an oxymoron), there are better way than threatening to take peoples’ guns and then not being able to follow up on it.
Well, Knock Me Over with a Feather
“I don’t think that there’s any law that would have prevented the tragedy in Santa Barbara.” [More]You take this one, Gomer. I'm still working on a column.
Are you sure you want to unleash the power of unrestrained personal incentive and ingenuity in such a widespread and uncontrollable manner? [More]
I'm thinking that's a pretty monstrous idea that would only be planned by domestic enemies working in concert with foreign ones. I'm thinking anyone who participated had best be prepared for the personal accountability that will follow.
You sure you don't want to rethink this?
UPDATE: Oh thank goodness. It's not us they're going to fight. It's "climate change." Because that, as we all know,is an entirely new phenomenon for Planet Earth, and must be stopped. Along, I suppose with Plate Tectonics.
Hey, uh, does the military buy carbon credits? I'm thinking for when they listen to the Prozis and nuke us...
I'm thinking that's a pretty monstrous idea that would only be planned by domestic enemies working in concert with foreign ones. I'm thinking anyone who participated had best be prepared for the personal accountability that will follow.
You sure you don't want to rethink this?
UPDATE: Oh thank goodness. It's not us they're going to fight. It's "climate change." Because that, as we all know,is an entirely new phenomenon for Planet Earth, and must be stopped. Along, I suppose with Plate Tectonics.
Hey, uh, does the military buy carbon credits? I'm thinking for when they listen to the Prozis and nuke us...
I Hate to Say I Told You So
You say gun control doesn't work? Fine. Let's ban guns altogether. [More]But I did. Not that it was all that difficult to see.
Every time the prevaricating Prozis (but I repeat myself) start prattling on about "common sense gun safety laws" and "no one wants to take your guns," show them for the liars that they demonstrably are.
I note linking from blogs hits a registration block. I've found putting the title into Google comes up with a linked result that doesn't do that when you click on it for some reason, at least for me.
Not that I care if the LA Times gets traffic, but I want the option to read this to be yours.
We're Number Five!
For the past few days the piece that's stirred up so much hatred has placed me 1 out of 108 for "Policy and Issues Examiner, 1 out of 457 for "Politics Examiners," and yesterday's results for all of National appear in this screen capture.
I typically don't even crack the top 20, and if you look at everyone above me, you can see the priorities shared by so many that outweigh RKBA among the heirs of liberty. Just in case you wonder how the antis manage to find so many uninformed people focused on trivia and ready to eat up their lies...
The pH Factor continues to work its magic.
And for some reason, I continue to find relevance in a line from "Apocalypse Now."
I typically don't even crack the top 20, and if you look at everyone above me, you can see the priorities shared by so many that outweigh RKBA among the heirs of liberty. Just in case you wonder how the antis manage to find so many uninformed people focused on trivia and ready to eat up their lies...
The pH Factor continues to work its magic.
And for some reason, I continue to find relevance in a line from "Apocalypse Now."
We're the Only Ones Consistent Enough
“When a police officer is confronted with threatening behavior, he or she has the fundamental, individual right of self-defense under the Second Amendment, consistent with every other citizen, to protect himself or herself, and others, from apparent and immediate harm.” [More]Just so that door really does swing both ways, and that when we use it, it's not dismissed as a foolish consistency...
Killer Resident Gunman Shoots Death Device in Front of Children!
Deputies say four siblings -- ages 22, 18, 11 and 8 -- were in the home just before 6 a.m. when the 22-year-old man heard the sound of someone breaking through a door, then saw a least two people in his home. The man got a handgun out of a safe and confronted the suspects. Deputies say the man and at least one intruder exchanged fire. [More]The MILMs, of course, would rather the residents had been killed than armed.
Preferably with a gun, so they could start another blood dance and demand more "common sense gun safety laws."
[Via Jo Anne Moretti]
Read more here:
Maya Got Her Gun
Fine and good. [More]
But as with celebrities, it hardly made her "pro-gun."
Case in point...
[Via Dave Licht]
But as with celebrities, it hardly made her "pro-gun."
Case in point...
[Via Dave Licht]
Are You Talking to a Provocateur?
Or even just a compromised snitch? [More]
Be careful. If they're going to pick any fruit, let it be low-hanging.
I had an idea a few years back, essentially a certification that associates are not working for law enforcement in any capacity. I was told by those I asked to review it that it wouldn't work because cops can lie.
There appear to be limits.
