‘Anti-gun stupidity’: Honolulu destroys $575G worth of police firearms [More]
It's not like it's Kirk Caldwell's money.
As we can see, wasting what isn't his as long as other gravy trains are still on the track doesn't bother him.
This is why "progressive" officials and bureaucrats should starve to death.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Another Anti-Gun Male
Mundy claims Stein — the campaign chairman for then-DA Rice’s 2010 bid for state attorney general — favored kinky role-playing that included him dressing like a “sissy maid” and calling himself “Jessica” while kneeling at Mundy’s feet. [More]What, the same Kathleen Rice who demands universal registration and gun bans?
Ain't it something, how "progressive" animal wannabe butt plug degenerates who won't control themselves are so obsessed with controlling those who are ... normal?
Some of us refuse to kneel at the feet those who would dominate.
We're the Only Ones Eyed Enough
Ohio officer in video says 'direct eye contact' one reason he pulled over driver [More]And we all know only the alpha gets to do that.
Dayton put out a release.
I asked them if maybe there was something missing...
A Simple Idea
Let everyone in this country keep their guns, but force them to insure those guns. It seems so obvious when you think about it. [More]No. We will not comply. I don't even need to read the rest of the details. Just "No."
Your move, David Ferguson. Now what? Be specific. What are you going to do, have others arrest me? How do you even know what I have? What about the millions more who will not comply? You know about them, don't you? Or are you truly that cloistered?
Come on, flesh it out. I want to see just how bloodthirsty you can be, as long as it's not your precious hindquarters on the line.
That was easy.
This unfathomably self-impressed collectivist daydreamer and those embracing his childish nonsense don't understand the way things work.
Continental Divide
It continues to widen. [More]
Those who are unsafe and don't clean up after themselves certainly do hurt the responsible shooters. That said, the antis will object regardless.
[Via cydl]
Those who are unsafe and don't clean up after themselves certainly do hurt the responsible shooters. That said, the antis will object regardless.
[Via cydl]
We're the Only Ones Excessive Enough
The group found that 32 officers unloaded more than 600 rounds during the hour-long rolling gun battle, which spanned three counties, 63 miles of highway and reached speeds of 120 mph. One of the hostages, Misty Holt-Singh, was killed when she was struck by 10 police bullets, authorities said. The two other hostages jumped or were thrown from the vehicle during the chase and survived. [More]Hey, all you critics, if you get in trouble, don't call the police and see how you like it.
Sound like a plan...?
[Via Florida Guy]
For the Children
Start those influences early! [More]
I mean, wouldn't you rather your little princess grew into someone impressed by this, instead of maybe buying her a microscope, and taking her to the range...?
Looks like next harvest will be even better!
I mean, wouldn't you rather your little princess grew into someone impressed by this, instead of maybe buying her a microscope, and taking her to the range...?
Looks like next harvest will be even better!
IFOA Offers Concessions on Guns Following Roanoke Murders
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You and I are not responsible for this lunatic’s evil. |
This isn’t a debating society. The enemies of liberty – and make no mistake, that’s what they are – want nothing short of a government monopoly of violence. They’re willing, and then some, to deploy the power of the state to enforce their will, and to crush anyone who opposes them, using the full continuum of armed force options. [More]AmmoLand asked me to start writing for them. My first column questions a preemptive surrender that some of us more "extreme" types aren't quite ready to sign on to...
Only at the End Do You Realize the Power of the Dark Side
Luke has defected to the Empire. [More]
Considering "progressives" and Opposite Day, we shouldn't be surprised.
This makes me recall my first published article, "The Fandom Menace." Guns and Ammo editors saw it online and asked if they could print it. It's no longer available, but I did include a few paragraphs in a post here several years back.
Considering "progressives" and Opposite Day, we shouldn't be surprised.
This makes me recall my first published article, "The Fandom Menace." Guns and Ammo editors saw it online and asked if they could print it. It's no longer available, but I did include a few paragraphs in a post here several years back.
Ready, Set...
In coming weeks we will ask you to take action in support of the pro-gun and pro-self-defense bills that are filed this legislative session. We will also ask that you stand in opposition to those bills and special interest groups who would see our constitutional right to self-defense and the defense of our families destroyed. [More]Florida gun owners: You're all going to be ready to act when called upon, right? And you're making sure your friends and colleagues are informed?
Bloomberg Mayor Emeritus Warned On Public Urination
Plusquellic, a Democrat, was an enthusiastic member of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns. [More]What does the process of elimination tell us about such politicians?
DÃa Opuesto
The message is incoherent: “I will salute the country that drove me out but less so the one that welcomed me in.” In fact, the entire narrative of illegal immigration has become unhinged. The vocabulary of protest is never aimed against the nation that forced them out, only against the one that most generously welcomed them in. [More]"Progresistas."
