Monday, August 17, 2020

The Key is Peaceably Assembling

That is the paradox, if you will, of "public property." I will expand on this in another post, maybe tomorrow. [More]

I almost forgot and needed to approve another comment to be reminded of this. Anyway, I have no earth-shaking expansion, just an observation I was unable to post in a comment yesterday because I was pressed for time on something else.

All I really meant to say is marching through neighborhoods on public access ways, as long as you are lawfully exercising your First Amendment-recognized rights, is something I may be against depending on the group, but I can't think of a law to stop that -- or a power to enforce it -- that wouldn't pose a far greater danger.

Once demonstrators get out of line and escalate things beyond that, then commensurate measures to protect property and lives become appropriate.

I've been consistent on this, from my old GunTruths days, to when I was writing for JPFO to now.

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