Thursday, May 31, 2018
I'm outta here until mid-next week. I'll be unchaining feral sons Uday and Qusay from the basement and giving them free run of the house, so they'd better not chew up the sofa again.
Since I won't be here to moderate, I'm turning comments off until my return. Please hold all tips, emails and social media messages, because I not only won't get to them now, there's no way I'll be able to on my return.
Thanks for understanding. See ya on the other side.
Mr. Popularity
I'm getting too many Facebook "friend" requests to process and determine which accounts are fake. Every time I approve one, another or two pop up, a lot of the time from hackers pretending to be Facehookers. Apologies to anyone trying to connect, but until I figure things out, including who I've let in whose page brought in the others, I need to suspend accepting new requests. Sorry, but the only reason I'm on "social media" is to promote the work, and dealing with this is taking time away from that.
Expert Analysis on Contradictions & Dangers in Proposed ‘Bump Stock’ Ban
A comment posted Tuesday to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ proposed “Bump-Stock Type Device” rule shows the administration’s intended action sets up conditions for a wider ban on semiautomatic firearms. Filed by firearms designer, expert witness and Historic Arms, LLC President Len Savage, the response to the government’s mandated-by-law request for comments, is posted as four distinct “pdf” files. [More]If the "rationale" put forth by the administration is allowed to prevail, the gun-grabbers will then be able to use it to go after all semiautos.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Constant Comment
In case you're wondering why your comments haven't appeared:
I just found out I have not been getting email notifications of comments for the past few days. Went into the pub tool and approved a bunch, and now I get to try and find out why this is happening because none of the settings have changed...
I just found out I have not been getting email notifications of comments for the past few days. Went into the pub tool and approved a bunch, and now I get to try and find out why this is happening because none of the settings have changed...
Uncontrollable Chicago Violence Demonstrates Fraud of Gun-Grabber ‘Solutions’
Chicago city government sure is expending a lot of resources trying (unsuccessfully) to contain the inevitable fruits of its “progressive” policies... [More]Forget it Jake, it’s Chi-Town.
Right Twice a Day
'Any responsible American should own a firearm,' he said. [More]And then there are those who need custodians...
[Via Henry Bowman]
The Best Man for the Job
Attacker stabbed two policewomen, took their guns and shot them and a civilian dead in Liege, Belgium [More]Not to intentionally anger anyone, but denial of differences can and does get people killed.
Meet tough standards and have at it. If the priority is inclusion and diversity, reality will find a way to assert itself.
[Via Mack H]
Location, Location, Location
The Supreme Court on Tuesday limited the scope of police searches, ruling that officers must have a warrant to go through a vehicle parked at a home or on its surrounding property. [More]Anybody see a location qualifier?
[Via Mack H]
America's Got Talentlessness
Georgia teen, 14, STUNS the America's Got Talent's judges with a powerful rap about gun violence, which she wrote in memory of her father who was shot and killed before her birth [More]Because nothing says "Stop the violence" like rap! Just ask Dad:
Camoflauge's background formed the perfect "gangsta rap" resume. He grew up in Savannah's public housing projects, had a record of arrests on drug possession charges, and suffered minor injuries in a shooting last year. He also spent three months in jail in 2000 charged with murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old Kenneth Capers. Camoflauge was released after a grand jury failed to indict him.And isn't the "celebrity" panel just oozing in "progressive" virtue! Especially Simon Cowell!
[Via Dave Licht]
Forbidden Words
12 Surprisingly Offensive Words You Need to Erase from Your Vocabulary [More]As a rule of thumb I have little use for hysterical imbeciles.
[Via Steve T]
So Police AREN'T 'There to Protect Us'?
“Plaintiff’s claims share a common question: whether there is constitutional duty under the Fourteenth Amendment for the police to intervene to protect a citizen from criminal conduct by third parties,” Judge Norman K. Moon’s opinion says. “Because I find this duty is not ‘clearly established,’ his claims are barred by qualified immunity.” [More]Who knew?
And that being the case, who but an idiot or an enemy would prevent a fellow human being from having the means to protect himself?
[Via Mack H]
A Familiar Pattern
FBI got tips about Oklahoma City shooting suspect’s videos, did nothing [More]I'm not sure what the proper protocol should have been because we don't want the feds to be able to haul someone in without probable cause and full due process, and I'm not sure there aren't "demons" of one sort or another lurking in TVs.
[Via Jess]
What Would Hogg Do?