Read the whole thing.
We're the Only Ones Hard-Headed Enough
Police officer on leave after allegedly following man home, beating him with helmet [More]Gee, it could have been a different outcome altogether had it not been an untrained amateur in control of the gun...
[Via Harvey]
If the Shoe Fits
Oh, look, with Piers Morgan temporarily sidelined, another snotty metrosexual subject of the Queen has something catty to say about RKBA. [More]
So the bloody twit really believes these otherwise-unemployable mental defectives performing shoe kabuki in between molestations would actually stop a committed, coordinated assault?
[Via Jake S]
So the bloody twit really believes these otherwise-unemployable mental defectives performing shoe kabuki in between molestations would actually stop a committed, coordinated assault?
[Via Jake S]
We're the Only Ones Off-Camera Enough
Citizens Taking Video of Police See Themselves Facing Arrest [More]Hey, if you don't like it, protest in front of the Supreme Court. Oh, wait...
Boy, our servants sure are securing the hell out of the Blessings of Liberty, aren't they...?
Unalienable Rights-Free Zone
We will decide where you can say what, and if you defy us, armed enforcers will bend you to our will or break you. [More]
And here's the guy who justified this, nominated by Obama, but confirmed by the Republican majority Senate without dissent, Hearing he's "sometimes mentioned as a future Supreme Court justice" fills me with all kinds of hope.
And here's the guy who justified this, nominated by Obama, but confirmed by the Republican majority Senate without dissent, Hearing he's "sometimes mentioned as a future Supreme Court justice" fills me with all kinds of hope.
Truly Obscene
Not the porn bit. [More]
Kathleen Kane, the first woman and first Democrat to be elected attorney general in the state, did not speak as she left a suburban Philadelphia courthouse flanked by bodyguards...Especially in light of this.
What's in a Name?
The 20,000-foot-tall peak had been previously known as Denali -- generally believed to be central to the Athabascan tribe's creation story and the site of significant cultural importance to many Alaska natives, according to the White House. Denali also is an Athabascan word meaning "the high one" and is widely used across the state today, according to the White House. [More]Oh, I get it now: That "respecting the establishment of" and "wall of separation" don't apply to pagan religions. I was wondering why the Prozis were all of a sudden gung-ho on creationism, and why Americans United Against Non-Marxist Church/State Partnerships isn't threatening to sue...
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
You CAN Have Your Pastel and Eat it Too
[The children] were born here. They are U.S. citizens ... The amicus brief also claims that denying the children U.S. birth certificates blocks their claims to Mexican citizenship. [More]So why is this in the interests of ourselves and our Posterity again...?
Attorney Jennifer Harbury is quite the character-- a "white-privileged" girl from Connecticut who went to Cornell and Harvard and ended up marrying a Guatemalan Marxist guerrilla leader... she kind of reminds me of Patty Hearst with a law degree. You can choose to believe her passion is for "social justice," but when I think of her likely motivations to "fundamentally transform" America, I can't help but recall a line from Melville...
Urine Trouble Now
City officials say corrosion from urine -- human and canine -- contributed to the collapse of a light pole that fell on a car at Taylor and Pine streets in San Francisco. [More]Another "progressive" process of elimination from those who left their shart in San Francisco...
Yeah, L.A. Times -- it's the drought's fault.
Friday, August 28, 2015
And There Was War in Heaven
I mean hell... [More]
It's like watching a fight between a rat and a snake, apologies to rats and snakes...
It's like watching a fight between a rat and a snake, apologies to rats and snakes...
It's Not Just "Gun Control" -- It's NSSF New and Improved "Gun Control"!
Jeff Knox talks about the "Fix NICS" Quislings, although he's nicer than me and doesn't call 'em that. [More]
Yo, NSSF: We will not comply.
Fight that if you like, and identify yourselves as siding with the enemy, but that's the way it is.
Yo, NSSF: We will not comply.
Fight that if you like, and identify yourselves as siding with the enemy, but that's the way it is.
Can We Talk?
Where have I heard that before? [More]
Oh. Yeah, there.
And how come it always turns into someone with no claim to them calling dibs on my rights?
Oh. Yeah, there.
And how come it always turns into someone with no claim to them calling dibs on my rights?
Mad Maxie: Jury Road
A college student was sexually molested at LaGuardia Airport by a uniformed TSA agent who demanded she go into a bathroom with him after she got off a flight so she could be searched for a weapon, sources told The Post. The 22-year-old victim, who is Korean, had gotten off a Southwest Airlines flight from Salt Lake City around 8 p.m.Tuesday when the agent, identified as Maxie Oquendo, 40, approached her near the B4 gate of Terminal B. [More]What do you think? It's not a common name, he works for DHS and he's from the area. Interesting profile picture choice...
