Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Anybody See This Coming?

Could a ‘Draft Cuomo’ Movement Be in the Democrats’ Future? [More]
Y'know what? That would be about the most dangerous political development I can imagine.

Unless they can dig up some new dirt, the guy's Teflon.

Perhaps "Deadbeat Dad for President" might be useful?

Or Governor Cuck...?

You bet it's about the politics of personal destruction. What do you think these monsters want to do to you if you don't surrender to them?


Henry said...

So, we were all inflicted with 12 months of incessant clown car debates, just for this supremely Emily Litella moment.

Democrats: still playing the game by changing the rules minute to minute.

Bill in ILL said...

I have heard this rumor in other places, take Biden to the convention, he steps down for "medical reasons" and they put in Cuomo as the democrat candidate.