Monday, October 10, 2005

"Preparedness Now" Newsletter

In my September 13th interview with CNBC, one of the issues the anchor raised was preparedness as a “fear” response. It is unfortunate that many Americans have the same thinking. They believe disaster preparedness is what is done in other far away places in the world, not in the USA. The Gulf Coast disaster wreaked by Hurricane Katrina once again brings home the fact that we are not immune to disaster.

While most cannot prepare to the level I have, each family can take preparedness steps to be ready to save their lives and the lives of loved ones.

Pam Stegner of Preparedness Now has a new and informative newsletter containing vital information and tips about preparing for emergencies and disasters. The first issue has instructions for preparing a 72 Hour Preparedness & Evacuation Kit. as seen on CNBC, September 13, 2005. To subscribe to this newsletter, please send an e-mail with Subscribe in the subject line to

In addition to being a leading authority on preparedness and one of my favorite radio hosts, you'll not find a stronger Second Amendment advocate than Pam--plus, she's a genuinely nice lady.

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