Plus he's "friends" with a "TSA Supervisor" who could not make me feel safer, what with bragging about reckless extreme speeding on a public road -- talk about Opposite Day "progressive" transportation security in action! Nice booty shots and gang poses, too!
[Via Harvey]
We're the Only Ones Anti-Constitutional Enough
The sheriff and at least one of his deputies have verbalized opinions that “constitutionalists” are threats to the sheriff’s office, the federal government, and to the country itself. [More]And look: He's an establishment "law and order" Republican!
Just like these guys.
What? "The supreme Law of the Land"...? What are you, some kind of ISIS terrorist?
Anyone who gives to the party, as opposed to individuals who have earned support, is a willing tool. Anyone who donates to this guy's campaign is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
When Do You Get Started?
Brilliant. [More]
I was going to say something about that @$$hole Rob Delaney, but then I realized that for a supposed "celebrity," he's got less than 1% of the internet presence of Kendall Jenner, and it became apparent he's just a blood-dancing parasite exploiting a free publicity "opportunity" to get people to notice his name.
I was going to say something about that @$$hole Rob Delaney, but then I realized that for a supposed "celebrity," he's got less than 1% of the internet presence of Kendall Jenner, and it became apparent he's just a blood-dancing parasite exploiting a free publicity "opportunity" to get people to notice his name.
Trained and Prepared
A man, getting home late, is walking from his car to his house when he's approached by two teens who think he's an easy target. One of them is armed. The man nervously draws his gun and keeps it low out of sight as a confrontation begins. [More]"Stop the Threat," tonight on The Pursuit Channel...
"Hillary is More Qualified"
No doubt true. But that hardly means the corrupt, egotistical sociopath bitch is qualified. [More]
I'm reminded of a TV interview with some demanding rabble-rousers in the aftermath of the L.A. riots, and they were declaring they wouldn't be satisfied with just jobs, they wanted to be managers.
It was obvious they had no clue as to what being a manager truly entails, at least to being a good one. What they really wanted was to have someone give them unearned rewards along with authority to boss around and exploit those "under" them.
In other words, they had the authoritarian mentality and emotional maturity of children who hadn't yet learned better, and odds are, never would. Such people are not only unemployable due to lack of productive skills, they are actually a danger to have around.
Just like Hillary.
I'm reminded of a TV interview with some demanding rabble-rousers in the aftermath of the L.A. riots, and they were declaring they wouldn't be satisfied with just jobs, they wanted to be managers.
It was obvious they had no clue as to what being a manager truly entails, at least to being a good one. What they really wanted was to have someone give them unearned rewards along with authority to boss around and exploit those "under" them.
In other words, they had the authoritarian mentality and emotional maturity of children who hadn't yet learned better, and odds are, never would. Such people are not only unemployable due to lack of productive skills, they are actually a danger to have around.
Just like Hillary.
Blurred Border/Blurred Lines
Court: Second Amendment also covers those in US illegally [More]If an alien trespasser is found, with or without a gun, remove him. If the alien trespasser uses the gun to keep from being removed, or to commit any act of aggression, at that point it becomes relevant.
[Via @pamnsc]
The Anti-Gun Male
SORKIN: YOU KNOW ME. I'M SCARED OF GUNS IN ALL CONTEXT. [More]No, I don't know you -- but Julia does.
There, there, Andrew. Did the scary men make you cry?
She's Ba-ack
From Andrea-Shea King, via email:
You can hear for yourself if their assurances are any good tonight at 9 Eastern.
[T]he cause of what's been wreaking havoc with their online streaming platform has been disengaged ... Thus, I'm returning to the BTR fold, albeit with some apprehension despite their assurances that all will be well. I will resume regular programming...Well, that was quick.
You can hear for yourself if their assurances are any good tonight at 9 Eastern.
They're forgetting about the ultimate veto. [More]
And the thing is, if A-rated establishment Republicans were anything more than the manipulative frauds that they are, they'd be screaming to the rooftops over this and using every legislative and judicial tool at their disposal. The truth is, it's not only not a priority, the establishment wants this, and faint protests are mostly for show.
If I had Trump's ear, I'd advise him to pledge rescinding this on Day One. It would really set him apart from the pack.
[Via Neil W]
And the thing is, if A-rated establishment Republicans were anything more than the manipulative frauds that they are, they'd be screaming to the rooftops over this and using every legislative and judicial tool at their disposal. The truth is, it's not only not a priority, the establishment wants this, and faint protests are mostly for show.
If I had Trump's ear, I'd advise him to pledge rescinding this on Day One. It would really set him apart from the pack.