Where my idea was different is it involved having the assurance notarized, meaning the person making it would be providing identification to ensure he's who he said he was, and attesting to it on a notarized statement. So anyone putting together a group of patriots for training and practice could have a notary show up at the meeting to witness and record signatures.
I still don't know if that would work, but would think, at a minimum, most snitches wouldn't know the law and what they could or could not formally do in that regard. Those people might hesitate out of fear of setting themselves up on criminal charges if their statement were later proven false, meaning anyone who has to put if off is someone to be wary of.
Any lawyers care to weigh in?
[Via JM]
Be careful. If they're going to pick any fruit, let it be low-hanging.
I had an idea a few years back, essentially a certification that associates are not working for law enforcement in any capacity. I was told by those I asked to review it that it wouldn't work because cops can lie.
There appear to be limits.
Where my idea was different is it involved having the assurance notarized, meaning the person making it would be providing identification to ensure he's who he said he was, and attesting to it on a notarized statement. So anyone putting together a group of patriots for training and practice could have a notary show up at the meeting to witness and record signatures.
I still don't know if that would work, but would think, at a minimum, most snitches wouldn't know the law and what they could or could not formally do in that regard. Those people might hesitate out of fear of setting themselves up on criminal charges if their statement were later proven false, meaning anyone who has to put if off is someone to be wary of.
Any lawyers care to weigh in?
[Via JM]
About Those Claims That "Gun Violence Disproportionately Harms Women"
John Lott shows they're BS and the antis are lying. [More]
I could link to my standard Gomer "Surprise, surprise, surprise!" fallback, but I think I'll link to this again instead.
Why isn't this man's work being supported? Don't gun owners see the benefits this will give them personally? So what have they done to help (they can get in for as little as one measly buck) and to spread the word (they can do that in a matter of seconds)?
Besides offer lame excuses and demonstrate more Profiles in Apathy...?
[Via Michael G]
I could link to my standard Gomer "Surprise, surprise, surprise!" fallback, but I think I'll link to this again instead.
Why isn't this man's work being supported? Don't gun owners see the benefits this will give them personally? So what have they done to help (they can get in for as little as one measly buck) and to spread the word (they can do that in a matter of seconds)?
Besides offer lame excuses and demonstrate more Profiles in Apathy...?
[Via Michael G]
One Pill Makes You Larger and One Pill Makes You Small
Or as Morpheus said, "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." [More]
Or you could take Risperdal and grow yourself a set of D-cups, just the thing to calm severely twisted adolescent males down...
[Via Florida Guy]
Or you could take Risperdal and grow yourself a set of D-cups, just the thing to calm severely twisted adolescent males down...
[Via Florida Guy]
See, We Should Require These for EVERYONE
If you're not thinking anything wrong, what have you got to fear? [More]
And of course we'll need a remote shutoff switch.
Just think how safe and secure we'll be!
[Via Florida Guy]
And of course we'll need a remote shutoff switch.
Just think how safe and secure we'll be!
[Via Florida Guy]
"Minuteman" Defense?
The firearms will be marketed to law enforcement in Kansas and nationwide. [More]So you're selling to the standing army and not to the militia? Really? Including "Only Ones" in places like New Jersey and California, who can use them against We the People while they enforce "gun laws"?
The company plans to produce rifles based on the AR-15 and AR-10 platform, similar to the military M-16 rifle.
Read more here:
So which will they perform like?
Did the AP get this right or did they misreport intentions?
Let's ask Kris. Because as written, this seems more like Minutemen Defenseless.
[Via Jerry L]
Read more here:
Today's Five-Minute Activism
Three easy steps:
See how easy that was? All that's left is to share on other social media such as Facebook, like I keep harping on, and which will literally only take seconds.
Now if only they'd create a quick and easy to use form encouraging gun owners with total crap reps to contact (and support) good reps in up-for-grabs states and districts.
- Read.
- Do.
- Share.
See how easy that was? All that's left is to share on other social media such as Facebook, like I keep harping on, and which will literally only take seconds.
Now if only they'd create a quick and easy to use form encouraging gun owners with total crap reps to contact (and support) good reps in up-for-grabs states and districts.
We're the Only Ones Circumstantial Enough
... the circumstances that caused the firearm to discharge... [More]Sounds like the Marine vet has it nailed.
Herschel has more.
And more.
And directly unrelated, but tangentially interesting, providing yet more documentation that with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day, he notes an atheist tearing down that wall of separation they're so fond of using as a barrier.
