Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Lifetime Gun Bans All Around!
A senior prank has likely landed felony charges for five Arlington teenagers. [More]Can Tolerance Camp be far off?
Do you believe this?
It can never happen here...?
Politicians Can Prove Sincerity of Tributes to Freedom by Ending Cemetery Gun Ban
Be leaders. Show us what “A”-raters are made of. Really earn that gun owners support that’s been instrumental in your positions of privilege. The honored dead who fought for freedom did so for the living. Please show political courage and fidelity to your oath to the Constitution by introducing a bill to overturn the military cemetery gun ban. [More]If your rep says he supports 2A, tell him it's time to stop talking about it and show some leadership.
Forget It Jake, It's Chi-Town
In all, 27 of the 69 people hit by gunfire over the weekend were shot in or near the Harrison District, one of the city's most violent and one of the most heavily patrolled by police. [More]If only they would disarm you and me...
Franchise, Dead Franchise
Gillian Anderson throws hat into the ring to be next 007 [More]On the plus side, they'll be able to keep the Bond Girls.
It's the Editing Process's Fault
Saying you "regret" is not the same as saying "I'm sorry." And nice try at throwing your director under the bus -- you started out with an agitprop agenda and what you "regret" is getting caught. [More]
By the way, do you also regret wasting John Lott's time?
Now that even your fellow media "progressives" are distancing themselves, you're just trying to salvage whatever media cred you have remaining.
Yahoo News: Is the "big name" really worth discrediting your own reputation with? #FireKatieCouric.
[Via Florida Guy]
By the way, do you also regret wasting John Lott's time?
Now that even your fellow media "progressives" are distancing themselves, you're just trying to salvage whatever media cred you have remaining.
Yahoo News: Is the "big name" really worth discrediting your own reputation with? #FireKatieCouric.
[Via Florida Guy]
Playing Outlawed Tunes on Outlawed Pipes
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Ye'll put'cher eye oot! |
Scottish airgun surrender campaign nets 0.45% of province’s plinkers [More]"Airgun surrender."
It's never enough for the hive insects, is it?
And no, the guy didn't get it, or if he did, he wasn't willing to say.
[Via Mike H]
Excellent Question
[W]hy haven’t the names of the officers involved been released? [More]And as long as we're on the subject of shielding "Only Ones" from repercussions for "gun violence" they initiate, anybody hear anything on the Waco biker shooting, where ATF promised they'd expedite ballistics testing?
Chaffetz and Grassley certainly have proven useless on that.
Hand-Wringing Now in Vogue
I Lost My Father and Son to Suicides by Gun - One Bullet Changed Our Lives Forever - My Daughter’s Medication Was Better Regulated Than the Gun She Used to End Her Life - The Man Who Killed My Daughter Was Not Allowed to Have a Gun - The Gun Was Left in a Kitchen Cabinet - I Think of People Who Died at Sandy Hook Every Day - When I Heard the News in Charleston, I Knew My Mother Was Gone - Gun Control: Why I Want My Son on the Background-Check List [More]Gosh, and here I thought the antis relied solely on anecdotes and manipulated emotions...
[Via Matt F]
For the Sake of Argument
To argue that the ‘Real Sports’ report on the AR-15 is a broadcast version of anti-gun trolling would be an understatement. [More]Yeah, but to argue that Bryant Gumbel is anything but a hate-filled monopoly of violence fanatic in the first damn place would be demonstrably wrong.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Evident Enough
Our team brought that evidence to a police officer's attention and it was taken away ... Police believe the items were left behind after other items were detonated at the scene. Since they returned to the scene to collect the items, Eyewitness News Reporter Marla Carter asked if leaving the items at the scene was a mistake. They said they didn't know. [More]So with the chain of custody broken...
Ah well, the important thing is, the guy fit profile expectations for guilt by association...
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Nameless Enough
San Francisco police say an FBI agent's gun and badge were stolen after his car was broken into in the city's popular Alamo Square. [More]Just "an FBI agent"? If it were you or me, would we be identified as "a citizen"?
Hey, anybody know the name of the BLM agent yet, the one whose gun was used to kill Kate Steinle?
[Via Matt F]
About the Gorilla
Many have blamed the boy's parents for 17-year-old Harambe's death [More]When elder feral son Uday was little, he was something of an escape artist. I know from experience how quickly they can make an out-of-nowhere move that places them in danger and catches you flat-footed.
One Measly Report
State health officials announced the potential exposure area has been expanded; they said some of the people with measles may have exposed others within Maricopa and Pinal counties. [More]There seems to be some relevant information that isn't being reported here. I wonder why.
