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I wonder how Donald Trump would react to one of his hotel guests asking staff for extra towels and being told to go find a maid…?
Ah well, guess I'll go find a maid...
Notes from the Resistance...
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Are South African Genocide Fears Just White Racist Paranoia? [More]A bellwether of sorts...? A plan...?
Douglas Cioni, an 18-year veteran of the force, was unloading his gun to clean it when it discharged and a bullet struck one of his hands, township spokesman John Hagerty said. [More]Well if they've already concluded "it discharged," don't look for an "investigation" that actually wants to find anything that could assign responsibility.
Vermont Senate is the Last Chance to Kill Sweeping Gun Control [More]Remember when the "gold standard" was "Vermont carry"?
The Tallahassee, FL gun show runs this week-end at the Leon County fairgrounds. Use caution making face to face private sales there. The antis are really stirring the legal kettle here in Leon County. [More]Who knows, you might run into one of the Hero of Medicine's minions...
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Wenliang Sun, 26, came to the attention of UCF Police after university staff reported a “dramatic change” in his appearance and behavior — including spending nearly $70,000 cash on a new car “out of the blue” — the university said in a news release. [More]Those are triggers for deportation but being part of a gang or worshipping at a radical mosque are not? And does that not prove a need for through vetting of foreign nationals?
When asked whether he wanted to harm himself or anybody else, Sun said no, but police were concerned that he referred to his weapon as a “sniper rifle” instead of a “hunting rifle,” Beary said.I'm more concerned with "Only Ones" calling their "weapons of war" "patrol rifles."
A simple idea has motivated her work: “For me, trust in the common man is such a basic principle. Few governments actually allow it. They want to keep their people vulnerable and disarmed. [More]There is no more truly egalitarian power-sharing arrangement. No wonder Opposite Day "progressives" are so against it.
For too many liberal activists and their media allies, the answer has been to instantly elevate victims and survivors to the status of civic or secular saints, whose victimhood supposedly renders their opinion on public affairs unimpeachable. [More]Hey, who said Godless cultists couldn't be religious fanatics? State worshippers make the best kind!
BAM! Katie Pavlich WRECKS Dianne Feinstein’s sanctimonious gun ‘needs’ lecture with 1 tweet [More]I guess.
Seventh-Grade Assignment: Write Letters to Lawmakers Begging for Gun Control [More]Dear Mr. Sanders...
Police said Lemon stated that he hates white people and couldn’t wait “for the panthers to give the OK and a revolution begins because he will execute every white man he gets his hands on.” [More]Gee, and this is a guy employed by and working with "progressives" who ooze self-loathing guilt and smarmy virtue on matters of race, tolerance and inclusion...
Guided by MU counselor Nicholas Jenkins, the forum began with a discussion of how microaggressions happen, the various types of microaggressions, and how there are targeted microaggressions by whites towards minorities. [More]I guess that's code for looking for things to get wildly indignant over and making mountains out of molehills.
These are non-negotiable terms of surrender, dictated by a “pro-gun” president, a “pro-gun” attorney general, and enabled by our “gun rights leaders.” [More]Imagine what the "gun lobby" reaction (and attendant fundraising frenzy) would be if the same "proposal" had been dictated by President Hillary. And imagine what future Democrat majorities will be able to do with the "precedent."
Upper Darby police showed evidence they say they pulled from Sun’s bedroom, including a military-style ballistic vest, ski mask, military web gear with pouches to hold ammunition clips, a high-powered crossbow and arrows, a bullet loading dock for an AR-15 and AK-47, an empty box for a gun-making kit, 20 live round, ear protectors for firing, and a strangulation device called a garrote. [More]And he looked up guns on an iPad!!!
In America white guys receive lots of signals—from the news, from their communities, from elected leaders—that violence might be an acceptable answer to their troubles. People of other colors and non-Christian faiths don’t. [More]Yes, that's what she said.