We're the Only Ones Inappropriate Enough
That's the strongest word they can come up with for what appears to be a scary, stalking sicko creep? [More]
His not showing up in court was enough to dismiss the case? Do the rest of us have that option? [See Chris Mallory's comment-- I believe he's right and I misread that part.]
And allowing him to remain deployed with the military until this goes away, instead of dragging him back to face criminal charges is in whose interests?
Maybe when he comes back we can thank him for his service!
See, that's another reason commonly given for why police have powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men -- they're subject to oversight!
[Via Sweet Baboo]
And allowing him to remain deployed with the military until this goes away, instead of dragging him back to face criminal charges is in whose interests?
Maybe when he comes back we can thank him for his service!
“We don’t condone his behavior. We don’t want this kind of behavior from our police officers and we’re hoping that he learned his lesson,” said Jeff Follmer, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association.Well, that'll certainly teach him!
See, that's another reason commonly given for why police have powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men -- they're subject to oversight!
[Via Sweet Baboo]
The Obvious Solution
A week after the Isla Vista mass shootings that left six students dead and revived the debate over gun control, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced plans Wednesday for a gun buyback program this weekend. [More]Say, why didn't we think of this before...?
Disregard that even the feds have admitted ... well, see for yourself:
So naturally, that's what LA city government and its "Only Ones" will opt for. See, they're counting on that "coupled with a ban" part to come true.
I wonder if Chief Beck is going to trot out the "rocket launcher" and endanger the public again...?
[Via Sweet Baboo]
We're the Only Ones Training Enough
Here's a test for the teachers. Point your finger at them and say "Bang!" [More]
If that's not met with an armed response, or at least a beatdown, proceed to Step Two: Ask them if they're teaching you the same response they use when confronted with armed suspects.
Don't forget to ask if there's a waiver form you need to sign, absolving them if their advice gets you killed, or if there's a reason why they feel they don't need one.
If that's not met with an armed response, or at least a beatdown, proceed to Step Two: Ask them if they're teaching you the same response they use when confronted with armed suspects.
Don't forget to ask if there's a waiver form you need to sign, absolving them if their advice gets you killed, or if there's a reason why they feel they don't need one.
A Time for Us
There is a time, a place and a manner for such discussions. He could easily wait several days. [More]Like all you foaming-at-the-mouth Prozis did, right?
Prozis Can't Contain Themselve
I could tell from all the rage generated by simply observing no amount of laws will be enough for the antis that the less restrained among them would be unable to maintain the "common sense gun safety laws" facade any longer. [More]
Inconvenient Truths
CNN's "gun control" poll isn't working out quite the way they'd hoped. [More]
Funny thing, though:
Why would they put it in their "international" section, and what's with people reporting their votes aren't being counted?
I guess they were at least being truthful in their "This is not a scientific poll" caveat.
Funny thing, though:
Why would they put it in their "international" section, and what's with people reporting their votes aren't being counted?
I guess they were at least being truthful in their "This is not a scientific poll" caveat.
This Day in History: May 29
At a brigade General Court Martial held in the York Line the 22d Instant whereof Lieutenant Colonel Vandyke is president—Captain Leonard Bleeker of the first York regiment was Tried, being charged with ungentleman-like behavior, in striking and abusing Ensign Woodruff on the evening of the fourth of March last. [More]
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Counting on Slaughter
The antis rely on it. They need it. And you'd better believe there are some who want it and look forward to the next one. [More]
'News' team drops all pretenses of objectivity with gun violence awareness month
That this is happening in an election year is calculated. The value of such agenda publicity is incalculable, as is the effect of propaganda masked as news on the electorate. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report nominates Rich Graziano for the Julius Streicher Award. If you don’t know who the first guy is, read the article. If you don’t know who the second one is, do a search.
Calling All Egalitarians
Don't you get it? The One Percent want to disarm the 99 Percent. [More]
The entire "progressive" movement is a fraud intent on exploiting anyone they can gin up envy and resentment in. Look at these elite pigs. They don't care about you, but they employ false fronts and skilled propagandists to make you think they do.
Anyone who wants you disarmed is telling you that you may not share in the power. They demand a monopoly of violence, enforced by real occupiers. You don't count.
If you're not a proponent of individual liberty, if your energies are focused on crushing that for the illusory "benefit" to a fictitious collective, congratulations on being a useful idiot. You serve the masters well, and they're counting on you not even realizing it.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
The entire "progressive" movement is a fraud intent on exploiting anyone they can gin up envy and resentment in. Look at these elite pigs. They don't care about you, but they employ false fronts and skilled propagandists to make you think they do.