And is that supposed to be the job of the "news media," to withhold information that could prove important to public health, safety and especially political expectations?
Monday, May 30, 2016
Memorial Day a Time for Solemn Remembrance of Loved Ones
Here are some men I will be reflecting on today... [More]Who will you be remembering? Please feel free to leave a memorial statement in comments under the linked article.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Links to Vanderboegh Speeches
Mike reminded us of this link the other day. It's an aggregate post with links to various speeches he's given over the years, and it's well worth bookmarking and revisiting as time permits.
We tried recording an interview the other day but Skype requires third-party software to record. A combination of factors, including no video capability, sound feedback, it ending up being too much of a strain on Mike, and maddeningly, my own utter lack of experience with controls I found non-intuitive, resulted in no file to save and nothing to share. That was very disheartening, because I thought the conversation was excellent.
I've got a new sw with video I still need to test and if I can get it to work properly and -- only if Mike is able -- we'll try again.
UPDATE: This is what I ended up with.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Carjacking Gone Wrong
A simple errand at the mall turns into a dangerous situation when a carjacker grabs the purse of a woman as she exits her vehicle. Outraged, the woman jumps on the hood of the car as the carjacker tries to make his getaway. [More]This week on "Stop the Threat"...
Interested in a 3-Way?
[T]he third-party Libertarian ticket has a rare chance this year to be more than a footnote in the presidential race. [More]Not for anyone who doesn't want to ensure an unchallengeable pathway to citizenship Democrat supermajority within just a few years, with all that means for passing and upholding "gun laws."
And not for anyone who doesn't want to put a demonstrable gun-grabber a heartbeat from the presidency.
So yeah, if you don't mind being the only one relegated to the bottom who gets screwed in the deal...
When It Comes to ‘Gun Violence,’ the UK Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet
The other point is, we can’t draw reliable long-term conclusions from short-term trends, which is a matter of perspective, and things are still unfolding. There are those still living for whom European genocide is a personal memory. And there are those living now who may be alive in the future after a comparable span of time. Whether they’re living free has yet to be determined. [More]What, you mean bubbles can burst...?
What's More Important?
The directed cultural terraforming of the Republic or securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity? [More]
This guy's looking pretty good.
It's past time to Cantor Ryan.
[Via Mack H]
This guy's looking pretty good.
It's past time to Cantor Ryan.
[Via Mack H]
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
More deaths blamed on 'Fast and Furious' amid new guns found [Watch]How many people died in Watergate again...?
[Via Matt F]
We're the Only Ones Serious Enough
Runnels said, “I don’t play games.” [More]We'll see if the court does.
Why am I reminded of this...?
[Via bondmen]
Meanwhile, Back at the Salt Mines
Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio applauded the appeals court's decision on what he called "a common-sense regulation that will help New Yorkers make better decisions and lead healthier lives." [More]He's got a point: If they were capable of making better decisions on their own, they wouldn't keep electing control freak overseers.
All Kinds of Possibilities
The Drone Defender looks like a bazooka, but it doesn’t shoot the drone, rather it disables the link between the drone and the pilot. [More]So "theoretically," such a device could disable the link between a bracelet and a "smart gun"...
[Via Florida Guy]
- Breitbart: Family of Slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry: Trump’s ‘Going to Give Us Answers’
- Hannity: Only One Candidate For President Met With The Family Of Slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
Gosh, you don't say!
Thursday, May 26, 2016
FFL Compliance Firm Notes ATF Hearing Assurances Still Need to be Proven
He acknowledged the decision to remove the word “informal” from the regulatory text regarding hearings was a quiet victory. “They would lure people into coming to the hearing and saying ‘Hey, we’re all friends here,’ when that was far from the case. [More]You mean the word intentionally missing from "We're from the government and we're here to help" is "ourselves"...?
The Thing That Wouldn't Die
The antibiotic-resistant strain was found last month in the urine of a 49-year-old Pennsylvania woman. [More]One question: Has she always been from Pennsylvania?
Listing to the Left
“We’re concerned about this,” said Karen Sheley, the director of the Police Practices Project of the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois. “There’s a database of citizens built on unknown factors, and there’s no way for people to challenge being on the list. How do you get on the list in the first place? We think it’s dangerous to single out somebody based on secret police information.” [More]No, of course the Opposite Day "progressive" isn't objecting to the "No Guns" list.
