Monday, September 02, 2019

The Greater Danger

That is why I make the controversial claim that today, the "woke" hard-left is more dangerous to civil liberties than the right. To be sure there are hard right extremists who would use — and have used — violence to silence those with whom they disagree. They are indeed dangerous. But they have far less influence on our future leaders than their counterparts on the hard-left. They are not teaching our college age children and grandchildren. They are marginalized academically, politically and in the media. The opposite is true of hard-left Stalinists.  [More]
As long as the civil war stays cold, true. For now.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Bill in ILL said...

Uggg, Alan repeats the lie that all mass shooters are conservative or "hard right" when the opposite is true. Had to stop reading that pap after that.