Monday, November 16, 2020

Spoiling the Celebration

 Four disabled veterans left a Marine Corps ball in Houston on Saturday to find their truck windows shattered and belongings stolen. A handgun, a purse and a laptop were included among the missing possessions. [More]

Yeah, I know. Low. Only scum would do it. 

That's what thieves are.

So, why leave a gun in a car?

I didn't have time to investigate beyond a quick check and was unable to find if the Houston Marriott South prohibits or allows concealed carry. I did find Texas law does not outright prohibit you from having a drink if carrying, but chances are if you're at a ball you'll consume enough over the course of the evening to register on a breathalyzer, and the low limits make that a risk that would make some think twice. 

[Via Steve T]

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