[Via FL]
The Cantara Loophole
I am informed that an untold story behind the #7 top environmental disaster for California is that "the crew had cleared the tracks enough to have the nearly upside-down tanker car rigged up and ready to remove while it was still two-thirds full, but were told to wait as then-Congresswoman Boxer was soon to arrive. After she had arrived and completed her photo opportunity, the crew pulled the car from the river. By then there was little if any metam sodium left in the tanker."
We're the Only Ones Unencumbered Enough
Mother who 'shot herself' dead in sheriff deputy boyfriend's house was actually MURDERED and suffered broken jaw before the gun was fired, bombshell autopsy reveals [More]It seems there ought to be a Facebook category to update your relationship status to that's a bit more descriptive than just "single."
[Via Jess]
I Wondered Who That Self-Entitled Loudmouth Was
...Kayla Johnson, the daughter of Juanita Johnson, who serves as the Chicago Police Department’s Director of Administration... [More]I wish The Man would stop keeping her down.
[Via Michael G]
A Power Unto Themselves
D.C. Attorney General Ignores Court Order, Refuses Gun Permits [More]I'm looking for a seven-letter words, starts with a "t," describing a government that compels obedience based on coercive force instead of law...
[Via Michael G]
Montana Political Prisoner
Campaign to get Jake Ryan out of prison. Federal insanity refuses to grant bail to youth who went to Burns, Oregon to see if he could help. [More]Well how else do you expect the Keepers to cow the rest of us into submission if you don't make an example out of wrong thinkers?
'Only Ones' Take Note
Disarmament of South African Police Service [More]You think there aren't those here that have similar plans and more? Just because Polyphemus said he's going to eat you last doesn't mean he's not going to eat you.
Thing is, I'm having a real hard time getting worked up over the prospect, and don't think I'm alone.
Unclear on the Concept
A woman wearing a “Stop Domestic Violence” t-shirt was arrested on domestic violence charges after firing a gun during an argument with her husband inside the couple’s Maine home, police report. [More]What I want to know is why he didn't just take it away from her, which is what "common sense gun safety law advocates" say would happen.
[Via Jeet]
Smartest Woman in the World Outsmarted
Trump and Sanders agree to debate before California primary [More]If Hillary decides she now wants in, they both ought to tell her she had her chance and rejected it, and that she'll just have to wait 'til next time.
[Via Keith B]
Medicines of War
Prescription pain killers: far riskier than gun ownership [More]Gosh, if only there were some way to register and track them. Maybe we need to add waiting periods, or limit purchases to one pill a month...
[Via Rich S]
An Opposite Day 'Progressive' Higher Education
More than 1,300 students at the Midwestern liberal arts college have now signed a petition asking that the college get rid of any grade below a C for the semester, and some students are requesting alternatives to the standard written midterm examination, such as a conversation with a professor in lieu of an essay. The students say that between their activism work and their heavy course load, finding success within the usual grading parameters is increasingly difficult. [More]Mein kampf!
Oberlin again. Where basic annual costs, not including expenses, are 10 grand a year more than the median annual household income.
Noting the present influence of 60s national socialists, just imagine what life will be like when these Spezielle Schneeflocken take the reins of power. Alternatively, if the current con doesn't last that long, the ones who don't end up in burqas would make a wonderful supply of cannibal food.
Close, But Not Quite
kakistocracy (plural kakistocracies)Replace the "i" with an "a" and I think we're just about there.
Government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizens. [More]
[Via Mean Betsy]
That'll Show 'er!
The NRA called the edits "outrageous" and "unbelievable" and tweeted that Couric should explain the editing. [More]That's some real hardball right there.
UPDATE: If there's a petition for those who want to see something with a bit more teeth in it.
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It's a big club and you ain't in it. |
Memos on Alleged Saudi-Affiliated Support of the 9/11 Attacks [More]Minus 28 "classified" pages, of course.
WarOnGuns Correspondent Laocoön responds:
Disgusting, worse because it's not surprising. FBI had an informant living with two of the terrorists. Of course, like Sergeant Schultz in Hogan's Heroes, he supposedly knew nothing, and he was unavailable for interview. The Jihadis were well hooked up with the Saudi government, princes, diplomats, etc. To the extent the Saudi govt & ruling class wasn't directly responsible, it's still responsible for creating the conditions for Saudis to organize the attack, spreading and funding anti-Western and anti-Jewish hate, madrasas and so forth.