Anyone who wants you disarmed is telling you that you may not share in the power. They demand a monopoly of violence, enforced by real occupiers. You don't count.
If you're not a proponent of individual liberty, if your energies are focused on crushing that for the illusory "benefit" to a fictitious collective, congratulations on being a useful idiot. You serve the masters well, and they're counting on you not even realizing it.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
A Textbook Response
Glad it worked out. [More]
That said, once you start factoring in workplace considerations. the door to all kinds of liability concerns gets knocked off its hinges.
[Via Florida Guy]
That said, once you start factoring in workplace considerations. the door to all kinds of liability concerns gets knocked off its hinges.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Plastered Enough
A Fort Smith police officer was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly fired shots into the wall of his Sequoyah County home and pointed a gun at deputies and a child. He was placed on administrative leave. [More]I can't tell you how many times I've gotten intoxicated and done the same thing. Probably because I never have.
And Sweetie sounds like quite the prize herself:
“It was determined that both parties fired the weapon inside the residence while the children were in the house,” Lockhart said.
Imagine how much more endangered those children would have been if people of unproven temperance, judgment, trustworthiness and training like you or I had unfettered access to guns. That must be why guys like Naaman here have been authorized by law to carry in "gun free zones," while we mundanes just have to take our chances.
[Via Steve D. Jones]
UPDATE: Oh look, there's more.
He held a gun to a five-year-old's head? Well then I'd expect nothing less than administrative leave with pay!
Good Guys with Guns
The Santa Barbara shooter never would have been able to inflict as much carnage on innocent students if more people were LEGALLY carrying guns ... so says ex-NFL star Lito Sheppard. [More]After all, it was men with guns who prompted the monster to flee, crash and shoot himself.
I see some guy who self-identifies as a gun owner/NRA member who has taken it on himself to play naysayer and show everyone his big "I believe in the Second Amendment but" and list all the reasons why you or I would "probably cause... more casualties among innocent bystanders."
Yeah, right, a concealed carrier might not have made a difference. Then again he might have. You don't know, but you're parroting the antis, and resorting to a "drunk Bubbas" slur, makes me wonder just who you really are.
The point is, it's not Sheriff Bill Brown's choice to make.
A "Reasonable" Bloomberg Gun Column?
Not really. Note the way he ends this piece, rejecting arms in private hands with the "drunken frat party" misdirection. [More]
Reports say Rodger and his roommates lived in an apartment. In other words, this demonstrable Bloomberg flack thinks all young adults in college should not have a gun in the home because some young adults in college would abuse it.
Gee, we could extend that and come up with objections for all ages and situations. Master would be pleased again.
[Via Roger J]
Reports say Rodger and his roommates lived in an apartment. In other words, this demonstrable Bloomberg flack thinks all young adults in college should not have a gun in the home because some young adults in college would abuse it.
Gee, we could extend that and come up with objections for all ages and situations. Master would be pleased again.
[Via Roger J]
Hi, My Name is Lovely
Sometimes, I have fun with phishing scams. This one, I just had to post and share.
I wonder if Lovely will be as good a friend as Mr. Frankie Samora?
I wonder if Lovely will be as good a friend as Mr. Frankie Samora?
A Pynchon Poll
You know, “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”
What's this "allowed"...?
Speaking of Media Twits
Empress Michelle doesn't have to "sign laws,'"you dolt. [More]
She just issues proclamations.
That's more than just misspeaking. Anyone who knew anything would have caught that. That was a true Ron Burgundy teleprompter moment coupled with the not-so-secret conviction of media Prozis that the Obamas should rule.
Yes, people this ignorant are put in positions to "inform" and influence the public. We routinely see how "Authorized Journalists" screw up on or outright lie about the gun issue. They do that with them all.
She just issues proclamations.
That's more than just misspeaking. Anyone who knew anything would have caught that. That was a true Ron Burgundy teleprompter moment coupled with the not-so-secret conviction of media Prozis that the Obamas should rule.
Yes, people this ignorant are put in positions to "inform" and influence the public. We routinely see how "Authorized Journalists" screw up on or outright lie about the gun issue. They do that with them all.
Speaking of Stupid...
Here's another media twit who won't be satisfied until a total ban is in place -- and not then, either, actually. [More]
A Subject Matter Expert
And Geraldo knows stupid:![]() |
I'm drunk and lonely. This'll attract quality companionship! |
In his latest stupid tweet, where we see his brain instead of his body exposed, Geraldo proves my point: No amount of laws short of a ban on private ownership will ever be enough for the gun-grabbers.
