I'm not going to be blogging much over the next few days-- family coming into town and am hosting the 4th. Chances are I won't even get to tips until the 5th, and comment mod will be slow, too.
Hold off if you can -- and understand if you can't.
Friday, June 30, 2017
The Most Busted Name in News
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Looks like he "protects" his tweets.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Striking Forcefully Enough
Officials say this effort will combine police officers, state troopers, federal agents and state and federal prosecutors to target illegal guns and repeat gun offenders, which authorities in Chicago have long pointed to as causes of the city’s bloodshed. The announcement Friday comes at the beginning of the July 4 holiday weekend, typically among the deadliest periods in Chicago, which in recent years has struggled with surging levels of gun violence. [More]Who wants to bet we have a record weekend?
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough
Former Kinloch, Wellston police officer gets year in prison for child porn [More]No wonder he wanted to make it home at the end of his shift!
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Excessive Enough?
Former Kansas Highway Patrol trooper indicted in excessive force incident [More]The press release didn't give any more details, and "news" reports I've seen appear to be a rewording of the release.
I'm up to my ears right now and don't have time to research it. Anybody know what the allegation details are?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Presuming Enough
Campus Police Adopt 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' Approach To Rape Accusations [More]Hey, if he didn't do it, why did we arrest him?
[Via Michael G]
The Wrong Approach
McCarthy Calls on Rep.-Elect Gomez to Resign If He Continues to Delay House Job [More]Why?
Since when is enabling another subversive, gun-grabbing, cultural terraforming vote desirable?
[Via Mack H]
There's an App for That
An app has been launched in Paris, France, which warns people if they are in a No-Go Zone and gives live alerts telling users if they are at risk of sexual assault. [More]Coming soon, to a disarmed Caliphate near you.
[Via Matthew L]
Selfish Ammosexual Spoils Blood Dance Opportunity
See, if he'd been unarmed and killed by his assailants who weren't, we could have used that to blame "lax gun laws." [More]
[Via William T]
Smoke 'em if You Got 'em
USMC Veteran Takes Out Three Armed Robbers, “I Opened the Door and Smoked ’em.” [More]I love happy endings as much as anyone, but dammit, shut up afterward. Especially in today's litigious society where parasitic relatives come crawling out of the woodwork to see what they can suck out of you.
[Via Florida Guy]
Talking a Good Game
Under Beth Harwell's leadership - a leadership which helped meaningfully to force a massive gas tax increase on Tennesseans and a leadership which has helped raise the state's budget by roughly $10 billion dollars in 7 years - what has the Legislature done - or not done - relative to the 2nd Amendment? [More]If someone represents themself as a leader, expect them to lead, with consequences if they don't.
[Via Ron W]
We're the Only Ones Punching Out Enough
The failure of the St. Louis Police Department to maintain detailed time sheets and supporting documents makes it impossible to verify hundreds of thousands of hours of paid overtime, according to an audit of the department’s overtime pay. [More]It's not like it's their money.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Taxing Enough
Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg tells the Orlando Sentinel that according to Florida law, he and his employees are considered “revenue officers” and are exempt from the state’s ban on the open carrying of firearms while performing their duties. [More]But...but...but how will uniformed "Only Ones" know who the good guys are? Isn't that the excuse used to keep you and me from doing it?
For that matter, seeing as how it's "against the law" for everybody else, how are the mundanes supposed to know not to call "WE TIP"?
Parker and Casey were at the church to announce legislation that would prevent people convicted of a hate crime from purchasing or possession guns. [More]Beyond prohibitions arising from felony convictions for actual victim-creating crimes, of course.
Funny how designating motives of hate seems to have a bias all its own.
Case in point: Saying "You’re getting the shank, white boy” before stabbing someone is not a "hate crime." But note how the Opposite Day "progressive" writing this agitprop turns it around to imply the victim, and the group that swears fidelity to the Consitution and will not accept racists as members, are anti-government haters.
Not Up for Grabs
“The State of California’s desire to criminalize simple possession of a firearm magazine able to hold more than 10 rounds is precisely the type of policy choice that the Constitution takes off the table,” the injunction read. [More]I guess having been born in Cuba, Judge Benitez is familiar with the rights-crushing evil that is enabled by "¿Armas para que?" edicts.
Do These People Ever Listen to Themselves?
And in any event it would have been easy for him to acquire a weapon in Virginia, which requires no background checks in private sales, requires no registration for most weapons and has few restrictions on open carry. [More]So you admit federal law barring such purchases by out-of-staters is not obeyed by any but the people you want to disarm?
