Thursday, September 04, 2014

We're the Only Ones Setting the Standard Enough

Our law in Massachusetts is unique. We are, for example, the only state that both closes the intractable secondary gun sales loophole and gives law enforcement officials discretion over allowing rifle and shotgun ownership. [More]
OK.  We tried to get you  to listen to reason.  You're bent on pushing.

Too bad. It didn't have to be this way.

This will not be the "national model" until you kill those of us who will defy and resist.

I'm thinking that won't be so easy.

[Via Bluesgal]


Mack said...

Remind me again why Mitt wants to run ... again (maybe)?

Anonymous said...

Ummm? Does he have a permit allowing him to say such insane things which are contray to the supreme law of the land?

Oh! Right! The First Ammendment of that very Supreme Law protects his Constitutional right to do so without a permit ... wonder what the 2nd Ammendment is for?