This Day in History: May 28
The Battle off Halifax
It involved the American privateer Jack and the 14-gun Royal Naval brig HMS Observer [More]
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Lawsuits likely outcome of Isla Vista ‘day of retribution’ killings
Who does that leave to sue? Ours is a litigious society, and survivors will want someone besides the killer to “pay.” And it’s not like there will be a shortage of attorneys licking their chops at a chance to rifle through deep pockets.Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report asks if NRA is really to blame for the shootings, why is it if anyone shells out money for being sued, they won’t be among them?
So who’s left? [More]
University Chronicle: “Crime Prevention Research Center Announces Academic Advisory Board Members”
You remember my column on John Lott's new venture?
He's building a team.
Members are listed here.
Top men. (And a woman.)
He needs our help.
By contributing and by spreading the word.
Make that today's "Five Minute Activism" project?
He's building a team.
Members are listed here.
Top men. (And a woman.)
He needs our help.
By contributing and by spreading the word.
Make that today's "Five Minute Activism" project?
Armed American Radio Redux
If you missed Sunday's show:
In the wake of the CA shooting, Mark reminds listeners that evil exists, David Codrea and Mark discuss CA shooting, Dr. John R. Lott, Nikki Goeser, George Hill, Trent Cooper of Crossbreed Holsters, Grilling While Armed with Bill Cannon of TX BBQ Rub, The Arms Room owner, Mike Piwaworski, the return of Seanto and more!
Amicus Brief for CT Lawsuit
Oregon Firearms Federation joins with other rights leaders to come to the aid of Connecticut (and all) gun owners. [More]
Top Secret
It's not just this guy,. Him they can get out--it's everyone he associated with. [More]
And then we see, after the list went out "to a distribution list of more than 6,000 recipients" that "The name was left off of a subsequent report filed from Bagram."
Oh, so that's who it was!
People and their families and friends could end up dead from this. And why is it a fricking WaPo reporter knew who and what the guy was?
The constant reminders of Leviathan's institutional incompetence and laziness contrast starkly with the intended impression of omnipotence and invulnerability.
But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
And then we see, after the list went out "to a distribution list of more than 6,000 recipients" that "The name was left off of a subsequent report filed from Bagram."
Oh, so that's who it was!
People and their families and friends could end up dead from this. And why is it a fricking WaPo reporter knew who and what the guy was?
The constant reminders of Leviathan's institutional incompetence and laziness contrast starkly with the intended impression of omnipotence and invulnerability.
But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Running for Office
Protecting your 2nd amendment rights isn't just about gun control laws but also includes other issues. I have two sons who attend Bloomfield Public Schools where teachers teach the Constitution but conveniently skip over the 2nd amendment.I will fight not only for restoring civil liberties that have been infringed upon but also work towards ensuring that our kids learn about the Constitution in the way our founding fathers intended... [More]If you're from CT, or have friends or family who are, tell them about this guy so they can learn more.
We're the Only Ones Cryptic Enough
“People out there in scanner land will know our movements and know our tactics. It’s just a pure officer safety issue.” [More]I mean, he'll see everything, he'll ... he'll see the Big Board!
I don't know what the concern is -- after all, "It's an industry standard across the country."
Plus citizen oversight is so tedious, and besides, we have "legitimate news media" in this country to keep us free!
[Via Florida Guy]
Hail the Conquering Heroes
Why, it's just like the liberation of Paris! [Watch]
And look, "That's Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn at the trigger." You know, the guy who "said he 'fully' supports President Barack Obama's proposals to pass a new ban on assault weapons, limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds, require background checks for virtually all gun sales and further limit armor-piercing bullets."
Thanks for putting it all in perspective, "legitimate media!" It's for our safety! Plus it's fun for the whole family!
And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free...
Just like that New World Order the Pentagon is hawking in its propagan... uh ... news reports.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Chugging Along Enough
A lady on the scene told them she did not see the crash, but saw a male subject throwing beer cans from the vehicle into the ditch, according to the report. [More]Gosh, I hope they find his shoe.
[Via Carl S]
We're the Only Ones Enough
From the same group that would be happy to roll up in an MRAP, do a dynamic entry right through the front door, kill your dog, shoot you for trying to react to a home invasion, find out they're at the wrong house and chalk it all up to established department protocol...