Any guesses how the Editorial Board of The Times would have fared against these guys? Besides whining about suffering the same realities as everyone else?
Gun Owner Rights Don’t Depend on How Tired Shannon Watts is of Joe Scarborough
The other problem with such surveys: Everyone has opinions. There’s no indication that the respondents have informed ones. And that's what Watts is counting on. [More]She all but admits her whole shtick depends on mobilizing a critical mass of ignoramuses. Bonus points if you know where the quote under her photo comes from without looking it up.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Czechs and Balances
Czech parliament moves to legalise firearm ownership [More]Misleading and ignorant headline-- they're already "legal" to own, albeit regulated.
Nice to see this updated.
[Via Florida Guy]
Happy Ending
A kidnapper was choked and shot five times during a deadly confrontation after he forced a father and son to drive to an ATM at gunpoint early Wednesday, DeKalb County police said. [More]Father-son activities are the best, aren't they?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Playing Footsie Enough Redux
The plaintiff, Larry Jones, a police officer from Arkansas, argued his Glock 19C pistol, a compact 9mm handgun, was defective because the design lacked adequate safety measures like a manual safety and a de-cocking device. Jones’ argument stems from a June 2013 incident in which the gun discharged and struck his foot. At the time, he was at a shooting range trying to put a light on his weapon. He said it discharged without a pull of the trigger. [More]The foot again? What is this, Lee Paige Day?
See, you're supposed to mount accessories by bracing the gun against your abdomen with your thumb on the trigger to keep it steady, and point it up toward your face so you can see what you're doing.
Conversely, if you're into decocking, do this and point the muzzle the other way.
Don't these people read the manuals?
We're the Only Ones Playing Footsie Enough
Officer Hobson reports that as he stopped, his foot slipped on the ground, causing an accidental discharge of his weapon. [More]Hobson's choice, eh?
How many times do we need to remind these guys to keep their damn toes off the trigger until they're ready to fire?
[Via TheFakePundit]
The Lifestyle to Which They are Accustomed
Low-income families spend 40% of their money on luxuries [More]That's because it's generally not "their money."
In Support of Republican Disarmament Actions
Comments under my latest Oath Keepers piece:
Seeing as how what I did in the personal story I related could have been prosecuted as a felony, he evidently would have obeyed orders to disarm me.
- The reason for the disconnect is that Justice Department lawyers are sworn to defend Federal laws whether they agree with them or not ...
That's not the oath they swore and it's already been established the AG, with presidential direction, can make reasons not to defend existing laws stick.
- As a retired 33 year Police Sgt. and an Oathkeper, I have to disagree on felons. They knew the consequences when they committed their felony.
Seeing as how what I did in the personal story I related could have been prosecuted as a felony, he evidently would have obeyed orders to disarm me.
Back to the Drawing Board
California regulators announced Tuesday that they have temporarily blocked proposed new rules on assault weapons. [More]In their lust to ban as much as they can the greedy bastards made it unworkable.
Can't Be Trusted without a Custodian
They knew he could not be from his actions years ago, yet still allowed him unchecked access to the rest of us. [More]
[Via Florida Guy]
If Wishes were Fishes
What's happened to the pro-gun wish list in Washington? [More]"Political capital." Where have I heard that lame prag excuse before?
Republicans have not been made to feel the heat. They get away with betrayal after betrayal. And they get re-elected regardless.
That's on gun owners. Amazing so many will take from politicians what they (presumably) would not put up with from their mates. Again and again.
Ask 'em, Kurt:
Let the excuses begin.
[Via Mack H]
Ve're ze Only Vons Degenerate Enough
More than 200 police officers in Germany have been sent home for bad behaviour, after throwing a wild party that included a couple having sex in public, men urinating in the open, and an officer performing a striptease and dancing with her gun. [More]200? That's more than a few bad Äpfel...
[Via Jess]
Not Lost, Exposed
Politico: Has The SPLC Lost Its Way? [More]No, it's just that as more and more get caught up in their net of character assassination, fake accusations and smears, more and more are seeing them for the subversive frauds they are.
[Via Mack H]
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Redux
Instead of receiving top-notch care and attention at BCH, however, Justina was snatched from her parents and recklessly re-diagnosed with a psychological condition, "somatoform disorder." She was dragged from BCH's neurology department to its infamous psych ward, where she was reprimanded for being unable to move her bowels or walk unassisted in her weakened state. At Wayside, she was harassed by a staffer while taking a shower. The physical and mental torture lasted 16 months. [More]That probably helps explain this.