[Via Neil W]
When Seconds Count
Lankford said he thinks there are fewer people killed in these mass shootings in the United States because American police routinely train on how to deal with this kind of incident... [More]Yes, we have some of the fastest crime scene tape and chalk outline response teams in the world.
This guy gets paid to say stupid sh** like this?
It looks like they're using fudged numbers for what constitutes a "mass shooting." And naturally, they don't say a word about the "gun free zones" commonality...
[Via bondmen]
Commonsense Language Control
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Voted most likely to put Princess Leia on a chain... |
Educators in the Volunteer State are very concerned that students might be offended by the usage of traditional pronouns like she, he, him and hers, according to a document from the University of Tennessee – Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. [More]So it really is "for the children." Tell me this isn't a perfect example of Opposite Day madness.
Boy, if that offends them, what must they think of everything else about anyone "different" from the Prozi orthodoxy. First they demand to disarm everyone not part of the enforcement apparatus because they "have a right to feel safe," and now they claim a right not to be offended.
Sweet deal if you can make it happen. If.
So why is it in the interests of Tennessee taxpayers to feed this host-weakening parasite...?
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Discontinued Items
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will no longer sell "modern sporting rifles" in its stores, citing limited customer demand as the reason for pulling the product from its shelves. [More]Of significance is making a special point to say it was not due to pressure by the antis.
We're the Only Ones Far-Sighted Enough
Fargo police 'apologetic' after mistaking students' telescope for a gun [More]And I guess that was his accomplice in the wood chipper...
[Via Florida Guy]
Clearance Sale
If Clinton Loses Her Security Clearance, Could She Still Be President? [More]As Obama and Valerie Jarrett prove, where there's a will there's a way.
Functionaries follow orders and keep their mouths shut.
This is a Joke, Right?
And they want $60 for the book he wrote with his daughter on how "bipartisan foreign policy consensus ... enabled America to prevail in World War II, to win the Cold War, and to triumph in the first decade of the War on Terror."
Really? So what was "liberated" has not morphed into tyranny, the Russian bear has been tamed, and DHS/NSA/TSA/Big Brother represent a triumph? And more foreign interventionism and expenditures of blood and treasure are the way to go, as opposed to, say, avoiding entangling alliances with no clearly defined and attainable goals, and ensuring that which is necessary to the security of a free state?
Sorry, Cheney's "principles" sold that last one out -- shortly after he'd accepted his award.
I could get the book cheaper from Amazon anyway, by a long shot, and I'll know the RNC won't use my money to provide aid and comfort to RINO enemies. I can just see myself curling up by the fire to read it while wearing my socks and No Cattle hat.
How Stupid Do These Liars Think We Are?
That was a question posed in an email by War on Guns Correspondent Dave Licht in an email encompassing concerns including the UN Arms Trade Treaty, the administration's Iran policies, and John Kerry's treason.
The answer is, as an aggregate and based on results, pretty damn stupid. And that makes it a lot easier to either ignore or attack the ones who aren't, particularly when you add detachment of those who know better -- whether due to apathy, laziness, or whatever -- into the mix.
The answer is, as an aggregate and based on results, pretty damn stupid. And that makes it a lot easier to either ignore or attack the ones who aren't, particularly when you add detachment of those who know better -- whether due to apathy, laziness, or whatever -- into the mix.
You've Got it Wrong, Frank -- Again
“I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don’t realize how the grassroots have abandoned them,” he added. [More]Who did the abandoning here...?
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Resistance Grows
Backlash is building. [More]
I need to find out who is doing those ads for Bloomberg. Looking at the cheesy practices of hired propagandists has resulted in some interesting revelations before ... there's no reason to believe more wouldn't come to light if people did a little digging.
Hey, if we can't believe New York advertising agencies hired by Michael Bloomberg, who can we trust?
I need to find out who is doing those ads for Bloomberg. Looking at the cheesy practices of hired propagandists has resulted in some interesting revelations before ... there's no reason to believe more wouldn't come to light if people did a little digging.
Hey, if we can't believe New York advertising agencies hired by Michael Bloomberg, who can we trust?
Attack Thwarted by Servicemen Highlights Futility and Evil of French ‘Gun Control’
So with all those ‘controls,”what’s with the train attack? Or the Charlie Hebdo killings? Or gangs opening fire with AKs on the police in Marseille? Or the Roma camp shootout? [More]In other words, “gun control” doesn’t stop the bad guys and only serves to give them a killer advantage over the “law-abiding”? Who knew?
Messin' with the Wrong Hombre?
In your dreams, LA Times. [More]
What are they gonna do, not vote for him? Like they would for anyone but a Democrat?
I'm starting to like the idea of seeing Jorge Ramos ejected from the White House press room...