The arrests included Aaron Gage Campbell, 22, of the Crossville Police Department, as well as Kyle Jay Eldridge, 36, a Crossville codes enforcement officer. [More]
[Via Carl S]
So Much for that Wall of Separation
Besides, tolerance and diversity are what make us great. [More]
As long as it doesn't have to be reciprocated. I'm still waiting for the usual suspects to force this issue.
[Via Florida Guy]
As long as it doesn't have to be reciprocated. I'm still waiting for the usual suspects to force this issue.
[Via Florida Guy]
Solo Thawt du Mocky Chalia
For those of you who don't speak Huttese, I think what he said was "I like Captain Solo where he is." [More]
I still don't get the gutlessness about this.
[Via JM]
I still don't get the gutlessness about this.
[Via JM]
Useful Intel
The Justice Department is updating a report on how many guns the federal government has. [More]And don't forget how much ammo.
[Via Jess]
Greuel Intentions
This is what will be replacing Waxman. [More]
The primary and election are mere formalities. And say, look at what money you spend with Disney helps make happen.
Why does that not surprise me?
I heard something the other day I want to ask her about. I think I will:
The primary and election are mere formalities. And say, look at what money you spend with Disney helps make happen.
Why does that not surprise me?
I heard something the other day I want to ask her about. I think I will:
[Click to enlarge]
Naturally, if I hear anything I'll pass it on.
Captain's Log
- A man's gotta know his limitations.
- Ain't the first time this supposed legal genius has proven himself irrelevant to actual freedom.
Self-Made Stars
The internet is like crack-cocaine for the human ego. And we’re all addicted. [More]I like the fact the writer didn't go blaming guns. And he's got some terrific insights that need to be stated and shared. That said, there's some implied collective guilt that brings to mind the old "What you mean we, Kemosabe?" punchline.
The internet is also like a tool for those who see the information gatekeepers are often ignorant, asleep, corrupt...
Some understand and primarily use it that way, and what they share is not about themselves, but about things that are much more important. Some understand that so-called "social media" can provide ways of climbing over, going around or tunneling under the gates, and that if we don't use it to our advantage, those intent on controlling us most certainly will.
Granted, for the most part I guess the guy is right.
[Via Michael G]
Hey, I Remember that Song!
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition...
Providing the guy doing the praising lets you...
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town,
This Day in History: May 27
I therefore, in the Name of my Royal Master George the Third, King of Great Britain, Demand of Your Excellency, that you will order Captian Asgill of the Brigade of Guards to be discharged from his Confinement, and admitted to the same Parole, as the Other Officers of my Lord Cornwallis’s Army. [More]
Monday, May 26, 2014
That Explains It!
More fallout from this.
I'm afraid and I just don't understand the Second Amendment.
Now that's scholarship! Not to mention an endearing introduction that's sure to engage!
One thing: If you trust them, how come you don't trust them?
One other thing: If you do "gladly assist them," do you think you could come first?
Afterthought: What happened to the "no one wants to take your guns" talking point the antis have been parroting every chance they get?
I'm afraid and I just don't understand the Second Amendment.
[Click to enlarge]
Now that's scholarship! Not to mention an endearing introduction that's sure to engage!
One thing: If you trust them, how come you don't trust them?
One other thing: If you do "gladly assist them," do you think you could come first?
Afterthought: What happened to the "no one wants to take your guns" talking point the antis have been parroting every chance they get?
Choosing Sides
My piece from yesterday continues to validate that the Prozis are furious at having their intent exposed, with all the infiltrator/disruptors and sadist/psychopaths weighing in.
Gosh,Lucifer Upside-Down 666 is against non-government guns. And he bravely, not to mention originally, albeit anonymously, calls people who disagree inadequately endowed, nuts and cowards.
Maybe I've been wrong about this.
[Click to enlarge]
Maybe I've been wrong about this.
Veteran cemeteries denying rights to surviving Memorial Day mourners
“No person while on property shall carry firearms, other dangerous or deadly weapons, or explosives, either openly or concealed, except for official purposes,” the Code of Federal regulations mandates. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes a big, ugly, unwarranted and presumptuous “No Guns” sign on hallowed ground.
They Played the Mash
They played the Monster Mash... it caught on in a flash... [More]
It's the latest blood dance craze!
It's the latest blood dance craze!
And the Hate-Filled Loons Come Out
Thanks for confirming everything I said!