[Via Michael G]
Mexico filed an affidavit Monday in support of a lawsuit against the implementation of a Texas law to punish sanctuary cities and allow police officers to inquire about the immigration status of someone they have arrested or detained. [More]Funny how they don't practice what they preach.
[Via Michael G]
We Can Not Hallow This Ground
That doesn't mean it's up for desecration. [More]
I actually love it when these devoid-of-all-judgment-and-restraint lunatics show the general public what they're all about.
[Via Michael G]
I actually love it when these devoid-of-all-judgment-and-restraint lunatics show the general public what they're all about.
[Via Michael G]
Let's See How They're Going to Maneuver Out of This One
HIGH-SPEED HAIR-PIN TURN! U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyer's AMAZING MANEUVER! [Watch]WarOnGuns Correspondent Florida Guy notes:
The official U.S.S. Fitzgerald / ACX Crystal inquest will NOT be a cheerful place.Especially considering how an incident in much more "excusable" conditions was handled. (Incidentally, this was not a bad movie, despite "Sharknado"-level CGI. And guess whose uncle was in charge of security at Capt. McVay's court-martial...?)
Darwin Award Finalists
Perez said Ruiz wanted to make a YouTube video of her shooting into a book held to his chest, and he believed the book would stop the bullet ... Perez told investigators she fired a 50 caliber handgun from about one foot away while Ruiz held the book to his chest. [More]Looks like her Twitter feed and YouTube channel are still up.
[Via William T]
Those Who Can Do
More teachers are taking gun training classes [More]Maybe once they have something, they'll be inclined to keep it from being taken away.
[Via Michael G]
My Sympathy Just Went Out the Window
Stracci says Hummel plans to plead not guilty. [More]Between that and this, screw him.
Welcome to self-created hell.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Counting Enough
As to the second case, Hutcheson faces seven felony counts of forgery, seven misdemeanor counts of tampering with computer data and a misdemeanor count of notary misconduct. [More]All that and strong-arming little old ladies too?
[Via bondmen]
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
'It's like dealing with racism': Game Of Thrones star Emilia Clarke says she's treated 'differently' as a woman in Hollywood [More]Mein Kampf, eh? That and the universe revolves around your navel?
These overprivileged narcissists believe their own sh**, don't they?
I did a Google search to see if I could find out how she "feels" about guns, seeing as how she profits big time from using them onscreen, and came across a tangentially related entry scarier than anything on Game of Thrones:
That's one bit of trouble I can do without seeing.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Calculated Insults
Opposite Day "Progressives" seem to think they're funny. [View]
As usual, they present stereotypes to bolster the bigotry.
I wonder what any of them would do if these guys did a walk-on.
[Via Matt F]
Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing
“I support the second amendment right to bear arms, but ... " [More]Well, I've heard all I need to. No point in wasting any more time on this for any of us.
As for further "dialogue," the antis have made it more than clear they mean it to be a monologue. I don't know if the Republican is trying to appear "reasonable" or if he actually believes more gabbing with gungrabbers will do anything other than give them more amplification for their lies.
[Via Rough and Ready]
The Whole Story
Mayor Stoney: Richmond’s Confederate monuments can stay, but ‘whole story’ must be told [More]An exchange from "A Few Good Men" comes to mind.
[Via Mack H]
America Second
Every year, more than 100,000 foreign workers are brought to the U.S. on the H-1B visa and are allowed to stay for up to six years. That number has ballooned to potentially hundreds of thousands each year, as universities and non-profits are exempt from the cap. With more entering the U.S. through the visa, Americans are often replaced and forced to train their foreign replacements. [More]And some of them marry Americans and/or have children who are "birthright citizens" and they come from places with a different view of government and armed citizens and... I'm sorry, there I go deviating from that "single issue" again.
Besides, Grover's on board with it, and he has the full backing of Fairfax, so thank goodness it's of no concern here.
And still besides, we have a government tasked right there in the Preamble with a duty "to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity," so no worries.
[Via Mack H]
Wall Expansion Proposed
California’s ‘Soft Secession’ Grows More Aggressive [More]So they're not "traitors" when Opposite Day "progressives" do it?