Even now, few people ask why so many millions of Muslims are here in the first place, when there were virtually none before 1960. The neo"con" game is to literally treat the "war on terror" like a game with a handicap: Keeping Muslims out in the first place would be too easy. No challenge, no fun, no material for idiot shows like "24", and most importantly: no excuse for preemptive quagmires, foreign adventures, "nation-building" scams, or a massive "security" state that tracks and spies and gropes American citizens and treats us all as potential terror suspects. So the game is, flood the USA with millions of Muslims, then try to nip the inevitable attacks in the bud. With millions of immigrants belonging to an inherently violent, intolerant, aggressive, oppressive religion, a large percentage of whom therefore support Sharia and Jihad (even many "moderates" sympathize with terrorists - and breed them), it's impossible to stop all the attacks. But the few attacks that slip through keep Americans on our toes, eagerly bent over for more "security", preemptive quagmires, foreign adventures, corrupt "nation-building" scams, and a bigger Military Industrial Complex. Doctor's Orders! And the neo"cons" can say we need to bring in even more Muslims to help us "fight" the "war on terror" and foil "homegrown" attacks by the Muslims they already brought in. Finally the icing on the caca, Republicans get "cheap labor", PC-whipped neo"con" prostitutes like David Petraeus can sell their souls, Democrats get future votes and accelerated, irreversible "multicultural" terraforming. Win-win-win!
What do you think, "conservatives"? Grover?
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
And Another One Bites the Dust
My articles continue to be removed from the Google News feed. Removed as in they were originally there and either an algorithm or a person decided to take them down.
The Monday story about the Third Circuit affirming the district court in the Watson machine gun case was posted in the news feed within moments of being published and remained there through yesterday. Today it is gone.
This was the handicap we operated under all through Fast and Furious. If it doesn't come from the "Authorized Journalists," the system is rigged to keep original investigative reporting and analysis contained.
Just to reiterate, as the dilemma seemed to cause some confusion last post: Yes, I know it still appears on Google. I'm talking about the "News" category marked by a tab. That's the place stories recognized as newsworthy are aggregated, providing a distinct advantage in terms of being noticed and picked up by other outlets and people looking for media sources as opposed to sources that don't meet the content guideline and authorship criteria.
The Monday story about the Third Circuit affirming the district court in the Watson machine gun case was posted in the news feed within moments of being published and remained there through yesterday. Today it is gone.
This was the handicap we operated under all through Fast and Furious. If it doesn't come from the "Authorized Journalists," the system is rigged to keep original investigative reporting and analysis contained.
Just to reiterate, as the dilemma seemed to cause some confusion last post: Yes, I know it still appears on Google. I'm talking about the "News" category marked by a tab. That's the place stories recognized as newsworthy are aggregated, providing a distinct advantage in terms of being noticed and picked up by other outlets and people looking for media sources as opposed to sources that don't meet the content guideline and authorship criteria.
No Way to Treat a Lady
A fifth grade teacher at Gresham-Barlow school in Oregon who was born a female, but transgendered into a male, won a $60,000 pay-off from the district after complaining of being called a “lady” and referred to as “she” in a harassing manner by fellow educators. [More]They're lucky they weren't in New York City -- it could have been several times that much just in "Human Rights Commission" fines.
Is ze (hir?) happy now?
As Good as It Gets
The Republican governor said in a veto message that the bill would place "redundant restrictions on firearms ownership while ignoring the larger problem of domestic violence." Current law requires officers to seize a person's weapons when there is probable cause to believe the person has committed domestic violence, said Christie, who vetoed a version of the bill last year. [More]It would be nice if his veto message had mentioned rights, but I guess in New Jersey, certain realities are going to prevail for the foreseeable future.
A Matter of Responsibility
Parents of New Jersey 4-year-old boy who fatally shot 6-year-old boy ordered to pay nearly $600K [More]
There's not enough money in the world to pay for this, and nothing that can make things right.
[Via Bluesgal]
I Surrender, Suckers
The White House waved the white flag Tuesday on federal gun control efforts for the remainder of Barack Obama’s presidency... [More]Why do I suspect a war crime in the making...?
[Via Jess]
Willing to Kill
Poor woman sounds like she needs help. [More]
She also needs to be told she has the right to leave Starbucks and withdraw her son from Little League any time she pleases.
But that's not what she really wants, is it?
[Via Mack H]
She also needs to be told she has the right to leave Starbucks and withdraw her son from Little League any time she pleases.
But that's not what she really wants, is it?
[Via Mack H]
Can't We All Get Along?