What are they gonna do, not vote for him? Like they would for anyone but a Democrat?
I'm starting to like the idea of seeing Jorge Ramos ejected from the White House press room...
Harvey Weinstein Breaks ‘No Violence’ Pledge as Anti-Gun Meryl Streep Project Languishes
A big-time Hollywood Obama supporter/greasebag makes one movie, but has suddenly gotten quiet about another...
Desperate to Convince
Why? Because Faux News and Karl Rove say overwhelming poll results tell us we need to instead embrace amnesty:
Even John Stossell, with his absurd ranking, whines "One poll has Hispanic voters favoring Clinton over Trump by 70 to 13." With that kind of selective "reporting," the guy just went down several notches in my estimation, because what he doesn't say is the poll was conducted by Univision (yeah, these guys), and what the end result of a match up would be if Hillary were running against a Republiquisling instead of Trump:
In other words, she'd win by a landslide against ALL of them. So how does kissing ass help again? You don't get creamed as bad?
So to maybe get 20 - 25% of 8.9% of voters, the GOP establishment wants to alienate and betray its conservative base, and then try to con us into thinking they're doing it by popular demand?
The Weaker Sex
She said, “Women are not physically powerful like men are. A gun could easily be turned on the woman, and it is frequently.” [More]Opposite Day "progressive" feminism in action...
Hey, why aren't they demanding an end to women in law enforcement and the military...?
[Via Mike H]
Pulling the Plug
The Andrea Shea King Show is going dark for a while. [More]
As with so many who bring us unique information the mainstream ignores and suppresses, it's a damned shame such people aren't the mainstream. As I noted the other day, it's a shameful indictment on not just "the media," but on the culture as a whole, where the latest slutcapades by the celebrity whore du jour will attract more eyeballs and attention than an entire body of work from someone of substance.
As with so many who bring us unique information the mainstream ignores and suppresses, it's a damned shame such people aren't the mainstream. As I noted the other day, it's a shameful indictment on not just "the media," but on the culture as a whole, where the latest slutcapades by the celebrity whore du jour will attract more eyeballs and attention than an entire body of work from someone of substance.
Double Standard and Then Some
Curious, how the Prozis have no problem using government records to identify and publish the names of gun owners, but try to gather general information on one of their pet causes, and they all start wailing and gnashing their teeth. [More]
[Via Jake S]
[Via Jake S]
Roanoke On-Air Shooting Suspect Identified
His LinkedIn page is still active. [UPDATE: Now down.]
As are his Twitter account (I just accessed it now -- a few minutes before then I got an "account suspended" message, as did others leaving comments) and his Facebook page. [UPDATE: FB now down.]
This was one apparent motive:
Between that and being an "Authorized Journalist," it looks like we're dealing with a "progressive" mindset...
I suggest going to his social media sites and grabbing what you can before they're taken down-- either by the host companies or by authorities who will treat it as ongoing investigation evidence that could potentially "taint" a jury pool...
UPDATE: Videos here. Horrible. I'm glad the second one does not show the actual execution. Save before they're taken down.
UPDATE: Looks like he offed himself.
UPDATE: Critical condition?
UPDATE: Nope. Dead.
UPDATE: He had interviewed Philip. I'll try to find out more.
UPDATE: Here's Phil and John Pierce talking to him, taken by a third party:
UPDATE: Right on cue, here come the MoveOn.org blood dancers, disgusting pigs that they are:
UPDATE: Bryce on "gun control":
I think that they would say that the government should regulate the how man is able to access guns, because the government exists solely to protect property and if man needs a gun to preserve himself than he should have it but on a certain basis.UPDATE: He was an Obama supporter who wanted a race war.
We're the Only Ones Droning On and On Enough
First State Legalizes Taser Drones for Cops, Thanks to a Lobbyist [More]Isn't that what's called economic fasci... uh... a "public/private partnership"?
Nice drones you got there. Shame if somethin' happened to them...
A Rose By Any Other Name
Now I can't tell if I'm an "unauthorized journalist" or an "unprivileged belligerent, " although that would make a cool card to stick in my hat band. [More]
I guess what to call someone is hardly a new dilemma...
I guess what to call someone is hardly a new dilemma...
No Man is an Island, for the Most Part
For most of us, preparedness and survival will be more than a one-man job. [More]
Untested speculation about how much of a dent you can put in the horde before it takes you down will never be as much of an actual deterrent as having the personnel, resources and capabilities to convince that horde they'll find easier pickings elsewhere, or to repel/beat them should they not be persuaded.
Untested speculation about how much of a dent you can put in the horde before it takes you down will never be as much of an actual deterrent as having the personnel, resources and capabilities to convince that horde they'll find easier pickings elsewhere, or to repel/beat them should they not be persuaded.