[Via Mack H]
I See Dead People
Student headed to prison for registering dead voters for Democrats ... As part of the plea agreement, Spieles agreed to a prison sentence of 100 to 120 days. [More]It should be months.
[Via Michael G]
Where Political Power Comes From
“If Venezuela was plunged into chaos and violence and the Bolivarian Revolution destroyed, we would go to combat. We would never give up, and what we failed to achieve with votes, we would do with weapons. We would liberate the fatherland with weapons.” [More]And, of course, that "we" with access to weapons does not include anyone not working for him.
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength and Liberation is Totalitarianism.
[Via Michael G]
Mystery Machine
How much is that stupid thing costing? And here's all we really need to know:The Feds Have Come to Chicago—With a Van That Tracks Guns [More]
Despite the tech upgrade, in the three weeks that the van has spent in the Windy City, it hasn’t helped police make any arrests, according to the department Superintendent Eddie Johnson.Ruh-roh.
Of course not. It's all mobile kabuki theater.
And we'll get away with it too, in spite of you meddling kids!
[Via William T]
Lies, Damned Lies...
...and what the media runs with. [More]
It's fair to ask how many have no interest in publishing corrections.
[Via Matthew L]
We're the Only Ones Bought Enough
Inmates appear to be running the Jackson County jail, aided and abetted by guards. [More]What we've got here is a failure to incarcerate.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Giving You a Sinking Feeling Enough
Missouri trooper pleads in handcuffed drowning of Iowa man [More]Hey, we were afraid he wasn't being safe.
[Via bondmen]
From 6:43:
"But we recently...an organization I work with called 'Guns Down' did a poll and actually asked 'How many likely voters and how many gun owners would support a program where you were required to turn in your assault rifles to the government if the government would buy it back, it had over 65% support, including among gun owners."This is the bullshit Glaze and fellow travellers are peddling and offering to the media for propagation and amplification.
That must be why Question 1 lost in every county but Clark and then only passed by <1% despite 20M of Bloomberg dollars blanketing the mass media with disinformation designed to exploit the uninformed.
But no one's talking about taking your guns.
Talk About Paranoid Conspiracy Theories
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You are getting sleeeepyyy... |
Was Britain’s EU referendum hijacked by the American alt-right using a technique known as psychographics? [More]Everyone realizes BBC is a British government operation, and the globalist elites have a vested interest in disparaging "populism" and doing whatever they can to delegitimize the vote?
It's the same coup technique being attempted here.
The Conundrum
What if a consortium of alternative media established a news agency along the lines of the AP? [More]Well, not too closely along those lines...
But he's dead nuts on about defining the MSM problem and he's right in principle. Without a capability to do investigative journalism, alternative media is limited to rewording and opining on the fare offered by those with such resources.
I like the idea of a consortium, but having some experience trying to herd cats in an environment plagued by infiltrators, disruptors, the indifferent, the closed-minded, the apathetic and the willfully ignorant, I'm trying to envision the requisite demand needed to sustain such a venture. That and there would need to be transparency over decisions on what to cover, how much, and what not to cover, as well as openness about disagreements over such decisions.
And in the words of my least favorite George Harrison song:
But it's gonna take money
A whole lot of spending money
It's gonna take plenty of money
To do it right child
Aye, there's the rub. And not the only one.
In a world of comfort zones surrounded by seemingly impenetrable walls of illusion, how much of a market is there for the truth?
Shall we ask Pogo?
"Authorized Journalists," just like politicians, get away with it because "we" allow them and reward them. And that gets back to
I see Western culture, which has had all the advantages, believing in the most bizarre things, committing suicide in spite of reality being right there in front of everyone's faces. Of the handful who do partially see through both the engineered and the self-imposed fog, I see less cohesive unity than I do hostility and rancor -- some of it planted by those with an agenda to create discord on behalf of either their own nihilism or as operatives.
Maybe we're not going to report our way out of this, either.
And all that said, I admire and applaud the rational goal of pursuing the truth wherever it leads. I pray that the prophecy is fulfilled.
But that alone won't get 'er done.
Puppets All
New Low: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban [More]Elmo, eh?*
Get 'em while they're young.
*Not to be confused with the good Elmo.
Life in the Fast Lane
We're told he parked his car with the valet ...and 2 days later got back in his car only to find his Glock and ammo were missing. Our sources say there was no forced entry. It's unclear where the gun and ammo were in the car. [More]Does his unfunny dad know?