Two city police officers have been suspended without pay after prosecutors accused them attacking a Domino's manager while on duty. Rodney Clark and Courtney Solomon are both charged with disorderly conduct, harassment and making terroristic threats for the incident that occurred on Tuesday, Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez said in a statement. [More]Hey, it's Jersey. It's not like any state where citizens allow themselves to be effectively disarmed has to worry about what the mundanes think.
This is the latest episode of bad news for the police department. Eleven cops, including the former police chief, have pleaded guilty in federal court to collecting pay for off-duty jobs they did not perform. Earlier this month, another officer was sentenced for striking a man with his police car during an arrest. Four others face charges related to a scheme to falsify timesheets. Four additional cops were indicted last year on charges related to a high-speed police pursuit that ended in a fiery crash...[Via William T]
There are reasons why some of us who have our firearms purchases choices denied by corporate parasites find Citibank’s promotion of Jay-Z so hypocritical. [More]It's clear which values are in Citi’s financial interests to promote.
The measure, known as the NICS Denial Notification Act, would require the FBI to “alert state law enforcement within 24 hours when individuals ‘lie and try’ to purchase firearms, which can be a warning sign of criminal behavior." [More]Co-sponsored by Fairfax darlings John Cornyn and Lindsey Graham!
Is gun control movement too white? [More]That's actually a great diversionary argument.
March for Our Lives Narrative Continues to Unravel: Only 10% Teens [More]Teens as in "teens" or teens as in"teens"...?
Cuyahoga County sheriff's deputies are investigating the mysterious poisoning of a county probation officer's pet goldfish. [More]Really, "deputies" as in plural? Ah well, it's only tax plunder.
A prediction. When the dust settles and the fury wanes, Congress will not pass additional gun-control laws. [More]What the hell do you think "Fix NICS" and ERPOs and Cornyn's mental health blanket dragnet are?
Some Tempe motorcycle officers now carry AR-15 rifles [More]Find the missing word: "Assault."
If women like myself decide that we need to protect ourselves from violence, then surely this says more about our patriarchal society than the women who suffer because of it. [More]Because Lord knows it couldn't say anything about "progressive" attitudes that support citizen disarmament, irresponsible obliviousness about forgetting you're carrying a weapon, and sheer idiocy of opening up to the police.
Bradley gave police countless stories about how he once played “prominent roles” in the Obama campaign... [More]Well that settles it for me: Guilty. And nuts.
CBC Gun Control Expert says Bill C-71 is a Gun Registry [More]With the money they've saved since scrapping the last one, this thing should pay for itself! Eh?
Crazed girls flood Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz with fan mail [More]Maybe Sandra and Hillary are right about the phenomenon, but just wrong about the political affiliation...
She said women Trump voters must have felt "inadequate" compared to someone as "educated" as Hillary Clinton and just couldn't have brought themselves to vote for someone superior to them. Bernhard said all that Hillary has accomplished is "threatening" to a lot of women which turned them off to such a person. [More]Yeah, that must be it. Because admitting the more probable alternative would call for a bottle of pills.
"To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm ... is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege." [More]Aside from the presumption of privilege, this is exactly what was intended, and throws the lie back in the teeth of the Burgers and the Stevens of this world that tbhe interpretation is a novel "gun lobby" fiction.
Rapper Vic Mensa, who performed at March for Our Lives, convicted of gun crime in 2017 [More]Oh look: Another hoplocrite. And a hiphoplocrite at that.
Investigators charged White with the deaths of Tatiyana Coates, 11, and her brother, Daveon Coates, 15. Police told Winne that the brother and sister were innocent victims of gang violence. [More]Don't they give these people background checks or something?
But on the same day of these rallies, counter-protests took place with a central message of their own: protect the Second Amendment. [More]Groups are being formed on Facebook. And I was recently asked to promote this.
How Fox News turned the March for Our Lives into an attack on the 2nd Amendment [More]Who you gonna believe? Vox or your lying eyes and ears?
Gun Rights Provocateur David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied [More]But he presumes himself qualified to instruct adults and redefine the relationship between government and the people. By force.