Black Iowa Student Starts Fight, Loses, Makes Up Hate Crime, Gets Caught [More]Blaming others is always easier than facing what you would no longer be able to deny to yourself after an honest self-examination.
[Via Florida Guy]
Stay Classy, Kerodin
'Pssst!? Hey, Red Mikey, can you still smell your taint on my 'stache from last night?' [More]Sheltered me: I actually hadn't run across that word before and had to look it up. Juvenile and vulgar, which is about what I'd expect. And to do it while Mike is dying reveals all anyone should care to know about this creature Kerodin's character.
That's why I'm posting this. I've purposely stayed out of their public feuding and even though I'm Mike's friend have left Kerodin alone because I believe a man should fight his own battles (except for one time to point out that Kerodin telling Glenn Beck he would follow unconstitutional disarmament laws contradicted his blog posturing). Plus, I didn't see anything Mike couldn't handle. But he is no longer in any condition to expend precious remaining energy properly defending himself, so I will presume to speak for my friend this once.
That picture was taken at the 2011 NRA Annual Meeting. I know, because my brother-in-law and I took Mike to Pittsburgh. Contrary to Kerodin's obscene insinuation of a relationship, this was a chance photo taken at an exhibitor booth. I had no idea who the other person Kerodin accuses of being a "White Supremacist Employee of the State" was until I did a photo search.
That would be this gentleman here: Pretty impressive CV. It turns out he was at the booth because he was "helping a buddy." It also turns out that he later became a Kerodin supporter who had "a blow up" with Mike over that. And it turns out he later had a change of heart and said he "should not have believed Kerodin’s BS [and] Mike was gracious enough to accept my apology, and that was that."
That pretty much tracks with Wirecutter's experience. I guess hell hath no fury like a Kerodin scorned.
There's one other thing I'm going to point out: I'm continuing to get trolling comments reveling in "Red Mike's" cancer, wishing an agonizing death on him, and taunting that the only good commie is a dead commie. Most I don't allow. I have called attention to a few just to illustrate that only a sadistic coward with irreparable mental problems would obsess over doing that. And I can't help but note a main instigator of that sentiment, again having this permanently posted while Mike is preparing to pass:
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You don't like it, good.
Ryan's and Ryan's Alone
You know, for the place that's not even a state and is dominated by the New Progressive Party and the Popular Democratic Party...
Dang, that's exciting news! Just the other day, I was agonizing over Puerto Rican debt restructuring, and wondering if he'd ever be able to keep that promise to Nancy Pelosi.
Great work on all our behalf, Mr. Speaker!
You know, for the place that's not even a state and is dominated by the New Progressive Party and the Popular Democratic Party...
Dang, that's exciting news! Just the other day, I was agonizing over Puerto Rican debt restructuring, and wondering if he'd ever be able to keep that promise to Nancy Pelosi.
Great work on all our behalf, Mr. Speaker!
Brought to You By Government Policies
At today's panel, government health officials said they are concerned about local transmission of Zika if travelers spread the virus to mosquitoes in the U.S., which can then infect other people who have not traveled to countries with Zika epidemics. [More]Rigorous!
Not that Opposite Day "progressives" will allow the right thing to be done. Never let a crisis go to waste, right? And if there is no crisis, do what you can to cultivate situations with potential to create desperate masses looking for someone to give control to.
Interesting way to describe the infected. I wonder how many were one-way "travelers," following the Democrat Voter/Cheap Labor Pathway in.
Another Low
Really, what possible relevance could being an enabler for a sexual predator have for a candidate's moral qualifications to wield power? [More]
Speaking of Just in Time for Summer...
'Roots' Reborn: How a Slave Saga Was Remade for the Black Lives Matter Era [More]Stoke those grievances! What's the worst that could happen?
I remember during the LA riots, MTV played a rock video where some white guy in what I recall as a white tux and top hat was whipping a black man in a barn. Just the thing to gin up the racism and provoke at the time when things were already at a breaking point.
Anybody think there aren't people pulling strings who know exactly what they're doing?
Just note that most of the action is going to occur in "progressive"-occupied territory. That means if you can, avoid it. If you can't, don't be Reginald Denny.
The Shape of Things to Come
The mob, holding anti-Trump signs and Mexican flags, began throwing rocks and bottles at police on foot and horseback. [More]Brought to you by the Pathway Vote/Cheap Labor Alliance. It's gonna be a long, hot summer.
Maybe enough Americans will be horrified and wake up.
