Friday, September 24, 2021

A Return to Democrat Tradition

Republican Mack Miller, Army Veteran and candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada, was assaulted by security while violently dragged from a public Commissioners Meeting in Clark County. All for having the audacity to support freedom of speech. They threw him through a metal detector over it and the whole disturbing episode was caught on video. [More]

No surprise, just look at who the commissioners are: Democrats all, with the backing of powerful "community hero" and other unions -- so why wouldn't they sick their badged goons on a black man challenging a corrupt and discriminatory power structure, just like Bull Connor?

Clark County, you'll recall, was the densely populated spoiler that outvoted the rest of Nevada by 1% in favor of being Bloomberg's disarmament lackeys. As for what stays in Vegas, it won't be my money.

[Via Jess]

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