Friday, April 10, 2020

Desperate for Something to Change the Subject

Alyssa Milano: We have to keep each other safe by social distancing and washing our hands and not bringing dangerous firearms into our homes. [More]
As I replied to pal Mark Walters, she's deflecting attention...

Realistically, what do we expect? After all, a child could do her job. And we know what brings her"great joys":

[Via bondmen]


Elmo said...

Remember when she had to evacuate her home because an approaching wildfire and she tweeted all her 'friends' to let them know that she and her boots were safe?
If she was a light bulb she'd be a 10 watt.

Henry said...

“After all, a child could do her job.”

Ah, I understand it all now… she was just eliminating the competition.