The Defender of Life
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Old Yellowstain |
Peel back the surface layer, and how about now?
The powers that be know certain districts with certain demographics require certain concessions as a matter of political pragmatism, so they tolerate a certain amount of wandering off the reservation as a cost of doing business and to attain their greater objective.
You have to wonder if people who contributed to Boehner's campaigns and voted for him based on this issue would have reconsidered had they known.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
How To End The Colorado Magazine Capacity Limits
That creates an interference in interstate commerce that is not permissible for a state to engage in. [More]Publicola walks us through his proposal.
There's always the more direct way, as long as you're willing to take risks.
Gore Everyone's Ox But Ours
Prozis are such humorless hive insects. [More]
The ironic thing is, you'd have to be personally receptive to the concept of cross-dressing to wear such a costume in the first place.
The ironic thing is, you'd have to be personally receptive to the concept of cross-dressing to wear such a costume in the first place.
Says the Domestic Enemy with Taxpayer-Funded Armed Bodyguards
Someone is desperate to get the focus on something else besides her own criminality... [More]
So the Theory Goes
Mexico’s theory is that, since any gun in the U.S. might at some point conceivably cross the U.S. border, all U.S. guns have to be controlled in the name of controlling the international arms trade. [More]Not just Mexico's theory...
[Via @pamnsc]
Be Prepared
There are things you and I can do now. [More]
Other stuff we'll need to make up as we go along. That said, there are still things we can do now to instill/bolster proper mindsets, enhance adaptability, and increase options.
Other stuff we'll need to make up as we go along. That said, there are still things we can do now to instill/bolster proper mindsets, enhance adaptability, and increase options.
“You guys understand how significant this is?” Luntz asked the press breathlessly when he came back into the room behind the glass. “This is real. I’m having trouble processing it. Like, my legs are shaking.” [More]Ah, a parallel Pauline Kael effect that so many establishment Republicans also seem to suffer from, and we're going to see a lot more legs shaking, not to mention fists.
As for Frank Luntz, what more is there to say than this?
We're the Only Ones Exposed Enough
The Newton officer accused of exposing himself to male drivers over a 7-month period last year has accepted a plea agreement that calls for him to resign from his job on the police force. [More]I see he'll also be barred from getting another "Only One" job in New Jersey, meaning there's still plenty of other places where he can be out of uniform...
[Via Florida Guy]
A Triggering Event
Toddler's Minions 'fart blaster' not allowed on flight as it has a trigger [More]Despicable them.
[Via Harvey]
Denial of Service Attack
They developed a set of techniques that could let hackers compromise the rifles -- which are computerized and run a version of Linux -- through the weapons' WiFi connection. [More]Say, we need to make control units mandatory on all guns! Except the ones used by criminals and "Only Ones."
For the children!
[Via Joe M]
The Flex Plan
Rise of the flexi-sexual female: Women are 'more likely to be bisexual than men' - and change their minds about their sexuality [More]Wait just a dang minute here -- I thought the "progressive" contention was it's "settled science" that it's not a choice ... so how do you change your mind?
Next thing you'll be telling me that "global warming" might be a wealth and power-seizing scam, and that "commonsense gun laws" won't usher in a new era of unparalleled domestic tranquility...
Great Expectations
The amnesty would require that criminals, or friends and family thereof turn in tools of their trade. Doing so would mean that they are unable to ply their trade and provide for their dependents. I really don't think that expecting that from the career criminal or gang banger is realistic at all. [More]Gun Owners of South Africa points out some entirely predictable results.
[B]etween 350,000 and 400,000 children are born annually to an illegal-alien mother residing in the United States — as many as one in ten births nationwide. As of 2010, four out of five children of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. were born here — some 4 million kids. [More]Good thing the overwhelming preponderance of the demographic to vote Democrat has nothing to do with that "single issue."
Monday, August 24, 2015
The Purge?
In the past few days I've been contacted by two "conservative" Examiners telling me their accounts have been shut down because some nameless corporate authority has suddenly, without warning and after years of productivity, deemed them not to be "good fits."
One person I did not know; she contacted me because she'd been told what happened to my column by a friend. The other is someone I've been following for some time, and consider him a journalist capable of producing outstanding content with the best of them -- and the reason most will never hear of him is because he focuses where the establishment doesn't want us looking.
It's a shameful indictment on not just "the media," but on the culture as a whole-- where the latest slutcapades by the celebrity whore du jour will attract more eyeballs and attention than an entire body of work from someone of substance.
As for Examiner, the editorial dolts who are incapable of recognizing, let alone assessing investigative journalism, are only interested in rewording the work of others to capitalize on key word trends. One thing I've started doing, when I need to reference one of my Gun Rights Examiner pieces, is link to an archived version over at The Wayback Machine, just so that I'm not sending any ad revenue traffic their way.