The store clerk said he pulled out his personal firearm when Ahorrio held a knife to a female customer’s neck. When the customer dropped to the ground, the clerk fired three rounds at Ahorrio, prompting him to drop his knife and flee the store. [More][Insert name of gun-grabber here] would rather the woman's throat had been cut.
[Via Wynn A]
Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You
Germany: Ramadan Fasting Triggers Migrant Riot in Dresden - Asylum seekers “attacked officers by throwing lit cigarettes, then kicking and beating them,” Dresden police say [More]So this won't affect their admission status, will it...?
[Via Michael G]
Knowing Your Place
The memo would be more accurate if it stated that anyone who fails to unquestioningly submit to all the TSA's demands would be found guilty of insubordination. [More]Well if you wouldn't get uppity, there wouldn't be a problem.
You clear on that, Mom?
[Via Michael G]
Without a Custodian
Last week, the Department of Justice released an updated study from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) showing that 83 percent of prisoners released by states are re-arrested within nine years of their release. 44 percent of released state prisoners were arrested during the first year after release, 68 percent were arrested within three years, and 79 percent within six years. [More]You don't say.
Well, Mr. Man-Eating Tiger, your sentence is up. Let me just swing this cage door open and...
[Via Michael G]
Lowering the Barr
How the right is defending Roseanne Barr's racist tweets [More]There's a difference between "defending" and pointing out the racist hypocrisy of others getting away with essentially the same thing when the butt of the joke is white.
That's the issue, not the transparent media attempt to conflate "conservatives" with racists.
Because there's really nothing else about her worth "defending."
AMA’s Anti-Gun Proposals Put Political Agenda Over Science
AMA meddling to undermine a fundamental right is nothing short of malpractice. [More]The gunquacks are sticking their bills where they don't belong again.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
We're the Only Ones Who've Grown Accustomed to Your Face Enough
Orlando Police Testing Amazon's Real-Time Facial Recognition [More]
Rather like a habit
One can always break-
And yet,
We've grown accustomed to the trace
Of something in the air;
Accustomed to your face.
[Via Florida Guy]
The Way Things Oughtta Be
It's kind of a misleading headline unless they're going to provide the firearms. I also note the "parents" selectively interviewed were universally against it, which, considering we're talking Newsweek here, is hardly surprising.
[Via Henry Bowman]
We're the Only Ones Watching Enough
I want confirmation if taxpayer dollars are being used to surveil citizens who criticize political appointees’ public remarks. [More]Hey, surveillance for sentments of disloyalty along with citizen disarmament was good enough for his native Cuba...
[Via Jess]
Another Sign You're on the Right Side
Sadly amusing to see amateurs attempting to hack all the Gun Facts project properties (web site, Facebook account) and my personal accounts. [More]That's not something a respectable person would do, is it?
[Via Felix B]
Like a Food Truck But for Guns
Having a Professional Drive to Your Home and Clean Your Guns Is More Practical Than You Might Think [More]Oh, look: Something new to invent objections against.
[Via Michael G, who writes: "A new outfit, starting small in just one region comes to your home and does an armory level detail clean of guns. I couldn't see spending the money for it for ordinary cleaning, but to occasionally get to the areas you don't want to take apart because you don't have the correct tools or are afraid parts will fly off never to be seen again it sounds like it would be worth it. The bit about the cleaning tank struck a cord with me, in my 15 years in the Air Guard up until the just before I left we shot qualifications with M16s with 22 adapter units and you know how dirty those get and how malfunction prone they are when dirty. But ours always worked near flawlessly because after each use they were cleaned in the tanks used for cleaning our M61 Vulcan cannon barrels.
"If they succeed in expanding they look like they would also be a good job opportunity for gun people. And provide decentralized armory support for the militia."]
Maybe Getting Ready to Think About It!
Momentum Builds for Second Special Council to Reopen Clinton Probe, Investigate DOJ [More]So nothing has actually been ordered and we're basically still in the Jack Benny phase...?
[Via Henry Bowman]
Sticker Shock
Thieves in the Huntersville area are targeting supporters of the NRA and other gun enthusiasts lately. Police say they are scouting for gun-related stickers on cars in parking lots, then busting into those cars and taking the guns for themselves. [More]It's curious this story doesn't even attempt to cite an instance where a gun has actually been stolen from a car with such a decal. That said, I don't recommend sporting such stickers because there are plenty of cowardly "progressive" vandals, not to mention official thugs just looking for a reason to play alpha male.