The problem is not that we need to make a change in the Second Amendment or any other part of the Constitution, but rather that we need to follow the Second Amendment that we already have. [More]Bingo!
Magistrate records made public Wednesday morning indicate C.J. Grisham was charged with assault of a peace officer, interference with the duties of a public servant, obstruction of passageway, and resisting arrest. [More]It sure doesn't look like the citizen lawfully exercising his rights is the one doing the assaulting here...
The deputies catalogued the guns. When they returned to retrieve them, they discovered dozens of the weapons had been stolen. Rhambo said most were semi-automatics. [More]Gosh, what could have happened?
During sea trials the Ford used EMALS heavily, as would be the case in combat and training operations and found EMALS less reliable than the older steam catapult, more labor intensive to operate, put more stress on launched aircraft than expected and due to a basic design flaw if one EMALS catapult becomes inoperable, the other three catapults could not be used in the meantime as was the case with steam catapults. [More]NORDEN...!!!
But that did not necessarily flout any tax laws...It’s worth keeping an eye on the NRA to ensure that it manages to stay within the lines the law has painted. [More]In other words, after a thousand words and a platform on The Conversation, Newsweek and Yahoo News, they've got absolutely nothing but fabricated speculation. Still, "mission accomplished" if the goal is to spread suspicion among those looking for any misinformation to propagate.
Easy Win for GOP: Kill the UN's Backdoor Gun Grab [More]What do "we" have to "trade" for it?
SEC rules require that the company adds the proposal to the agenda for voting at the next annual shareholder meeting. Ruger’s board is openly against this particular proposal, but they have to include it. [More]They'd better be. Some have never forgiven them for Bill's betrayal, the company's attempts to purchase indulgences notwithstanding.
It’s tempting to dismiss this latest attack as the ramblings of a subversive dotard and conclude there’s no fool like an old fool. But Stevens has been doing this for years and is voicing the very real goals of those intent on establishing that old standby of totalitarian regimes everywhere, a monopoly of violence. [More]But "no one wants to take your guns."
How California Gun Owners Are Getting Around a New Assault Weapons Ban - New products could make tighter restrictions on one of America's premier gun markets largely moot. [More]Not true, and the issue is that workarounds are even "needed."
I sometimes wonder whether the socialists will issue an edict requiring all firearms to have a pink ribbon tied to the barrel, just to get a belly laugh as the panicked descendants of once-proud American patriots scurry to comply.
People who oppose restrictions on bump stocks-are you kidding me? People who oppose restrictions on high capacity magazines-are you kidding me? Those of us who own guns for home defense, recreational shooting or hunting don’t need bump stocks or high capacity magazines. [More]Yeah, I got it. Are you kidding me?
It’s hard to take pity on Remington, the firm that manufactured the assault-style rifle used to murder 20 first-graders and six of their teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. [More]What kind of douche would blame them for that?
Anarchist Students Offer Free Service To Deal With Snitches [More]Sic 'im, commies!
Not only is there no agreement among legal and psychological experts over whether certain people with disabilities should be disenfranchised, but there is also no set standard for measuring the mental capacity needed to vote. [More]If they can, can they have a gun?
After an ACLU consent decree with the Chicago Police Department dramatically reduced the number of stop and frisks, homicides significantly increased as a result. [More]Well, if Chi-Town "Only Ones" can do it to them they can do it to you, and it's not exactly like they have a stellar record that inspires confidence in Constitutional fidelity. So is the "solution" to ignore the Fourth Amendment, or is it to finally acknowledge an inescapable truth and to stop the coerced subsidizing of those who can't -- or won't-- be trusted without a custodian?
An Assault Weapons Ban For the IRS (And Other Federal Regulatory Agencies) [More]Yeah, how did Mr.Mason put it?
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426)[Via Michael G]
Establishment Pushes Conspiracy Theories To Explain David Hogg’s Changing Story [More]When you tell the truth you can't trip up. Every child knows that -- or should.
Over the last week, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) and partners from the sportsmen’s conservation community worked closely with Congressional leadership to ensure that several funding priorities for the sportsmen’s community are included in the FY2018 Omnibus appropriations bill. [More]Let's all go over to Dick's and buy something to celebrate!