We're the Only Ones Honest Enough
“As the motorist yielded, the driver sped past him, laughed, and flipped him the middle finger,” police wrote at the time. “The complainant observed this occur three other times with the same results.” [More]It's nice to see a representative of ATF being so candid about the way they view us.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Intent Behind WaPo ‘Patriots’ Piece Masked But Still Discernible
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“Dangerous, delusional and sometimes violent”? |
Perhaps it would have been relevant to let the readers know Seidman brings his own biases to the table, having penned an op-ed for The New York Times where he urges “Let’s give up on the Constitution,” and where he makes his contempt for “a group of white propertied men who have been dead for two centuries [and] knew nothing of our present situation” clear.
Funny, we don’t see anyone referring to that subversive proposal as “anti-government,” and we don’t see Seidman presented as an “extremist.” [More]Depending on how you present things and what you leave out, you don't need to appear overtly hostile to stick the knife in and give it a twist.
Are You Going to Scarborough Shoals?
Everybody who wants to die or end up in a VA facility, raise your right prosthesis. [More]
My litmus test, in addition to a declaration of war so representatives can be held accountable: Would I personally be willing to die defending it? If not, how can I morally justify anyone else's sacrifice?
And that brings me back to places closer to home, like New York City and San Francisco. Let's see what Mr. Benny has to say...
My litmus test, in addition to a declaration of war so representatives can be held accountable: Would I personally be willing to die defending it? If not, how can I morally justify anyone else's sacrifice?
And that brings me back to places closer to home, like New York City and San Francisco. Let's see what Mr. Benny has to say...
You Must Remember This, a Kiss is Just a Kiss
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[Watch] |
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die.
They do, you die. As time goes by.
Rapping Back
Hawaii could be first to put gun owners in federal database ... The cost to enter names in the database will be covered by a fee paid by gun owners, which wasn't defined in the bill. [More]You not only get to dig your own grave, we even charge your family for the bullet!
It's part of the "Next Generation," so you know it's "progressive"!
[Via several of you]
Somebody's Been Listening to Wayne Again
He stood by his adamant criticism of gun free zones but backed away from his blanket call to eliminate all gun free zones in schools, saying they would only be eliminated "in some cases." [More]Yeah, it's not like it's the right of the people or anything.
His campaign advisers see who the big dog is, so Wayne's got his ear with his "endorse existing Intolerable Acts" crap. Wayne made Sandy back down on guns in schools, too.
And he said something else that pissed me off, something I've seen Fairfax über alles prags parrot all the time when they insist "without NRA we'd have lost our guns a long time ago":
"The only way to save our Second Amendment is to vote for a person that you all know named Donald Trump."If you believe that cowardly defeatist poison, you've already surrendered before a shot has been fired.
Meanwhile Wayne continues to turn a blind eye to the one threat that will guarantee a future of Hillary clones. But the important thing is, everybody had a fine time disarming for the Obama supporter concert.
Be Prepared
Looks like a wealth of information... [More]
You know, on the off chance anonymous "Molon Labe" comments aren't enough.
[Via Michael G]
You know, on the off chance anonymous "Molon Labe" comments aren't enough.
[Via Michael G]
There's a Paula Abdul Song in Here Somewhere
Can a dyed-in-the-wool Tory husband and a left-leaning wife ever be happy together? [More]Think there'd be any money in "Kiss the Cuck" kitchen aprons...?
I know that's an over-simplification. Hell, my wife was a Chicago Democrat before the basement electroshock kicked in. I guess I'm extrapolating to men whose girlfriends/wives insist they get rid of their guns -- and they do.
[Via Jeet]
Artistic License
“Creative” editing by Katie Couric, who must have graduated from the Joseph Goebbels School of Journalism, has intentionally and significantly changed the response of VCDL members in a new video called “Under the Gun” - and I have PROOF. [More]And Lott ended up on the cutting room floor.
Well gosh, that would mean that not just Katie Colonoscopy, but also her director, had agendas!
I'm not even going to bring out Gomer for this one. I'm only going to observe that before agreeing to talk with establishment media, vet the people you plan on opening up to. Will it likely give you a platform to have your side fairly heard and considered or instead allow them to use you to make their case to further close minds?
Who is likely to be watching Katie Couric in the first damn place?
[Via Keith B and Mack H]
Prepare for Battle
Bloomberg’s Everytown group has already boasted success in Washington, and has ballot measures in place in Nevada and Maine. What we can tell from these endeavors is that we cannot count on outside help to defeat Bloomberg in Arizona. [More]Which is a shame, because if he can seize that jewel for his crown, he'll be looking to expand the empire to swallow up your lands.