Think Nothing of It
Today I was eating lunch and I found myself speaking without really thinking about it. [More]And then you found yourself writing and doing the same.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Reasonable Enough
Not only does the unreleased video show no bite, but Hill never says that he had been bitten — a direct contrast to what he wrote later in his report...the video shows that Hill's lapel camera was pointing at the sky when Hill fired because he had slipped on ice, ultimately losing his gun in the snow. [More]Dishonest, negligent and clumsy, but "[t]he plaintiffs can’t show the officer’s behavior was unreasonable”...
[Via Michael G]
The Invader Assistance Agency
No one more exemplified this resistance to enforcing immigration law than Irene Martin, Field Office Director, USCIS, San Bernardino, CA, who blocked DHS agents from arresting the man who supplied guns to the San Bernardino terrorists. [More]How is it this is being allowed to continue?
[Via Felix B]
And Still Across the Pond...
Judge calls for 10in pointed kitchen knives to be ground down to a rounded end after hearing three serious stabbing cases in last three months... Ideas come from Judge Nic Madge [More]
No it doesn't. The moronic "idea" has been around for years. And I guess this also means we'll need file control.
The grinning idiot reminds me of nothing so much as the Upper Class Twit of the Year.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Two local councillors, one of whom is still serving, and a police officer have been accused of having sex with victims involved in the Rotherham child abuse scandal. [More]I can't even wrap my head around the fact that such people exist. What the hell...
[Via Michael G]
New Kids on the Block
Turnabout seems fair play, and I'd be interested in helping see if that could be arranged.
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar
"Maybe I will start a movement. Another #metoo movement. But this time, which women feel empowered enough to become serial killers." [More]You never seem to be able to find social media accounts for "progressives" gone wild any more. They're getting quicker at taking stuff down. I'd love to be able to find Hillary and Everytown tie-ins.
"Disappearing" such pages means if we want to find out anything, we're dependent on what "officials" tell "authorized journalists."
A Muslim running for Congress in California said he backs President Trump’s policies on immigration and terrorism, and condemns groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, because they pose a threat to the nation’s security. [More]So when is he going to put out an unequivocal statement on the right to keep and bear arms?
Being reduced to a crayon color as the prefix before professional endeavor and or ideological construct is the most insidiously baneful form of alienation and derogation today. [More]Yeah, but just think of all that money and power...
[Via James Simpson]
A Calculated Side Effect
The state of Alabama is suing the Department of Commerce and the Bureau of the Census to ensure illegal aliens are excluded from the 2020 census, which is used to apportion congressional seats. [More]They don't even have to vote to give Democrat gun-grabbers (but I repeat myself) an advantage.
A Bogus Argument
In the New York Times, Carl Bogus attempts to taint the Second Amendment by linking it to America’s greatest historical evil, slavery. I say “attempt” because Bogus doesn’t make an argument so much as he insinuates, gestures, and implies perfidy with a wink. [More]In other words, standard gun-grabber conflation M.O...
And talk about an aptronym...
This HCI board member/VPC advisor with his stale academic fraud keeps being reintroduced every few years to disseminate talking points to a new crop of "progressive" agitators, who believe they're hearing something new.
[Via Michael G]
Out of the Frying Pan?
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I grok stopping My Man Mitthead. I really do.
But Mike Kennedy is no answer.
When he says "Defend Second Amendment" he offers rah-rah platitudes, and then turns around and spearheads a "nonpartisan gun violence panel" of special interest apparatchiks pushing prior restraint/no due process ERPOs, and promises to includes "two high school students." Democrats and teenagers -- there's a formula for "shall not be infringed."
Pander much?
I also note when he says "Fix Immigration Process," he qualifies it by asserting "legal immigration is the lifeblood of our country" and doesn't say a word about what to do with the invaders already here.
There'll be plenty of lifeblood all over the country, alright, if new citizens and their offspring continue voting the way they have and do.
Utah's got real problems, and their problems are our problems. I see no solutions here.
But glossing that over and acting like there is one has always leds gun owners down the path of betrayal.
Back into the Gun Safe
"Boulder has traditionally tried to welcome different people to the community," Caldara says. "It had a registry for same-sex couples before they could legally marry, so it helped people get out of the closet. But what Boulder is doing now is putting gun owners back into a closet. And that goes against everything Boulder claims to stand for." [More]I hope he's not advocating for a registry or any form of authorizaton.
I remember when I first came out of the gun safe. San Francisco sicced the cops on me.