On Tuesday, March 27th, the Nebraska Legislature is expected to debate LB902, on General File, to ensure that personal information contained in Firearm Permit and Purchase records will be protected from public records requests. [More]What kind of evil stool sample would demand otherwise? And what are these "records" of which they speak?
Kenneth Glasgow, 52, a half-brother of Rev. Al Sharpton, was arrested Sunday, March 25, in Dothan, Ala., in connection with the killing of Breunia Jennings, 23, who was shot in the head, police said. [More]What, Al didn't snitch him out...?
Cases Of Tuberculosis Up 10% In NYC, Most Patients Are Foreign Born [More]Brought to you by Democrats yearning to gain votes and Republicans yearning for cheap labor. They get enough of those and a few of you or yours getting infected is an acceptable loss to them.
Eagles of Death Metal's Jesse Hughes, a survivor of a mass-shooting incident, called the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School "disgusting vile abusers of the dead" for participating in the March for Our Lives protest. [More]True dat.
The research produced from federal funding to the NIH and CDC is highly competitive, heavily scrutinized and robustly peer reviewed before publication, to ensure veracity and prevent any fabrications or falsehoods. [More]Saying so doesn't make it so.
The victim had reportedly escaped a round-up of Jews in Paris during World War II. The group says a neighbor who had previously made anti-Semitic statements was one of the people under arrest. They didn't confirm reports that the man was Muslim. [More]Why didn't -- or I should say "wouldn't" -- they?
Conservatives Dismiss the Kids at Their Peril [More]Some of us aren't dismissing them, we're exposing their lunacy, and the manipulative evil of those ginning them up and pulling their strings. But if figures the neocons would counsel offering a respectful seat at the table, as if the monster's appetite can be sated.
Eric Holder, California to Sue Trump Admin Over Reinstating Citizenship Question to Census [More]That's because they're traitors on the side of tyranny.
“I’m not happy with it. Why are you punishing me for one person’s actions?” [More]Explain the disconnect and they'll argue, guaranteed.
[N]ew details from prosecutors reveal that Pulse gunman Omar Mateen's father was an FBI informant who is currently under a criminal investigation. [More]Time for a companion t-shirt:
Male solitude may have heroic manifestations, as in the movie “Shane.” It may give rise to ultimately affirming personal introspection, as with Henry Fleming in “The Red Badge of Courage.” It may even have companionable dimensions, as with the aging fisherman and the boy Manolin in “The Old Man and the Sea.” [More]How telling, that the only sources J. Harvie Wilkinson III evidently has to draw on for admirable, independent and strong male role models are fictional.
“When They Give Us That Inch, That Bump Stock Ban, We Will Take A Mile” [More]What kind of dumb-ass can't figure that out?
One example is an essay recently posted on the website of the far-right Oath Keepers militia by Second Amendment extremist David Codrea. [More]Oh, gosh, and I so want anti-gun males to like me.
It’s pretty obvious that the gun-grabbing feeding frenzy we see going on is as much based on a cult of personalities as it is on anything else, and that these immature personalities intent on controlling the rest of us have little interest in controlling themselves when they start to believe the adulation. [More]#MarxForOurLives ?
Amy Schumer: How do they sleep at night? [More]Pretty securely, actually, knowing that my family is as protected as I can ensure for them without jobbing the duty out.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industries, today commended President Donald Trump and Congress for signing into law the omnibus legislation containing Fix NICS and Stop School Violence provisions. [More]Just so you know whose side they're on...
[I]t is important to note how small that number is next to the hundreds of thousands of defensive uses of firearms annually. [More]True, but the goal is to use scary anecdotes to discourage people from being armed, because the hive insects at Buzz Feed would rather see them as helpless and contemptible as they are.
#MarchForOurLives Student Protesters Leave Their Trash for Someone Else to Clean Up [More]I prefer #MarxForOurLives. And yeah, someone has always cleaned up after them, so why should this be any different?