One person I did not know; she contacted me because she'd been told what happened to my column by a friend. The other is someone I've been following for some time, and consider him a journalist capable of producing outstanding content with the best of them -- and the reason most will never hear of him is because he focuses where the establishment doesn't want us looking.
It's a shameful indictment on not just "the media," but on the culture as a whole-- where the latest slutcapades by the celebrity whore du jour will attract more eyeballs and attention than an entire body of work from someone of substance.
As for Examiner, the editorial dolts who are incapable of recognizing, let alone assessing investigative journalism, are only interested in rewording the work of others to capitalize on key word trends. One thing I've started doing, when I need to reference one of my Gun Rights Examiner pieces, is link to an archived version over at The Wayback Machine, just so that I'm not sending any ad revenue traffic their way.
Red-Green Axis Spells Out Danger Threatening to Destroy the Republic
I can say, without hyperbole, this is a vital report addressing nothing less than the survival of the Founder’s Republic in the 21st Century, one that you ignore at your peril, and at the peril of everyone you love. I cannot urge you in strong enough terms to get it and read it, and to do that without delay. Like now. [More]Those administering national assisted suicide hope you neither become aware of, nor share this information.
Some months back I and some others participated in a phone interview with the NFA is Not OK folks, and they have now posted it online.
My segment starts @ 15:30 in.
Leaders of the Pack
We are a pack of wolves, not a herd of sheep. [More]So naturally, leaders of the herd hate men who don't think and behave like anti-gun males.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Dynamically Entering Enough
SWAT police raid wrong house in Worcester [More]Thank goodness our community heroes made it out of that place!
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Getting Props Enough
Police chief investigates 'most grisly murder in 35 years' before discovering blood-spattered scene is a horror movie set [More]The real horror is, if someone had panicked and shot the hotel owner, it would have probably been written off as within protocol.
[Via William T]
Recall Grover Norquist?
Fine by me. [More]
That said, those behind this effort totally ignore the primary danger his influence poses, and focus instead on a diversion from that.
I note they conclude with:
I also note the people behind the petition have registered their site through a proxy -- I'd feel better knowing who they are and that all motives are on the table.
That said, those behind this effort totally ignore the primary danger his influence poses, and focus instead on a diversion from that.
I note they conclude with:
There is no desire for any media attention whatsoever.Why not?
I also note the people behind the petition have registered their site through a proxy -- I'd feel better knowing who they are and that all motives are on the table.
The Time Has Come for Someone to Put His Foot Down. And That Foot is Me.
“I said at my State of the University address that there is zero tolerance on this campus for sexual assault and sexual harassment,” Old Dominion University President John R. Broderick wrote in a Facebook post. “This incident will be reviewed immediately by those on campus empowered to do so. Any student found to have violated the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.” [More]Kind of a tight-ass there, aren't you, Dean Wormer?
"Progressive" universities -- is it any wonder they've become enclaves of hive insect repression and intolerance?
This Was Just a Friendly Reminder
Constance Hester with the ATF said this is a good time to meet the community on a lighter note. [More]Armed government workers telling citizens where they can't have guns and what they'll do if they catch them...
Inverting the Ratio
We used to count black Americans as 3/5 of a person. For reparations, give them 5/3 of a vote. [More]A Marxist monopoly of violence. What could go wrong?
There's "progress" for ya.
Then there's this:
I wrote that mentioning the word reparations shuts down convos about race;I was wrong. It's worse. Silence is preferrable to hate it elicits.No, you mean the hate you elicit by advocating tyranny.
No need to ask how a twisted, self-entitled meathead such as this gets a megaphone to spew his subversive crap -- the people rewarding him for doing so benefit from the divisiveness their tool helps create.
Taking Stock of the Situation
Uh-oh... time for some manipulation along with redirection.
Hey, look everybody: Celebrities being outrageous!
Hey, look everybody: Celebrities being outrageous!
"Progressive" Neutrality
British artist Carl McCrow is asking the world's most successful filmmakers to make an unambiguous pledge: For every gun that appears in their movies, he wants them to destroy a real one ... This call-to-disarm is part of McCrow's "Gun Neutral" campaign... [More]Yeah, that sure sounds neutral to me. If you're in to Opposite Day...
As for high-profile supporter Martin Scorsese, what else would you expect from someone who "makes violence an art"?
New York, New York
It's a wonderful town! [More]
Then there's this observation:
As long as we're there, let's take in all the sights:
I could go on in this direction, but there's another side trip we need to take, just to validate those Sullivan Laws Emperor Bloomberg fantasizes about imposing on the rest of us under force of state arms:
Actually, the lyrics in "On the Town" were changed from "Helluva" to "Wonderful," to make things acceptable to Production Code sensitivities of the time. Sounds to me like they had it right the first time.