There's another element to that story that's pretty funny and shows what a pussy Gavin Newsom is that I found out about through a FOIA and need to write up.
[Via cydl]
Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits
Dana Loesch notes a subversive Instagram post that has since been taken down. [More]
Here's a screenshot. Here's what it's of.
Don't look for the Communist News Network to have anything but praise for Marc Lamont Hill. After all, this is what they want America to look like.
Why do you think they want you disarmed if not for commie sense gun safety?
Here's a screenshot. Here's what it's of.
Don't look for the Communist News Network to have anything but praise for Marc Lamont Hill. After all, this is what they want America to look like.
Why do you think they want you disarmed if not for commie sense gun safety?
On Second Thought, Let It
“It’s a disaster,” Gail Reisman, a retired gerontologist and Toronto native who lives in Representative Dana Rohrabacher’s district, said after attending a candidate forum Tuesday. “If we have two Republicans running I think I’m going back to Canada.” [More]Gail: Door. Ass.
The Final Curtain
You won't find any gun shows in Saratoga Springs after this weekend when a measure to ban them on city properties goes into effect. [More]Shades of Great Western...
Timing it for Memorial Day weekend is no doubt a calculated insult.
So, gun and ammo companies: Are any of you going to step up and tell Saratoga Springs they won't arm their "Only Ones" through you?
Monday, May 28, 2018
Total Gun Confiscation Genie Can’t Be Put Back in Bottle
As for “coming from a place of passion,” demand a totalitarian monopoly of violence and you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. [More]It's always been about commie sense gun safety.
Friday, May 25, 2018
We're the Only Ones Exhibiting Enough
Officer Tommy Lee Bailey, 64, who was originally charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, was instead found guilty of a lesser charge of improper exhibition of a firearm. [More]I'm sure had the situation been reversed the same legal courtesy would have been extended.
Aren't you?
[Via Bear]
We're the Only Ones Protected and Served Enough
Congress Stands With the Blue, Against the Constitution - The lopsided House vote for treating assaults on cops as federal crimes is a bipartisan portrait in cowardice. [More]But if we attack you, well, that's what we have "qualified immunity" for...
[Via Neil W]
Speaking of Cracks in the Constitution...
You lost me at "To quote Bob Dole..."
[Via Mack H]
What a Long Strange Trip It's Been
U.S. troops guarding nuclear missiles took LSD, Air Force records show [More]Did they report 'em to NICS?
[Via Jess]
Two Suspects
At least police made a special point of letting us know Thing 1 had "light skin" and Thing 2 has "fair skin." [More]
I guess they felt it was appropriate to make an exception this time.
[Via Michael G]
I guess they felt it was appropriate to make an exception this time.
[Via Michael G]
A Quiet Alignment
New York Time: Democrats and NeverTrumpers "Quietly Align" to Meet, Scheme Ways of Defeating Republicans [More]Kristol Meth and kAss-Itch® figure prominently, naturally...
Shannon Watts Disparages Lake Hefner ‘Good Guys with Gun’
Jeez, lady, how about a bit of acknowledgment that a known “gun threat” was stopped? Apparently, she would have preferred he’d have been free to go on his way. That has attracted no shortage of useful idiot suck-ups, each of whom would be utterly incapable of defending themselves, nodding in agreement… [More]These creatures really would rather see you dead than armed.
Reactions to NFL Knee Jerks
Oath Keepers leadership sounds off on the new NFL policy. [More]I know I won't be watching any games.
Of course, I never watched anyway, not just because I could not care less, but because NFL has made its opposition to our right to keep and bear arms more than clear, and any gun owner that supports them in any way is literally giving aid and comfort to the (domestic) enemy.
Chip Off the Old Block
REPORT: Deputy Peterson Accused Of 'Covering Up' Alleged Sexual Assault By Broward Sheriff's Son [More][Via Michael G]
I've been holding on to these for over a week because I couldn't be certain they were genuine and didn't have the internal contacts to validate them. This seems to corroborate them, but take them with a grain of salt until they can be verified (click images to enlarge):
Project on Indefinite Hold
Arrested on Rape Charges, Weinstein Posts $1 Million Bail [More]Anybody wishing they weren't alive yet?
Survey Says
Tennessee Firearms Association has conducted its 2018 candidate survey.[More]Well, as long as we're sending out questions to figure out who our "gun rights leaders" are, perhaps TFA would like to answer why they're ignoring the greatest threat facing "legal" recognition of the right to keep and bear arms in their political assessments.
And don't think "single issue" will work with any but the uninformed.
