Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Master Race


Who better to lead the DOJ Civil Rights division than a lunatic black supremacist? [More]

I disagree with Tucker Carlson. I hope she's approved.

We're not getting out of this mess by accepting less overtly objectionable nominees who can mask their radicalism with an air of "moderation."

That and "Squeeze"...

[Via Michael G]


Henry said...

"Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental abilities..."
It sure does, but have you tried the same experiment in the absence of Affirmative Action?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, maybe I can combine @melanin with @cbd, testosterone booster, and ed meds for the real "good for what ails ya'" nostrum. Now to get a reproduction snake oil salesman horse drawn wagon.
Yeah, approve this appointment fast, at least we'll have some laughs as our ship founders.