Here are a few of the more amusing, satisfying, and most importantly, corroborating responses:
Here are a few of the more amusing, satisfying, and most importantly, corroborating responses:
Agency Rule List: Spring 2014
Here are the administration's proposed gun-related regulatory actions for DoJ/ATF. I have not had time to review these, not to see what other agencies/departments are doing along these lines. I offer this without comment for information purposes only, and with acknowledgement that this is the kind of stuff we need more people keeping an eye and reporting on, because I certainly won't have time without ignoring other priorities of equal or greater importance.
The main page to begin exploring is here.
[Via Michael G]
The main page to begin exploring is here.
DOJ/ATF | Proposed Rule Stage | Implementation of Public Law 105-277 Relating to Secure Gun Storage | 1140-AA10 |
DOJ/ATF | Proposed Rule Stage | Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Certain Other Firearms--Amended Definition of "Pistol" | 1140-AA23 |
DOJ/ATF | Proposed Rule Stage | Commerce in Explosives--Separation Distances of Ammonium Nitrate and Blasting Agents From Explosives or Blasting Agents | 1140-AA27 |
DOJ/ATF | Proposed Rule Stage | Identification Markings Placed on Firearm Silencers and Firearm Mufflers | 1140-AA33 |
DOJ/ATF | Proposed Rule Stage | Rules of Practice in Explosives License and Permit Proceedings | 1140-AA40 |
DOJ/ATF | Proposed Rule Stage | Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition--Reporting Theft or Loss of Firearms in Transit | 1140-AA41 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Implementation of the Safe Explosives Act | 1140-AA00 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition (Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997) | 1140-AA04 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Residency Requirement for Persons Acquiring Firearms | 1140-AA05 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Public Law 105-277, Making Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999 Relating to Firearms Disabilities for Nonimmigrant Aliens | 1140-AA08 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Implementation of the USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 Regarding Trafficking in Contraband Cigarettes or Smokeless Tobacco | 1140-AA31 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Elimination of Firearms Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473 (Low Volume) | 1140-AA34 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Federal Firearms License Proceedings--Hearings | 1140-AA38 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Machine Guns, Destructive Devices and Certain Other Firearms; Background Checks for Responsible Persons of a Corporation, Trust, or Other Legal Entity With Respect to Making or Transferring a Firearm | 1140-AA43 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Residency Requirements for Aliens Acquiring Firearms | 1140-AA44 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Importation of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War--Removal of Certain Defense Articles on the U.S. Munitions Import List | 1140-AA45 |
DOJ/ATF | Final Rule Stage | Amended Definition of "Adjudicated as a Mental Defective" and "Committed to a Mental Institution" | 1140-AA47 |
[Via Michael G]
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Blaming NRA over killings shows no amount of laws enough for anti-gunners
They’ve not only shown us their end goals, and what a ridiculous lie every one of them who parrots the ubiquitous “No one wants to take your guns” talking point is telling, but they’ve also relieved us of any obligation to respond to them except in kind. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes rabid, insulting gun-haters have unwittingly done us two favors.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Santa Barbara killer’s family ‘staunchly anti-gun’
Lawyer Alan Shifman, who represents killer Elliot Rodger’s father, director Peter Rodger, “said the family is ‘staunchly against guns’ and supports gun-control laws,” the report revealed. [More]
This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report looks at what happens when the product of an anti-gun family ignores a host of “gun control” laws in a state rated tops by the citizen disarmament demanders.
Guns & Ammo state rankings highlight differences in people and parties
Because of perceived credibility simply from being an influential political media organization, its findings are taken more seriously by some than, say, a Mark Dice petitioning video, which is really too bad, because at least his efforts demonstrate how astonishingly ignorant and unable to critically think many respondents can be. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes two irreconcilable peoples living in one country.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Author, Hollywood screenwriter and veteran says he could kill again over guns
"A couple years ago, a gun nut I know was 'playfully' asking me why I didn't get a gun and do some target shooting, which he claimed was 'fun,'" Top Commenter Thomas Cleaver recalled. "I asked him 'If I get a gun, will it be OK to shoot you? Don't worry, I've shot and killed people before, and I'm way past getting upset at seeing you lying on the floor with your brains splattered on the wall. Been there long ago.' [More]And the "progressives say we're violent "gun nuts"...
My latest JPFO Alert notes a bit of projection going on.
Am I Forgetting Something?
No. [More]
Read the letter. It addresses that. And don't make assumptions.
The article is only a lead-in summary to link to the main document.
I don't expect anything. Nor do I discount anything.
Read the letter. It addresses that. And don't make assumptions.
The article is only a lead-in summary to link to the main document.
I don't expect anything. Nor do I discount anything.