Not to single them out. I've had this challenge open to every "gun group" and "gunblogger" out there, and not a one of them wants to even acknowledge it, let alone take a stab at an uinequivocal damn answer.
[Via Felix B]
We're the Only Ones Inflammatory Enough
A $95 million lawsuit filed by a man who was shot with a Taser after crashing during a 2015 police pursuit — and who suffered disfiguring burns when the weapon ignited his gasoline-soaked clothes — has been settled for $6.5 million... [More]I mean, it's not like gas fumes smell or anything...
[Via Mack H]
An Insoluble Puzzle
How did revolver fired by Chesterfield teen in deadly exchange with off-duty officer make its way from Missouri to Virginia? [More]Even Yul is stumped.
A more appropriate question is what's the motive behind publishing this stupid reach?
[Via Mack H]
The Littlest FĆ¼hrer Turns Extortionist
David Hogg puts Publix in crosshairs, demands $1 million donation and anti-NRA pledge [More]They're going to lie down in the store as opposed to in the parking lot? So no Evel Knievel...?
Here's hoping Publix files a trespassing complaint and takes the financial backers enabling these protototalitarians to court for punitive damages.
I wouldn't mind seeing a more "Bhowani Junction" solution from someone with a mop bucket. Clean-up on Aisle 4...
This narcissistic little fascist really doesn't get what an odious punk normal people view him as. I think that will eventually work out for the better.
[Via Felix B]
Prepare for Blood Dance Exploitation in 3...2...1...
Two people are in critical condition and a shooter is in custody after a shooting inside of Noblesville West Middle School. [More]Use this link to catch breaking news.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Arne Duncan’s School Boycott Proposal an Idea We Should All Get Behind
What skin is it off your or my nose if children of “progressives” decide to skip school? [More]So the best Obama's "education czar" (how come they never say "fĆ¼hrer"?) can come up with is useful idiots figuratively holding their breath until they turn blue?
Go for it!
Moms Demand Traction
At 2 a.m., Archie Parnell used a tire iron to break a glass door, the complaint said. He made more unspecified accusations to Kathleen Parnell before striking her several times. She said she was beaten again later that evening. [More]Archie wants women disarmed by law! Let's give him a big round of applause!
What's In a Title?
Well for one thing, it creates a manipulated impression that is the main thing most people will walk away with. [More]
Worse Than the Disease
I ask that you use your powers to suspend the dated Posse Comitatus Act, which unfairly limits your ability to use domestic militarization to respond to crises. [More]You think it will confine itself to Chicago? And when a Totalitarian Democrat wins the office...?
The Founders told us how to handle this, right there in the first 13 words of the Second Amendment. And the governor has all the power he needs.
It's just that there's more money and power in totalitarianism.
[Via Matthew L]
An Inconvenient Truth
Guns Don’t Kill People, But Gun Bans Do [More]Which is why the anti-lifers demand them...
[Via Mack H]
Capitalist Threatens to Withhold Rope-Selling Profits
“Every member of the Illinois delegation knows this is one of the most important issues facing them and it determines how much money I’m giving them,” said John Rowe, who heads a pro-immigrant business group in Illinois. [More]Well fellas, you can listen to John or you can listen to Sam.
Choose carefully.
[Via Mack H]
Making It Personal
United Air CEO Says Decision to Drop NRA Discounts Was Personal [More]Seeing as how NRA was merely a convenient target and your enmity is for the right of your countrymen to keep and bear arms, it's personal for me, too, Oscar.
Why did your family leave "gun control" paraĆso Mexico again?
And how many of the pilot "honor guard" enjoy the benefits of RKBA advocacy?
[Via Mack H]
Another 'Win' for the Gipper
On this week’s episode of Did She Say That, Sonnie Johnson takes a look at when MS-13 could have been stopped and how Ronald Reagan’s amnesty allowed for the gang’s proliferation. [More]Yep:
Now, for the "What Would Reagan Do" worshippers. The USA is also dead man walking today thanks to Reagan's suicidal 1986 "comprehensive reform" amnesty, the worst field tilter since the Great Society and New Deal (well, other than black box voting anyway). Reagan could've honored his oath, enforced our borders and immigration laws, reversed the problem as Eisenhower did in the 1950s. Instead, 26 years after Reagan's betrayal, we have to overcome tens of millions of votes of former illegals and now-voting-age anchor babies.But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!