We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough
I was going to post on "We're the Only Ones Impenetrable Enough," but then I caught a story I thought more representative of what makes Only Ones so special in a sidebar story:
[Via Steve T]
Adam Malki, 24, was looking for gang members on Facebook when he decided one of their girlfriends was “hot” and asked her to meet for a date, police sources said.A quick title modification, and presto!
[Via Steve T]
Two Out of Three
Did You Know that John Muir Wanted to Force Indians Out of the Yosemite Valley? [More]...“dirty,” “deadly,” and “lazy”...?
Don't "progressives" say essentially the same thing about guns?
What is it about national socialists and final solutions?
Hey, the thought just struck: Get the domestic Taliban all worked up on erasing Muir's name, removing his monuments, making him an "unperson" -- you know, just like they're doing with the Confederates...
So Much for Our Diversity Being Our Strength
Leaders of Virginia’s House and Senate went to the state’s highest court Monday in a bid to reverse Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s sweeping order to restore voting rights to 206,000 felons. [More]What's the matter -- don't these intolerant haters like Rule of Thug Democrats?
[Via Keith B]
Monday, May 23, 2016
Court’s Denial in Machine Gun Case Ignores Second Amendment Purpose
"We reiterated that ‘[a]t its core, the Second Amendment protects the right of law-abiding citizens to possess non-dangerous weapons for self-defense in the home,’ and thus, under Heller, ‘restrictions on the possession of dangerous and unusual weapons are not constitutionally suspect because these weapons are outside the ambit of the amendment,’” the opinion states. “[G]overnments may restrict the possession of machine guns.” [More]Well heck -- if legal scholars in black robes say we have no right to keep and bear militia-suitable arms because they're "dangerous," who are we to argue?
We're the Only Ones Tacky Enough
Security Guard Impounds Man’s Submachine Gun TIE CLASP At County Board Meeting [More]They seem to leave out the names of authoritarian morons more often than not. Too bad, because he deserves to be shamed.
[Via several of you]
Mike has some important things he wants us to understand. [More]
If you don't read this it will be your loss. If you don't share this, it will be your friends' loss.
If you don't read this it will be your loss. If you don't share this, it will be your friends' loss.
Runaway Slave
Lt. Gov. Newsom attacks trans woman on Facebook who opposes his anti-gun measures [More]Uh-oh. I guess he's tolerant and diverse-- he's just not that tolerant and diverse.
You know, kind of like the Opposite Day "progressives" that accuse RKBA advocates of racism, and then brand blacks who support Liberty issues "Uncle Toms" and the like.
I've written about Nicki Stallard and Pink Pistols before. Unfortunately, the article is no longer accessible from Examiner and it does not show up on the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.
As far as the whole LGBTUVWXYZ (or whatever it's called these days) thing goes, decrying coercion or hypocrisy -- as I'll continue to do -- is not the same as "bashing." We can live and let live, and not make other people's lives more difficult. By commandeering the word "tolerance," the collectivists have actually -- as if by design -- made that more difficult for all.
No One?
The scandal in Washington no one is talking about [More]Mike and I have never stopped talking about it. We were the ones begging Congress and the media to notice and investigate for themselves.
And new original reporting is still being suppressed/ignored.
[Via John Comeau]
Couldn't Happen in a More 'Progressive' Place
Witnesses told police that a group of 15 to 30 male and female suspects were seen kicking and punching the victim, a man in his early to mid 20s, and using glass bottles as weapons. [More]Nothing else to go on, you know, to maybe warn the public to BOLO or anything...?
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
One of them, Tom, won the coveted Mr Puppy UK title as 'Spot' [More]The Caliphate laughs.
They're pretty set in their ways on dogs, too.
Equal Protection?
Disregarding for a moment the corruption and tyranny-spawning obscenity that is "the War on Drugs," I couldn't argue with anyone claiming an urban black busted with "19 pounds of marijuana and guns" would receive more than probation. [More]
Gingrich is rated F- by NumbersUSA on 5 immigration-control measures, D+ on another:
Amnesty: F-
Illegal Jobs & Presence: D+ (de facto amnesty)
Refugee-Asylum Fraud: F- (remember the Boston marathon massacre- thanks Newt!)
Chain Migration: F-
Visa Lottery: F-
Unnecessary Worker Visas: F- [More]Carlos Perdue responds to yet another Joseph Farah endorsement that appears to fly in the face of principles he otherwise espouses and that Trump is running on.