I trust he was in full compliance, and not one of those connected luminaries who get thumbs up on "may issue" while the rest of us are generally treated to "may not"...?
How Long Will That Be?
Yellen: Banks 'very much stronger'; another financial crisis not likely 'in our lifetime' [More]Where are you gettin' these units of measurement from?
‘Pro-Gun’ Trump and Sessions on Wrong Side of Binderup Case
That’s hardly a standard for ensuring individual liberty. Case-by-case is supposed to be how it works. And the case of one of the ban challengers hits home with me personally... [More]It comes down to who has the king's ear.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Time Enough at Last
"I think we need a little bit more time," Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, said after the meeting. "It's a conversation, and we haven't finished our conversation." [More]WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive footage showing when the time will finally come and what the results will be:
Were Confederate Generals Traitors?
Walter E. Williams explains why those who claim they were are historically wrong. [More]
My own thoughts are more along the lines of: What would you call one partner who won't let a spouse who wants to end a relationship leave -- and who will use violence to prevent it or will chase her down and drag her back or kill her if she tries?
I Philia
LEFTIST ILLEGALOPHILIA, NOT ISLAMOPHOBIA, KILLED A MUSLIM TEEN [More]The "phobia" argument is Opposite Day "progressive" narrative-shaping anyway, especially when you consider the charge is often leveled against those unafraid to stand in opposition against seemingly prevailing sentiment.
[Via Mack H]
Your Tax Dollars at Work
Peter Schweizer‘s Government Accountability Institute issued a report in October 2016, “Follow the Money: How the Department of Justice Funds Progressive Activists,” that detailed the stunning amount of money the DoJ has been awarding to left-wing groups. [More]Feed our destroyers -- how there's a "progressive" idea, right up there with forcing us to dig our own graves!
More Fallout
For Fukushima returnees, security a growing concern in deserted towns [More]Why? Won't the police protect them?
[Via Matthew L]
Bill of Rights Responsible for 'Progressive' Violence!
Radio host: Argument for 2nd Amendment is what caused shooter to attack Republicans [More]Just think. None of this would have happened if we'd only hanged those racist, fascist, Nazi anti-government extremists at Lexington and Concord, and stayed subjects of the Crown.
This Dave Ross pygmy, with his headline grasp of concepts he presumes to teach (but doesn't even belong in the class without passing the prerequisites), isn't even original. Ol' Josh has been belting out that monotonous tune for years.
[Via Michael G]
The Same M.O.
Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching Russia probe? [More]A federal "law enforcement" agency retaliating?
Unheard of!
[Via Michael G]
Code White
Being oblivious and defenseless has consequences. [Watch]
Col. Cooper tried to tell us.
And in this case, there is double meaning. Imagine the coverage and reactions had the roles between perps and victims been reversed.
[Via Florida Guy]
Col. Cooper tried to tell us.
And in this case, there is double meaning. Imagine the coverage and reactions had the roles between perps and victims been reversed.
[Via Florida Guy]
Can There Be No P... uh ... Peace Between Our Peoples?
Seeing as how Trump is merely an avatar for those who voted for him because of promises he campaigned on, what do you think? [More]
Especially considering the quality of the ground troops, and I do love that it's happening in "progressive" Portland.
[Via Florida Guy]
UPDATE-- I just had a thought:
Dear Oregon OSHA,
Per your "Hazardous Materials" training document:
Unless they have blood in them; tears, vomit, urine, sweat, feces and nasal secretions do not spread HIV or Hepatitis B and C; However, they may spread other diseases.What "other diseases"? And who is qualified to make the determination that such secretions are blood-free? "Artists"?
The PissTrump website announced:
"PISS TRUMP" WILL BE UNVEILED THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2017!Come celebrate with us at Lucky Labrador Brewing Company,1945 NW Quimby Street, Portland, OR, from 4-8 p.m.That's a workplace, right? Subject to hazardous material regulations? And while the "art" in question may be indistinguishable from their staple product, are there any special health rules for handling large quantities of presumably human waste in a beverage-producing facility? What about training for safe clean-up if breakage results in a spill? (That happened in tank testing, you know.)
What exactly were the public and Lucky Labrador employees exposed to? Do you know?
And how about rules to transport such materials and to ship "limited editions"? Or is that an ODOT question?
UPDATE 2-- They've been notified:
March for the Cure
Why does the following remind me of just about any "progressive" demand rally I can think of in terms of qualified individuals advocating for real and effective solutions? [View]
Moron? Liar? Why Not Both?
