Monday, October 10, 2005

UN to Take Control of Internet?

[F]aced with international consensus, there is little the US government can do but acquiesce.


UPDATE: Captain of a Crew of One has some thoughtful comments.


Anonymous said...

PLEASE come and take it, PLEASE. And be sure to SQUEEZE baby, squeeze a little harder too. Look at him walking.Look what an animal. Look at him stride forward.This one is for me. This one I take with me on the trip. This one coming now makes the same voyage I do. Come on, Comrade Voyager,come striding.Come right along.Come along to meet it.Come on.Keep right on walking.Don't slow up. Close enough.Too close.Yes comrade voyager,take it, comrade voyager.

Anonymous said...

If this u.N. comntrol gets in the U.S., we had all better become hackers, or the 1st and 2nd Amendments will die!

Anonymous said...

Worse is better, Comrade, worse is better...