Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Question of Jurisdiction

That makes the land of Clark County a legal part of the State of Nevada, not federal land. [More]
Anybody have qualified insights into this claim?

UPDATE from WarOnGuns Correspondent "Rough and Ready":
Regarding your 'Question of Jurisdiction', there is an excellent article on the subject in the current issue of Range Magazine. The Article is titled 'Original Intent' by Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D. It begins on page 14. The article takes you step by step through the laws and acts during the settling of the West. It's involved, as there were many changes made, depending on the times and the politics involved. Unfortunately the article is not online, as it's in the current issue (Summer, 2016). It will become available online as soon as the next issue is published. Here's the link to Range's website: http://rangemagazine.com/
It's a great magazine and has covered the Hammond's plight extensively. The family's articles are on the left sidebar under 'Enemies of the State'. Reading them online is possible.

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