Monday, October 19, 2020

The Government They Deserve

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's Labour Party Wins Landslide Election [More]

The canary is firmly entrenched in the coal mine.

And get ready for more.

My only personal experience with New Zealand is learning that, just like our homegrown DSM, theirs is also comprised of ignorant liars.

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

Whitmer might consider emigrating to NZ. She and Ardern would be unstoppable.

Anonymous said...

I have just 2 questions about the results of their elections, with a healthy dose of sarcasm:
1. Did they vote by mail?
2. Did the Hollywood "elites" who have bug-out property in NZ, vote in the NZ elections? (Hey, if illegals and dead people get to vote here in the U.S., why can't our Enlightened Betters cast their valuable votes in NZ, right?..)