[Via Felix B]
A Weapon of War
All Ravin bows are built around HeliCoil technology, which keeps all cables and strings above the rail in a revolutionary design that drives unparalleled downrange accuracy and allows the bows to shoot 3” groups at 100 yards. [More]"R20 Sniper Package"? Who needs such a "cowardly murder machine" for hunting?
They're not "in common use" and the Founders would have had a cow!
[Via Florida Guy]
Meanwhile, Over on Amazon Island...
All kinds of lessons here that the ignorant and prideful would rage at if you brought them up ... [Watch]
[Via Matthew L]
Ready to Hit the Ground Running
Emails Reveal Obama Admin Planned Gun Control Push Two Days After Sandy Hook [More]Like one of the plotters admitted, you never want a serious crisis to go to waste...
[Via Michael G]
Ideological Holodomor
[O]ur participation in the program was terminated, our account closed, that the decision was final and there was no appeal. On top of that, Amazon was holding back any accumulated money it owed us. There was no prior indication of a problem, or chance to cure. [More]That's because they want to starve you to death.
Like all "progressive" ideas, it's hardly a new one.
[Via Michael G]
No fair? That involved government?
It's looking like this one will, too.
[Via Ned W]
If You've Got Nothing to Hide...
Then again, we're talking Eric Holder here... [More]
He didn't want Congress to investigate either.
[Via Michael G]
Bully for You
Father of Accused Texas Shooter Believes Bullying Was Behind Rampage - Antonios Pagourtzis says 17-year-old son was a ‘good boy’ who had been ‘mistreated at school’ [More]Yeah, and you were and are an enabling, excuse-making idiot.
How many here have NOT experienced bullying, or at least attempts at it?
How many followed up with massacres, as opposed to figuring out an alternative way to deal with pack hierarchy deterrmination?
A 'Prohibited Person'
The criminal complaint in the incident alleges that Savage unlawfully possessed a 9-millimeter handgun. [More]What's the undeniable universal truism?
No “gun control” laws can change that reality. Allowing proven violent people access to an unlimited pool of potential victims before they have made clinically verifiable behavioral changes, penance and restitution (to prove they can be given a second chance) makes as much sense as telling a man-eating tiger its sentence is up and then opening the cage.
[Via Sons of Reagan]
Et Tu, Abbott?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday he could support stronger regulations for gun storage and quicker reporting to law enforcement when a court has determined someone is mentally ill in order to keep them from having weapons. [More]Told ya:
In addition to repeating calls for all the usual prior restraints, don't be surprised to see a new “lock up your safety” push, under the ignorant presumption that one “solution” fits all. They stand a good chance of getting away with it, too, because relatively few people have heard of or remember the Merced pitchfork murders.And note the DSM "2 small gun rules" editorializing in the headline of what is being presented as "straight news."
I suppose going back to segregated water fountains but leaving the rest of the Civil Rights Act intact would be described by them as minor setbacks?
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Contract Management
Leaders of the notorious Mexican Mafia "gang of gangs" were charged Wednesday with running a government-like operation to control drug trafficking from inside Los Angeles County jails that included ordering violence against those who didn't obey. [More]And if you live there an run afoul of any of their citizen disarmament edicts, guess where you'll be spending time? What would be an appropriate response to anyone trying to do that to a countryman?
Dicks and Not Dick's
A few people called the ABC15 Newsroom to express concerns about a sign outside a gun shop near North Myrtle Beach High School ... The caller was concerned about the message in light of the recent shooting at a high school in Texas, and also because they believe it is inappropriate given how close the store is to the school. [More]How does plural go to singular and then back to plural again?
How about some names, so they can be ruthlessly ridiculed like they deserve? And why is a bluenose malcontent or two trying to make trouble for someone they don't approve of "news"?
The one positive takeaway from this, considering our modern age of gender fluidity, is that they can be simultaneously dicks and pussies. And that includes the intrepid journalists at WPDE, "News you can wipe with!"
[Via Neil W]
Document of the Day
After the murders in Sutherland Springs, Texas by the former airman, the only record you could find about his court martial was a two page summary... [More]Thanks John. Nice to see someone noticed.
Lord knows "professional media" won't.
An Explosive Climax
Henrico man charged with murder of girlfriend said she asked him to pull trigger during sexual encounter [More]I can't begin to tell you how many women I've done the same thing to when I was 33 and living at my parents' house (which is a surefire attractant for quality partners, by the way).
Speaking of which, everybody see this? It sure sounds like nobody strapped 'em on when it would have made a difference and that this is a monster of their own making.
[Via Mack H]
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