You know what would fix everything?
Banning horses.
Then there's this observation:
Nobody stepped in to break up the street fight, with spectators instead intently watching it or milling around once it ended.I'm sure the reporters and the New York Daily News editorial board could have shown us all how it's done.
As long as we're there, let's take in all the sights:
- Queens man, 62, busted for masturbating on train
- Man knocks out 52-year-old woman's teeth, threatens to shoot before raping her
- Woman suffers severe chemical burns after stranger throws caustic liquid in her face
I could go on in this direction, but there's another side trip we need to take, just to validate those Sullivan Laws Emperor Bloomberg fantasizes about imposing on the rest of us under force of state arms:
- We're the Only Ones Insuring Enough
- We're the Only Ones In the Bag Enough
- We're the Only Ones Recruiting Enough
Actually, the lyrics in "On the Town" were changed from "Helluva" to "Wonderful," to make things acceptable to Production Code sensitivities of the time. Sounds to me like they had it right the first time.
You know what would fix everything?
Banning horses.
One Time Too Many
Detroit resident Darrell Standberry doesn't navigate streets of the Motor City without his licensed handgun, and it already has saved his life once. [More]Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, with the finest armed bodyguards money can buy, wishes it hadn't.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Death Wish
Even though I consider Mike a brother, I have pretty much stayed out of the ongoing virtual battles with Kerodin for the same reason I let men settle their own fights. But, as I will in real life, I do get involved when someone else jumps in, at which point, friends enter the fray.
That's why I was not going to give a link to the latest on SSI, that is, until this comment showed up:
Y'know, Sparky, what we all intuitively know has been pretty well corroborated: internet trolls are sadists and psychopaths. Further documentation shows many are infiltrators and disruptors serving the agenda of enemies. Look at you, hoping a person struggling with cancer goes terminal. What a demented and despicable loser you are -- that and a coward, for doing it anonymously.
As we're known by the company we keep, it certainly does not reflect well for those on the side of the argument you purport to ally yourself with. Were I part of that faction, I would repudiate and condemn you, and if I knew, let everyone else know who you are and publicly disassociate myself from you.
The only positive out of this is that no one so twisted in hatred can possibly be happy and whole, and have love in his life. Which means you know that you're a contemptible loser, and have to live with it and seethe in it. No wonder you rage so against those who do not share your self-imposed defects.
When Mike dies, as we all will, good men will mourn his passing and continue to benefit from his legacy. When you go, of the few who are even aware of it, the prevailing sentiment will no doubt be "Who cares? The guy was a real asshole."
That's why I was not going to give a link to the latest on SSI, that is, until this comment showed up:
Y'know, Sparky, what we all intuitively know has been pretty well corroborated: internet trolls are sadists and psychopaths. Further documentation shows many are infiltrators and disruptors serving the agenda of enemies. Look at you, hoping a person struggling with cancer goes terminal. What a demented and despicable loser you are -- that and a coward, for doing it anonymously.
As we're known by the company we keep, it certainly does not reflect well for those on the side of the argument you purport to ally yourself with. Were I part of that faction, I would repudiate and condemn you, and if I knew, let everyone else know who you are and publicly disassociate myself from you.
The only positive out of this is that no one so twisted in hatred can possibly be happy and whole, and have love in his life. Which means you know that you're a contemptible loser, and have to live with it and seethe in it. No wonder you rage so against those who do not share your self-imposed defects.
When Mike dies, as we all will, good men will mourn his passing and continue to benefit from his legacy. When you go, of the few who are even aware of it, the prevailing sentiment will no doubt be "Who cares? The guy was a real asshole."
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Dismissal of Post-1986 Machine Gun Ban Challenge Appealed
A Notice of Appeal was filed Tuesday in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, by plaintiff Jay Aubrey Isaac Hollis in his complaint against Attorney General Loretta Lynch and ATF Acting Director Thomas E. Brandon. The original Hollis v. Holder/Jones lawsuit, since renamed to reflect top level personnel changes, sought relief against the de facto ban on the transfer or possession of a machine gun manufactured after May 19, 1986. The appeal is necessary to keep the case going forward after the court issued an August 7 opinion and order siding with the government and dismissing the case. [More]What? He followed the documented rules as articulated by ATF? Well that was his first mistake...
We're the Only Ones Extorting Enough
'Buy these or I take your car': Secret video shows officer pressuring driver during traffic stop to support police fundraiser [More]Are there moral or legal reasons why a highwayman should not be instantly repelled using the necessary escalation of force, up to and including lethal?
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