Friday, September 24, 2021

There I Was Minding My Own Business...

 ...and I get this email:

When I tried to log in I got a pop-up asking if a log-in attempt from the Philippines had been me. Seeing as how I was nowhere near Santiago at 5:10 a.m., I clicked on "No."

I also got this notice from the Unfriend Finder app:

Since that had access to my account, I perceive it to be the weak link and removed it.

Offhand, I'd say somebody doesn't like me.

I need to rethink the whole FB thing-- I need social media to share my article links and all the complaints aside, it's the best one I'm on for that, and I've tried most.

Maybe someday when I actually have some, you know, free time...


Anonymous said...

I have some good/bad news for you, Dave. ;-)

There probably are people who don't like you. But take heart! You're despised by the despicable!

On the subject of spare time, my father-in-law once told me that married men don't get spare time. Get over it.

Mack said...

What about Gettr?