Misguided Faith
Save your prayers to open your own eyes, "Rev Dr" Peggy Cecil-Hinds. [More]
Maybe you can start by reading a sermon.
Gee, "progressive" Raw Story treating Christians with something less than Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule this time out. That's a departure from standard practice.
Gotta encourage those idiots to keep being useful, I guess...
Maybe you can start by reading a sermon.
Gee, "progressive" Raw Story treating Christians with something less than Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule this time out. That's a departure from standard practice.
Gotta encourage those idiots to keep being useful, I guess...
Friday, May 20, 2016
It's All in the Algorithm?
I do directed Google searches to see how my stuff is propagating. My AmmoLand pieces make the Google News feed, which is advantageous for getting work noticed by others in media looking for source fodder.
The other day I did a piece on Donald Trump telling slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry's brother he would "open the books on Fast and Furious."
That's significant news, as it has the potential to get answers that the House, Senate, courts and media have so far not been able to elicit. It also explains how this could be a campaign issue due to questions it opens up about the State Department's involvement while it was under Hillary.
The piece appeared on the news search results within moments of being published. Today it is gone.
Searching by article title, by my name and by Kent Terry's name yields no results.
This is the same kind of stuff that used to happen back in the days when Mike and I were the only ones reporting on gunwalking. It's hard to believe it's not directed, and that this was not an intentional removal.
Meanwhile, other "conservative" news outlets who have been asked to look into this story and determine the truth of it themselves have all seemingly gone into "not invented here" mode, and of course no "Authorized Journalists" are even going to learn about it now that it's removed from news search results.
In any case, the end result is the news is being suppressed. Disappeared.
This is why I ask regular readers here to take a moment and share links, with like-minded friends and with news sites they frequent. I'm asking it again, right now. Will you?
UPDATE: It looks like a lot of my recent stuff has been booted off, including this exclusive.
Once is happenstance...
UPDATE 2: Several people have contacted me to tell me they can find it. I said under the NEWS tab. That's the place stories recognized as newsworthy are placed, providing an advantage in terms of being noticed and picked up by other outlets and people looking for media sources as opposed to sources that don't meet the content guideline and authorship criteria.
UPDATE 3: The Trump article is back on Google News. I still don't see the ATF article.
UPDATE 4: And it just disappeared again. Something is going on.
The other day I did a piece on Donald Trump telling slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry's brother he would "open the books on Fast and Furious."
That's significant news, as it has the potential to get answers that the House, Senate, courts and media have so far not been able to elicit. It also explains how this could be a campaign issue due to questions it opens up about the State Department's involvement while it was under Hillary.
The piece appeared on the news search results within moments of being published. Today it is gone.
Searching by article title, by my name and by Kent Terry's name yields no results.
This is the same kind of stuff that used to happen back in the days when Mike and I were the only ones reporting on gunwalking. It's hard to believe it's not directed, and that this was not an intentional removal.
Meanwhile, other "conservative" news outlets who have been asked to look into this story and determine the truth of it themselves have all seemingly gone into "not invented here" mode, and of course no "Authorized Journalists" are even going to learn about it now that it's removed from news search results.
In any case, the end result is the news is being suppressed. Disappeared.
This is why I ask regular readers here to take a moment and share links, with like-minded friends and with news sites they frequent. I'm asking it again, right now. Will you?
UPDATE: It looks like a lot of my recent stuff has been booted off, including this exclusive.
Once is happenstance...
UPDATE 2: Several people have contacted me to tell me they can find it. I said under the NEWS tab. That's the place stories recognized as newsworthy are placed, providing an advantage in terms of being noticed and picked up by other outlets and people looking for media sources as opposed to sources that don't meet the content guideline and authorship criteria.
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UPDATE 4: And it just disappeared again. Something is going on.
Turning Up the Heat
Now, in a dramatic turnaround, thirteen Republican members of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee Republicans sent letters to 17 state attorneys general and eight environmental groups requesting documents related to the groups’ coordinated efforts to deprive companies, nonprofit organizations, scientists and scholars of their First Amendment rights and their ability to fund and conduct scientific research free from intimidation and threats of prosecution. [More]Better watch it -- that AG the Republicans helped confirm says denial is verboten.
[Via Michael G]
No Duty to Protect
But more insidious than that, no liability for preventing people from protecting themselves. [More]
Say gang, I've got a swell idea: Let's sue the gun manufacturer!
[Via Bluesgal]
Say gang, I've got a swell idea: Let's sue the gun manufacturer!
[Via Bluesgal]
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