Teen charged in friend's death didn't think gun would discharge [More]There's that racist "Authorized Journalist" code word again.
But there's always the "progressive" mandated "solution"-- at least until they can ban guns altogether:
In their lawsuit, backed by CPHV, Dix's parents maintained, among other charges, that the chamber indicator was inadequate because the gun was not inscribed with a warning as well. Presumably, were Beretta to do so, they would still be deemed negligent for not including such warnings in Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog.No loaded chamber indicator here, either...
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Self-Investigating Enough
Gibbons said for him a disturbing part of this case was that Barker would burglarize a business and then be on duty the next day investigating the case. [More]I guess that answers the "Who will watch the watchmen?" question.
[Via bondmen]
Feeding Time
A St. Louis Circuit Court judge has ruled the city zoo meets the state criteria to call itself a “gun-free zone” after a guns rights activist from Ohio brought the matter to court. [More]Hear that, predators? Yes, we know the place is full of prey, but this section is off limits.
And no, you're not allowed to eat the judge.
It's the law.
[Via bondmen]
A Matter of Trust
Google Slapped With $2.7 Billion EU Fine Over Search Results [More]They manipulate them to reduce visibility of that which does not advance their agenda? Who knew?
NY DA Vance Cites ISIS as Reason to Disarm Countrymen while Unvetted Foreign Nationals Given ‘Sanctuary’
As for Vance’s charge that ISIS will benefit if your right to keep and bear arms is recognized and honored, it’s fair to explore what’s wrong with immigration and refugee policies that allow unvettable foreign nationals into the country in the first place. But rather than address that problem, New York City, under socialist Mayor Bill de Blasio, has proudly declared The Big Apple a “sanctuary city,” and pledged to fight President Trump’s travel restrictions (which we should be learning more about later today if the Supreme Court weighs in as expected). [More]For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
UPDATE: Site was down and is now working again.
Monday, June 26, 2017
SCOTUS Keeps Door Open on ‘Travel Ban,’ Slams it in Faces of Gun Owners
The Supreme Court kept the Trump administration’s claim of authority to limit travel from six “Muslim majority countries” alive for the time being and dashed hope for gun owners seeking redress for their right to bear arms... [More]At least Gorsuch came down on the right side on both issues, but now gun owners in occupied territory have a personal risk/benefits analysis to make.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Police chiefs to discuss offering guns to all frontline officers ... One in 10 said they would quit rather than carry a firearm. [More]Sometimes, all you can do is shake your head.
[Via Neil W]
Teach Your Children Well
Those of you with young kids should check this out to see if it can be a helpful supplement to what I hope you're already teaching them. [More]
The End Game
So it is with gun control: liberals propose these useless laws and regulations not in an attempt to honestly curb gun violence but rather in a long-form attempt to pass other laws down the road. [More]Shoot, Pete Shields let that cat out of the bag back in '76.
But no one wants to take your guns.
[Via Mack H]
Why Do You Think They Call Them 'Fibbies'?
The FBI tried to claim that the shooting at the baseball field was spontaneous and had no target, despite all evidence to the contrary. [More]It's more than a mystery.
Yul elaborates.
[Via Mack H]
The Measure of the Man
Comey was "calculating, designing to try and get a special counsel because he didn't have the courage to stand in front of the TV cameras and say, 'I want a special counsel appointed,' said Dershowitz. "He did it surreptitiously, through leaks." [More]The evidence increasingly suggests not much of one...
[Via Mack H]
The Golden Touch
TSA agent caught stealing cash from luggage at Orlando International Airport [More]What would you rather they grab -- your cash or your "jewels"?
[Via Florida Guy]
Always Think Forfeiture
One of the greatest evils of our system, and especially so when frozen assets deny a proper defense... [More]
I note some apologists for/defenders of the practice in comments.
[Via Michael G]
Uncle Tom's Beit Al-Sha'r
German newspaper editor Jakob Augstein, who has been identified as an anti-Semite by some groups in the past, wrote that Muslims in Germany who attended an anti-terror protest in Cologne are “Uncle Toms”. [More]If ever a cry for karma deserved to be answered...
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Booked Solid Enough
A former St. Louis County deputy sheriff pleaded guilty to a federal theft charge Friday and admitted billing the St. Louis Public Library for work he didn't do, the U.S. Attorney's office said. [More]On the plus side, he should have plenty of time to catch up on is reading.
[Via bondmen]
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