I got notification yesterday I was now being followed on Twitter by The GunCoin Project.
I've been following some of the Bitcoin ups and downs and arguments, albeit not very closely, and can't claim enough knowledge to weigh in on the replacement privacy currency vs. speculative investment debate, but that's not what concerned me. Understand that terms like "peer-to-peer" and "open source software" make my eyes glaze over. You're dealing with a guy who used to code assembly parts lists on 80-column cards and take them to a department called "Keypunch."
I had a more basic question, because I figure if I'm going to be SMFFs (social media and you figure out the rest) with these folks, I should make sure they're really on the up-and-up from an RKBA point of view. So I emailed them:
I've been following some of the Bitcoin ups and downs and arguments, albeit not very closely, and can't claim enough knowledge to weigh in on the replacement privacy currency vs. speculative investment debate, but that's not what concerned me. Understand that terms like "peer-to-peer" and "open source software" make my eyes glaze over. You're dealing with a guy who used to code assembly parts lists on 80-column cards and take them to a department called "Keypunch."
I had a more basic question, because I figure if I'm going to be SMFFs (social media and you figure out the rest) with these folks, I should make sure they're really on the up-and-up from an RKBA point of view. So I emailed them:
Hi, I just got your Twitter follow notice and followed back.Here's the response:
I'd like to know more about the people behind your venture, your pro-gun bonafides, etc.
There's not much in your website's "About" section.
Ditto, whois registry doesn't really tell much.
I think it would serve you well to give Second Amendment supporters details, as we see stories like the one about the head of the firm that owns Sportsman Channel and Guns & Ammo magazine being a big Democrat supporter who believes in gun control, and it's pretty natural for people to be leery, and even to wonder if some of the money they spend will end up supporting politicians working against them.
Care to disclose who you are and what your gun rights backgrounds are?
Thanks for reaching out to us. I can offer you some more information about us and what we stand for.My name is [REDACTED] and I am the Guncoin Project Manager. I am a lifelong Alaskan that has been hunting and shooting all my life. I believe (as does the team) very strongly in our 2nd Amendment rights. Honestly, gun control efforts make me sick to my stomach, and that will never change. We do not currently *support* any political group monetarily. However, if we were to donate funds or support in any way for a group, it would definitely be Republican. In fact, we would be quite interested in mutual support options. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not *against* the Democratic party. I agree with both sides on a lot of issues... BUT, our 2nd Amendment rights trump other issues for me and the only logical choice if I had to pick to support is Republican.The Guncoin Project really came about after a lot of dealings with Payment Processors when trying to sell firearms and firearms related goods. As you may know, it is just a nightmare dealing with these companies and trying to get payment processing set up for a firearms related business. That real need for easy transactions, coupled with the opportunity to support gun rights in a public way, led us to create Guncoin.We have not been very public about our identities because we have already received a slough of threats and anti-gun nonsense. We have families just like everyone else and do not need that kind of stress to deal with. We are just regular guys with regular lives trying to fill a niche with Guncoin.I hope I have provided the information you were wanting.Thank You,- Guncoin Support
He said I could repro. his email in total. Because of that last bit, I'm not including a name. That said, it seems to me they're at least sincere about the part that concerned me. If you're interested in what they offer and want to find out more on your own, you now have a link.
Ohio's DeWine asked to ensure open carry training after shooting jokes by police
Those attitudes included laughing about double-tapping the open carriers, a term gun owners recognize as the placing of two shots into a target in quick succession. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes some of us fail to see the humor when “Only Ones” joke about shooting armed citizens. That attitude has to stop before somebody gets hurt.
The linked article is "the CliffsNotes version." My letter to DeWine is posted on Scribd.
Stranger All the Time
Kurt notes not only has mention of where this
applies been eliminated, but also "to the same person" language has been
dropped. Why? [More]
Zero Brains, More Like It
How typically "progressive." [More]
But what an education that kid just got. In spite of what the moron fascist teachers and administrators intended.
But what an education that kid just got. In spite of what the moron fascist teachers and administrators intended.
We're the Only Ones Getting You in Hot Water Enough
The 50-year-old was placed in a small, enclosed, scalding-hot shower by guards and left unattended for more than an hour. He collapsed and died amid the searing heat, suffering severe burns when he fell, face up, atop the drain. [More]Good thing monstrous tyranny could never happen here and there are things our people would never do or tolerate because ... Democracy!
I feel like singin', I'm so damn proud of that.
[Via Florida Guy]
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